My crawl space gets wet during the rainy season so maybe 4-6 months every year. Sometimes it starts to get a mildew smell and we saw crickets in there and big roaches last year. I sprayed your bithor and that seemed to get rid of them for awhile but they keep coming back. I’m thinking about sealing up the space to reduce moisture but I’m close to the ocean and we think it could be high water tables. What would be best? I don’t want any mold rotting my beams and I know the bugs love this space so what should I spray?
So first, if you reside close to any large body of water, its likely the ground could be releasing humidity into the crawl space. This would not be good (especially in the long run) leading to problems like the two mentioned above. So first, try to reduce the moisture by properly ventilating the space. If you don’t yet have any, consider TEMP VENTS. These are automated meaning their louvers will open and close on their own as local air temps go up and down.
Now if you already have some installed, consider getting a POWER VENT. This model you would control meaning you can run when you desire on a timer, a humidistat or when you turn it on. Power vents can help remove humid air drawing in fresh air during the recycle.
This short video gives you a good summary of how they work and the difference between the two models.
Now once you have a good ventilating system in place, treat. We’re hoping you can see the floor joists above, correct? If yes, get them treated with BORATHOR. Its prohibits the growth of mold and algae along with protecting it from wood destroying pests like POWDER POST BEETLES.
Lastly, once the Borathor is in place, dust with XEMPT D. Be sure to apply enough to cover the ceiling (floor joists above), the foundation walls and floor of the space. And don’t worry about using the dust over the Borathor. Remember, Borathor will be penetrating deep into the wood and after just a few days, there will be every little left on the surface of the treated timber. This is why using another product will be needed for pests like CAVE CRICKETS. And though BITHOR isn’t a bad choice, it won’t last but a few months compared to Xempt D that will last 1-2 years.
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