Gnats are prevalent throughout most of the world and in general, considered to be a pest. Gnats are in fact really flies but because of their small size and other behaviors, people don’t generally think of them as such.
Gnats thrive outside when conditions are both moist and warm. However, due to their small size and ability to both reproduce quickly and in many situations, gnats can easily be found thriving inside most any structure. This article will explain some basic biology about gnats, detail why they are a problem in and around the home and then offer ways to treat local infestations.
As stated above, gnats are actually flies. They go by many names including punkies, punkys, buffalo gnats, buffalo flies, eye gnats, black gnats, black flies, hippelates flies, no-seeums or just plain old “nats”. Most gnats can bite bit unlike mosquitoes or noseeums, the bite can be undetectable.
For gnats that bite, females will need a blood meal in order to become fertile. Once she feeds and mates, egg laying will begin with hundreds deposited before she dies. Though she will look for moist damp areas on which to lay her brood, each species will take advantage of prime locations which can vary from region to region. One region may find eggs common throughout salt marshes and streams; another area may find the eggs on animal droppings or rain ditches. Flower pots which accumulate standing water, along with gutters, rain barrels, old tires and buckets all can hold more then enough water to provide the needed moisture for gnats to successfully grow and thrive. Once eggs hatch, larva will feed for 2-3 weeks and then undergo metamorphosis in a cocoon like stage called pupa. Once they fully mature, they will hatch out as adults with males immediately taking to wing to find a female.
The adult stage is the one which people find to be so annoying and persistent. Eye gnats will regularly land on or around ones eye and nose; black flies or buffalo gnats will land anywhere they can find skin on which to suck blood. Fungus gnats are always looking for decaying matter and for that reason, tend to swarm around a persons exhales which means in their nose.
Regardless of which gnats you have, they can mount attacks in swarms. And though not particularly a fast flyer, gnats are hard to kill. They are elusive and yet persistent.
If you are going afield where gnats are active, consider some type of preventive application for either your skin or your clothes. A combination of several products will prove to be most effective but results will vary from region to region. For the skin, use some MAXI DEET or DEET LOTION. Both of these materials will repel gnats and other flying insects and keep them off your skin.
The first formulation is a 100% and just a few squirts will provide all day protection. Lightly mist any exposed skin and allow to dry naturally.
This formulation uses just 20% Deet but because its in lotion form, treatments will be “rubbed” into your skin and overall, last just as long as the more concentrated spray on form.
Treat clothing with PERMETHRIN AEROSOL for added protection. This product is repellent to most insects and is a great help at keeping ticks, chiggers, mosquitoes, gnats and most any biting insect away. Its odorless and designed for use on hats, shirts, shorts, pants and shoes. Spray garments once a day to insure long lasting protection.
If you plan on being at one location most of the time like a deck or patio, then Linalool Candles can really help. Made with essential plant oils, these candles will effectively “block” you from biting pests like gnats. The burning process will release a nice odor to people which is citrus smelling. In the process the Linalool will permeate the area making biting pests like mosquitoes and gnats not able to locate targets. The 6″ CANDLE will last over 40 hours; the 8″ CANDLE over 50 hours.Excellent for decks and patios, these candles can be brought on camping trips and picnics.
Open areas for the yard can be kept gnat free using our MOSQUITO BLOCKER. This device is simply set out around the area you want to protect and will slowly release a natural material which essentially “blocks” gnats, mosquitoes and other pests from scenting you as a target. By preventing their natural ability to scent targets, Mosquito Blockers will prevent the gnats from knowing you are present and will go elsewhere looking for food. Keep them filled with fresh BLOCKER REFILLS so they work at optimal level.
When used around a deck or patio, you’ll need at least two units. When used to protect people out in an open yard, use 3 units set up in a triangular pattern. Each unit comes with one refill as well as the 2 “AA” batteries needed to power them on. Refills will last as long as they’re moist; typically 30-45 days.
Renew cartridges as needed; sold in 2 packs they’ll typically last 30-45 days.
If you’ve acquired gnat bites or expect to be getting bit during a field trip or other outdoor activity, bring some BITE RELIEF SWABS. This material will take away the itch and provide instant relief. They’re packed in handy “1 dose” vials and are easy to carry afield.
Each 10 pack has enough to treat 25-50 bites and works instantly to take away the discomfort of most any insect bite.
For lingering damage to the skin, GENES SOOTHING CREAM is an all natural ointment that works wonders. It will help your skin heal and during the process take away any unpleasant discomfort. Packed in 8 oz jars, apply some in the evening before retiring to help enable your skin to both heal and feel relief.
Though repellents can provide gnat relief when local populations are not extreme or excessive, there are times when chemical applications will be needed. This will usually be the case when there are just too many areas around in which the gnats can breed and multiply. The constant renewal of adults means there will be aggressive competition for food which means repellents won’t work well.
When such conditions exist around your home, its strongly suggested you treat the outside to reduce these numbers. This can be done using a liquid for small yards but in general, fogging will be the most cost effective and efficient way to treat. And for inside the home, space spraying with aerosols will be required.
For inside a structure, there are three ways to control them. First, you can take away their “air space”. This involves “space sprays” which are safe enough to use where people and pets are active yet strong enough to control anything flying around. The second option is to control them where they’re breeding which is typcially down a sink, tub, shower or some other water supply. Lastly, using a lighted glue trap will help “collect” them and in turn, cut down on how much “treating” you’ll need to do.
Ultimately, treating around the outside of your home will of course reduce and usually eliminate any getting inside so don’t ignore the outside. But once inside, you’ll need to treat if they find a good reproducing area which usually includes water.
Space Sprays are very low doses of pyrethrin or permethrin based active ingredients which work well on flying pests. The advantage of these actives is they’re very safe for use around mammals like people and pets. Space sprays won’t last long; 10-15 minutes is about it. But they’ll kill flying pests quickly AND can be used throughout the day even as people are active in the area.
So the first option is the “manually controlled” MULTIPURPOSE INSECT KILLER This is a fast working permethrin based aerosol well suited for space spraying any room. It only takes a few seconds to get it treated and results should last most of the day.
The following “short video” (less than 60 seconds) shows how to use this product as well as our aerosol machines below.
To treat the average 15 foot by 15 foot room, spray for 5-8 seconds. People can come into treated rooms within 5 minutes with no hazard present after the application. Pyrethrin is extracted from the chrysanthemum plant and there will be slight odor detectable following the application.
For light infestations, this is OK but if you have small areas that will need treatments through the entire season, consider getting an AEROSOL MACHINE and CLEAR ZONE AEROSOL. The machine can be configured to release a blast of the Aerosol on a timed basis so you don’t have to worry about doing the treatment yourself over and over which is required when using Multipurpose.
Use 1 machine per 600 sq/ft of space. Machines are powered by 2 “D” cell batteries and will release a small amount of product every 15 minutes which will constantly be working to keep the area gnat free. Refills need to be renewed every 30 days.
Refills will last 30 days; Clear Zone is odorless and will not be noticeable when in use.
Ultimately, taking away the reproduction site of the gnats is the best solution. If you even “suspect” they may be breeding down a kitchen or bathroom sink, they probably are. Showers, tubs, French Drains, Sump Pumps and Pump Out Systems are all prime nest sites and should be inspected throughout the home. If they’re showing any sign of gnats, treat them by taking away their food.
This can be done with the NO SURVIVOR ENZ A BAC.
To treat, mix up the solution as our video details and then pour it down the drain. USE THIS ONE A WEEK!
Apply about 2-3 oz per drain per once a week. Do the application late at night, before you retire, when you know the drain will sit for several hours with no one running water. This way the active in the Enz-A-Bac can have it’s best impact by cutting through the slime and organic matter which naturally builds up.
This product smells like lemons but is strong enough to control a range of drain living insects like fungus flies, drain flies, crickets, roaches, mites, springtails and more.
Add 2 oz per gallon of water and pour 1/2 gallon down any sink drain in the home you want to keep pest free. The lemon scent will also purge all malodor while controlling the nasty pests invading.
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Expect to treat twice a week for 2 weeks during the initial clean out. Once the flies are gone, use Lemon Fresh once a month to keep them away for good.
To help reduce the gnat activity, our SPARROW HAWK FLY TRAP саn bе dерlоуеd іn аnу rооm whеrе gnats аrе ѕееn. It’ѕ amazingly well adapted for catching flying insects like mosquites, noseeums, gnats, drain flies and more. It has a large glue board that catches them once they enter the holes on the outside band. Keep one installed in kitchens bathrooms or bedrooms where pests have been seen.
For a limited time, you can get the Sparrow Hawk in a kit with either the Multi Purpose Insect Spray or our Aerosol Dispenser and a can of Clear Zone.
Here is the kit that features the Sparrow Hawk with our Aerosol Dispenser and a can of Clear Zone.
In general, its best to fog for gnats out in the yard. This allows you to get the best coverage using the least amount of product. That being said, we have a liquid spray that works amazingly well when applied using a good HOSE END SPRAYER.
So for spraying mulch, grass, ground cover, shrubs, trees and the side of your home, go with MAXXTHOR EC.
Maxxthor is oil based and is very effective on gnats. You only need .25 oz per gallon of water and it will effectively kill all stages. Maxxthor is super invasive and if enough is applied, you can kill all developing stages nestled down in the soil.
The following “short” video (less than 60 seconds long) shows how to use Maxxthor at a rate of .5 oz per gallon. USE JUST HALF OF WHAT’S USED IN THE VIDEO FOR GNATS! That’s right, you only need 1.5 oz of Maxxthor to treat up to 5,000 sq/ft.
Since gnats can rebound quickly following a treatment, be prepared to treat every day or two to get “ahead” of the cycle. This might seem like you’ll be over doing it but in fact its what you need to do with pests which have fast developing life cycles.
So what happens with pests like gnats is that their live cycle will be heightened during the warm summer months. This means they’ll be developing so rapidly, you’ll have surges every few days. And if you’re not able to treat adjoining property, you’ll be subject to gnats foraging from neighboring lots. If left untreated, these new gnats can easily get established on vegetation where your last treatment has broken down.
What can also happen is when using a liquid spray instead of a fog its easy to miss a good part of the landscape. This means there will be “gaps” or spots in the yard and mulch where you didn’t treat and gnats will easily locate these vulnerable locations.
In general, all shady areas out of the sun will be the main places to focus on your land but remember they can thrive in standing water up in gutters and even on tree leaves. For this reason you need to be through when treating and try to figure out what areas you’re missing if you find them coming back every 2-3 days.
All that being said, Maxxthor is still your best option for a quick kill and effective repellent action when applied around the home.
And the best way to apply it is with the GREEN TOPPED HOSE END SPRAYER.
Now if you want to treat 5,000 sq/ft or more of yard, fogging will be the way to go. Anyone that fogs will find this method to be much faster compared to spraying liquids. Additionally, you’ll be using a lot less material to get the same area treated compared to liquid sprays. This is true because you’ll be able to “stretch” your liquid mixtures to cover a lot more area. Basically you’ll use about 1/10 as much chemical which means you’ll save on chemical costs and on time.
You’ll also get way better coverage because mist applications get most every side of any plants being treated so gnats and their eggs won’t be able to hide or be “missed” in the landscape.
For those of you who don’t know, Foggers or Mist Blowers are small devices that pump out a “mist” (looks like fog) which is a great form of treating any landscape. It’s highly effective because the mist these machines create will cover plants, turf and hard to reach areas way better compared to liquid applications.
There are many foggers and mist blowers to choose from and we have a large range that can be used effectively for small lots of 5,000 sq/ft or less right up to big lots that can total several acres. Just be sure to get a machine that will handle your property efficiently so it won’t be “stressed” or cause you to work too hard. These two conditions will in turn lead to poor product performance and/or a tendency to not treat enough because the work is too “hard”. A properly fitted fogger for your property will enable you to treat the area in very little time and save on the cost of chemical so it’s always better to oversize the machine compared to the work load it will have to handle.
For example, the author has about a 1 acre lot which he regularly treats for mosquitoes, gnats and other flying pests. Using his machine of choice (the Back Pack Mist Blower listed below), he’s able to treat the entire area using 2-3 gallons of mixed material in just 8-10 minutes. About half of this area includes his house and well manicured lawn; the other half is mostly a wild area full of overgrown weeds and other plants. He originally treated his yard with liquids and had to pump 20-30 gallons out over this same area to get adequate coverage. That process used so much more chemical and took upwards of an hour to accomplish. Now he gets better results at a fraction of the cost.
For yards 20,000 sq/ft or less, go with our BUGSPRAY FOGGER. This machine can pump a lot of chemical over a large area in a short amount of time. Fogging is by far the “best” way to treat for most any pest and for gnats, most effective.
Our Bugspray Fogger is the best “deal” of the lot. Its super powerful, able to pump material at a rate of 2-25 oz per gallon and its fully adjustable so you can control it as needed. This unit makes a great mist for yard pests including both flying and crawling insects.
The following “short” video (less than 60 seconds long) gives a good “overview” of how to set up the fogger for use outside in the yard.
When pumping BITHOR, you can use it for any pest control need – even inside the home – and it will do the best job ever since all surfaces will be uniformly treated. Just fill the tank with water, add the Bithor, plug it in and fog away.
For some users, being able to “cut the cord” is important. So if you’d like a completely portable unit, get the BACKPACK MIST BLOWER. This device has a 3.5 gallon tank and is powered be gas. Perfect for 1 acre or more, this unit can blow a mist 50+ feet and plenty powerful to handle most any job. Simply fill up the tank, make sure you have enough gas and you can go wherever the gnats may be hiding! Great for property where being free from electric cords is necessary or if you have a lot of areas to treat on a regular basis but need to move from one point to another as you treat.
For even less chemical consumption and more efficient treatments, consider one of the following thermal foggers. These devices use DEODORIZED OIL instead of water in their tank mix but the ultra small particle sizes they project will stay suspended longer than water based sprays and work best when you need to cover several acres.
For 3-5 acre lots, the SUPER HAWK will do the job. It features electric start, a 1.2 gallon tank and weighs just 16.5 lbs.
For 10 acres or more, the BLACKHAWK TRUCK MOUNTED thermal fogger is well suited. It can be powered on by batteries or even wired into the truck’s battery for convenient remote on/off control. It can hold 3 gallons of mixed chemical and weighs in at 73 lbs.
Once you decide on which fogger will fits your need, you’ll need chemical. We two concentrates that work well on gnats and can be used together, at the same time, for convenience and long term control.
These chemicals can be used in either water or oil so they can be used in our cold mist blowers or hot thermal foggers.
The first product needed is BITHOR SC. Properly labeled for use in misting machines or ULV foggers, Bithor will both kill quickly and provide 2-4 weeks of residual action. Its odorless too making it a great choice for use around the home.
Add 1 oz per gallon of water or oil.
Bithor can be mixed with water when using any of the cold mist blowers. But for thermal foggers, you’ll need DEODORIZED OIL as a carrier for the treatment, not water. We sell it both single gallons and 5 gallon pails.
For sensitive areas around water ways, XEMPT C is a federally exempt concentrate made from essential plant oils that’s both safe and effective for a range of pests including gnats. This mixture will work just like Bithor SC. Use it where you have sensitive situations like water or grazing animals as it won’t pose a hazard to people, animals or aquatic life.
Mix 2-4 oz per gallon of water or gallon of oil for use in both cold and thermal foggers.
Gnats are a major problem for many areas of the world. Though prevalent during the warm season, if left untreated in the home they can prosper year round. Be sure to identify local breeding grounds if you want to treat effectively. Once such areas are located, spray or fog with Bithor. For maximum control, spray or fog on a regular basis and you will be able to get outside more often and enjoy the experience a lot more as well.
Give us a call if you need further help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM and on Saturday, 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time).
Email questions here:
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Learn more about BUGSPRAY.COM and why it’s never been easier or safer to do your own pest control.
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jessica baxter says
Where are the best areas to spray outside? I have them really bad.
Tech Support says
If you review our article above, you’ll learn there isn’t any one spot to treat. And since the products are so effective and inexpensive to use, the general way to spray is do what we call the “shotgun” approach. This is when you direct the mist over a large open area with no specific target in mind. Basically you’re lightly misting all the vegetation where they might be nesting and reproducing.
When using this method with our Back Pack Mist Blower and Bifen, you can treat an acre with as little as 1-2 gallons of mixed material. That’s very reasonable and it’s quick too.
Bifen IT:
Back Pack Mister:
Scott Augustine says
I am interested in the SpringStar gnat traps. Do you sell them? How much? Thanks.
Tech Support says
We carry two kinds from them:
Gnat Traps:
Bug Sticks:
But my favorite trap is the electric one that’s small and plugs into the wall. I catch so many pests with it we keep it running all year long.
Fly Light Trap:
Shunn says
What product do I use for gnats inside my home? They are such a pest!
Tech Support says
If you prefer to treat manually everyday or two, get one of the aerosol’s mentioned in our article above for inside the home. We also have the automatic aerosol machines which are very effective and easy to use.
Inside Home Gnat Products:
Geoff Beales says
Hi, we have a problem on our allotments of getting plot holders to seal water butts. Unfortunately, due to the numerous open water storage vessels, gnats appear in large numbers in late afternoon or when the sun goes in. Is there a chemical that can be safely added to the water butts?
Tech Support says
Gnats won’t use standing water to breed though they will use the shoreline and moist areas directly alongside water. I state this because it’s unclear if you’re asking to treat the water butts when full of water or when empty. So if they’re empty but moist (which sounds like the problem you describe), gnats would most likely be attracted to the area and I suspect would lay eggs on any surface around this moisture. In this scenario, fogging with Xempt C would be the way to go. It’s derived from food grade actives and safe enough to use around such vessels.
Xempt C:
Bugspray Fogger:
mac mcguire says
I have so many gnats. Big, medium and babies. They’re all over my house but especially in the kitchen around my sink. I don’t leave dishes in the sink or standing water. They’re in my bathroom too, more so than anywhere else. I’ve tried apple cider vinegar and dish soap in a dish but they didn’t go near it.. It’s very annoying..
Tech Support says
No doubt you need to step up your treatments to one of the options we have listed above. The Multipurpose is an easy option to use and can be applied as often as you want. Just a few second blast in any room will take care of them for hours and should be used every evening and morning for regular control.
Multipurpose Insect Killer:
Another option is to set up an aerosol machine with some Purge III refills. This way the treatment will be done automatically.
Aerosol 2000:
Anonymous says
What would you suggest for a warehouse with a high density of electronic equipment? 18K sq ft.
Tech Support says
Either the Multipurpose or the Aerosol Machines with Purge or Clear Zone. These aerosols work with very little amounts of active being released so you won’t have any risk of damaging the equipment if you set them up right.
The Multipurpose will require more effort since you’ll have to manually control the application and they’ll be needed daily. But the machines installed throughout the area would be much easier to maintain for sure.
Here are links to these items in our cart. Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep this valuable web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Multipurpose Insect Killer:
Aerosol 2000:
Laura Lewis says
We have horses and a chicken house is nearby. The buffalo gnats are driving them nuts. I am putting a wipe on them but I would like to kill the ones around the barn and not hurt the horses. Any suggestions?
Tech Support says
No doubt fogging would be the way to go. And since there are live animals in the area you want to treat, I’d use the Xempt C listed above. It’s ideal for areas where livestock are kept (it’s even labeled for use on horses) and won’t pose a hazard to them or the landscape since it uses nothing but food grade additives for it’s active.
Xempt C:
Anonymous says
Fridge is overrun with some kind of bug. I can’t give much description because when I even crack the door, they start to fly out.
Light brown and since there is food in there (long since abandoned), they have food. Fruit flies are also crazy. I can’t call in pest control as this would alert the management that I let things get so bad. I’d be evicted. The fantasy is some sort of auto fogger I could turn on and chuck into the fridge, shut the door and check back in a few days hoping to see lots of dead bugs. Fairly sure there’s nothing safe like that, but I truly can’t even reach in to put something there. I could crack it, spray and close it quickly multiple times a day to try and lower the population to the point I could leave the door open to fog. If I were to try now, my entire apt would be overrun in hrs. Please give me some hope that I can do something myself. I’m desperate.
Tech Support says
I’m definitely sure we can help. There are two options that can be used safely in this environment and both will work as you want.
The first is the “manually controlled” option. This would involve the use of a pyrethrin based aerosol known as Multipurpose. Basically used to space spray rooms like kitchens, it would only take a few seconds of spray to treat the inside compartment which in turn would kill most anything that’s hatched and active.
However, it won’t kill eggs. For this reason you’ll have to treat 3-4 times a day for many days. I can’t say how many days this will go on but I would guess 3-6. Eventually you’ll have the numbers of insects decreased enough to where you can open the door and deal with the problem from there.
The second option would be an “automated” aerosol machine that uses the same active. This device is powered by batteries and if you place a pyrethrin based refill can inside it and set it to release a blast of pyrethrin every 15 minutes, you’ll get control of the problem within a few days with no need to have to open the door over and over.
Now once the inside population has dropped enough, you should be able to open the door and deal with them one on one with little risk of them spreading all over the apartment.
Now in my mind, getting both the Multipurpose and one of the aerosol machines would be your best course of action and definitely worth the cost. This way you’ll be prepared for whatever might happen.
Here are direct links to the products listed above:
Multipurpose Insect Killer:
Aerosol 1000:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Gerald says
My father has been absolutely going crazy with these tiny flying white bugs – from reading your website they are tiny white flies because I have had to buy him hats off of Amazon so he can sleep and when they attack they go straight up his nose, in his eyes and sometimes in his ear. We have spent hundreds of dollars trying to get rid of these things or whatever they are. He must have CO2 and Octenol come out of his breath because he can be around all of my sisters and his grandchildren and his eyes will be bloodshot from them just biting him and they will not even come near us. He has had pest control come out and he was not impressed, charged alot of money and no luck. They will attack his ankles, legs and neck area. He was going to buy a fogger and try that and I started researching the internet because this is going on 2 years and he is going crazy. I was going to start with the PT Microcare, Champion Sprayon Flying Insect Killer, Multipurpose, Organic Flying Insect Killer, and a fogging machine for his house and outside. These things are relentless I don’t care if it is 105 outside or 30 below they are everywhere. He has steamed his clothes, vacuums all the time and then ties the bag up and throws it away outside immediately. I need your help to tell me if I am on the right track or what you would start with. I also thought that machine called the Blocker with the cartridges and the candles looked like they would be very helpful. I would like to know what you think would be the best fogging machine, best products he can spray in the house, best product for himself to keep away the bugs from his face and if at all possible to permanently get rid of these. I would apppreciate any help or information that we could receive. Thank you for your time.
Tech Support says
Sounds like some kind of fungus or biting gnat. There are many species out there and typically they’re attracted to CO2. Basically it is the gaseous air we exhale that attracts them. And in fact, exhales are unique from person to person so its quite common for one person in the home to be the target and for others to be ignored. Unfortunately for your father, it appears he has an exhale mix they seem to like.
The good news is you should be able to get control the problem with the right material. Now obviously it would be a big help if you were able to locate their source (where they’re nesting and most likely laying eggs). Common areas include potted plants, recycling bins, insinkerators, cat litter and compost piles. If any of these areas exist in the home, be sure to thoroughly inspect and treat thoroughly if you find any nests.
Now if you believe potted plants might be the problem, treat them with a concentrate like Bifen. It can be mixed with water and applied using a watering can. Basically you’ll water the plant like normal and once the soil has the Bifen in it, you’ll get 2-3 months of protection which will stop anything from nesting in the dirt. Bifen is odorless and ideal for indoor use since it won’t hurt any plant and lasts a long time.
Bifen IT:
For insinkerators, you’ll need to treat down the drain. And you’ll need two products. First, get Survivors and pour this down the line weekly (at night, just before you retire) as explained on its product page here:
Also apply PT-221 down the drain the following evening. This aerosol is a residual that will provide immediate control if you think they’re living down the drain; the Survivors is designed to work on any food buildup that might be present. By taking away their food you’ll be able to stop the reproduction cycle.
As for the general air spaces in the home; the Multipurpose should do the job fine.
You might also consider getting 2-3 Aerosol Machines and load them up with Purge III Pyrethrin. This would be like using the Multipurpose but with the machines, you know the treatments are being done on a regular schedule.
Multipurpose Insect Killer:
Aerosol 2000:
You can also use Aerosol Machines outside on decks and patios which might be needed during the spring, summer and fall.
As for the Blocker and Candles; I don’t think these will be much help for your problem. I say this because they’re designed for use outside when you think there are pests coming from the yard or other close by location. But in this case, its clear the problem is inside the home so repellents won’t help much and should not be employed. You need to deal with the nest sites using the products listed above if you want to take care of the issue so stick with the aerosols and you’ll get better results.
Hope this helps! But if not, give us a call anytime we’re open. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Gerald says
@Tech Support: Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. My Dad has no potted plants, recycling bins, insinkerators, or any animals so he has no cat litter except the winter has been so snowy and icy here he has put it all over his driveway and deck and on the outside of the house. That probably made it worse, huh? I will talk to him and read him what you wrote back to me and then we will call and order products. Do you think he should do the backpack fogger and the fogger spray through his whole house and outside? He was going to go get a fogger because a friend had told him that it would probably work the best.
Tech Support says
No doubt the Back Pack Mist Blower is a powerful tool. But it should not be used inside. Its designed for outside applications only since it’s gas powered and needs proper ventilation which can’t be achieved inside. I use one for my 1 acre yard and it’s definitely the way to go outside.
Now come the spring, using the Mist Blower and some Bithor SC outside this will no doubt help. And in the end, keeping the gnats down outside will definitely help prevent issues inside.
Back Pack Mister:
But for inside fogging, the Mini Fogger with Bithor will be plenty strong and powerful enough to do the job in place of the Multipurpose. You can see these two products here:
Mini Fogger:
So if you want to get a fogger for inside, get the mini fogger. It will definitely do the job.
Rye says
Hello. We recently purchased a 14 acre lot. There is no house on it yet but we’re living in a camper until something is built. The lot is thick with prickly pear cactus and rock. There is also weeds and wild flowers of sorts growing everywhere. We’ve had very little rain in this area of Texas so I don’t think moisture is what the gnats are attracted to. To me it seems like they’re hanging out in the weeds and when you walk through them or just stand outside they come out and try to go in your nose, eyes, and ears. We have 3 dogs with us and they get them on them too. Currently using fly repellant as a temporary solution to help prevent some miserableness. Are these things on our property because of the type of vegetation (weeds?) that are on the lot? 14 acres is too much to treat but it would be nice to get rid of them at least in an area where we’re trying to live. What suggestions do you have for me? I’m trying to cut down the grass where I can without hitting rocks. Everyone is shooing away gnats constantly outside.
Tech Support says
This is an easy one.
First, there are hundreds of gnat species throughout the United States. And many of them can easily thrive in plants. They’ll extract the moisture they need to live and reproduce from the host plant they find so even without a lake, river or pond, gnats can be active and prolific on most any property.
Second, they’re easy to control. And if you read the article above, you’ll learn about all the available options. But based on the size of the property involved, you really have no choice but to fog.
Personally I treat my 3/4 of an acre using our Back Pack Mist Blower and it only needs 1-2 gallons of mixed product to do the job. And I can do it less than 5 minutes. I live on a big river and have all kinds of issues with ants, roaches and crickets but also mosquitoes and gnats. But by treating every 10-14 days I can keep all these pests in check no problem.
So for you, the first thing to do would be to choose a machine. Either the FM6208 or FM6309 will do the job if you only want to target 1-2 acres. But if you want to get 2-4 acres treated, I’d say get the Back Pack Mist Blower. It’s a great tool and will easily control all pests on your property no problem so its well worth the investment.
Bugspray Fogger:
Mist Blower:
As for what to fog? Go with either Bithor SC or Xempt C.
Xempt C:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
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Mark says
We just moved into a new built home and we have gnats coming out of the bathroom and kitchen drains. Mostly in the bathroom drains. What can I pour in the drains?
Tech Support says
If you review our drain fly article, you’ll see all the info we have posted for this pest. In the article you’ll learn the two products needed to handle this problem are Survivors and PT-221.
The Survivors will take away any food they’re eating and the PT-221 will kill off all stages but the eggs.
Drain Flies:
Use the PT-221 daily; at least once in the evening before you retire but twice a day if the problem is bad enough. As for the Survivors; once a week before you retire is all you’ll need. You should see immediate results.
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!