PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Exempt from EPA registration, this concentrate uses nothing but food grade actives to control a range of crawling and flying pests.
RATE OF APPLICATION: For use on structures to repel crawling pests, add 1-2 oz per gallon of water per 500 sq/ft. For crawling pests, add 4 oz per gallon of water per 500 sq/ft.
OUTDOOR FOGGING: Using a cold mist back pack or electric fogging machine, add 2-4 oz per gallon of water per 5,000 sq/ft of grass, flowerbeds and mulch around structures.
BOAT DOCKS: Use 2-4 oz per gallon of water; 1 gallon of mixed solution per 500 sq/ft.
INSIDE STRUCTURES: Pest include but not limited to crickets, drain flies, fruit flies, gnats, phorid flies and springtails. Use 2-4 oz per gallon to spray baseboards, cracks, crevices and cracks around windows and doors,dark corners and other nest sites.
DRAIN TREATMENTS: Dilute 2 to 4 fluid ounces per 1 gallon of water. Pour 0.25 to 0.5 gal of mixed solution per drain. For best results, treat drains in the evening before retiring and allow treatment to sit overnight.
TARGETS: ants, aphids, beetles, blue/green bottle flies, carpenter bees, carpet beetles, cigarette beetles, clothes moths, clover mites, cluster flies, crickets, drain flies, earwigs, fruit flies, grasshoppers, gnats, house flies, kudzu bugs, lace bugs, mealybugs, midges, millipedes, mites, mosquitoes, moths, multi-color Asian lady beetles, no-seeums, phorid flies, psocids, scale insects, sod webworms, sowbugs spiders (including brown recluse (on non-porous surfaces and cellar spiders), spider mites, springtails, stable flies, stink bugs, tent caterpillars, thrips, wasps, white flies, other true bugs (including brown marmorate stink bugs).
Drew Stackhouse says
Is this product recommended for boat dock use over Essentria IC? I’m having a hard time telling which is preferred for on-water or shoreline use.
Tech Support says
Yes. It’s labeled for use over water, along shorelines as well as docks for both flying and crawling pests.
Tech Support