PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Residual aerosol using a low odor active that’s highly effective on a wide range of pests. PT-221L will provide a quick knockdown of any pest and can be safely applied down the sink as needed.
TARGET PESTS INCLUDE BUT NOT LIMITED TO: Ants, Bed Bugs, Booklice, Boxelder Bugs, Carpenter Ants, Carpenter Bees, Centipedes, Chocolate Moths, Clover Mites, Cluster Flies, Cockroaches, Crickets, Dermestids, Drugstore Beetles, Earwigs, Elm Leaf Beetles, Fire Ants, Flour Beetles, Grain Weevils, Millipedes, Scorpions, Silverfish, Sowbugs, Spiders, Springtails, Above-Ground Termites, Ticks, Trogoderma (Cabinet, Khapra and Warehouse Beetles), Wood-Infesting Borers and Beetles and Wood Wasps.
WHERE TO USE: Apply as a spot and/or crack and crevice and/or void treatment where pests harbor, nest, trail, run, and/or breed or hide. Treat into voids or to surfaces beneath cabinets, furniture, spaces between equipment, expansion joints, surfaces behind sinks, sink drains (to sewers), lockers, and water pipes. Exterior treatments around the listed areas are limited to spot and/or crack and crevice treatments where pests enter around doors, windows, eaves, attic vents and holes in exterior walls where utilities enter. Commonly used with SURVIVORS to control drain pipe pests like noseeums, gnats, fruit flies, drain flies, springtails, ants, roaches and more.
$25.00 (17.5 oz can) (451267) (3+ $22.00 ea.)
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Supporting Video
SC says
When spraying this down drain pipes, how long do you have to wait before running water in that drain? Does it need to sit for a while undisturbed?
Tech Support says
In general, this product should be used side by side with Survivors. So if you’re using both, the recommended treatment routine is to first, apply 3-4 oz of Survivors down all affected drains late in the evening, just before you retire, so the treatment can sit at least 6 hours undisturbed. During this time the Survivors will be removing all food, organic matter, slime and sludge on which insects can feed. Do this once a week; 3-4 treatments will be needed to get complete results.
On any other night during the week when Survivors is NOT applied, spraying PT-221 down affected drains should be done just before you retire so the treatment can sit for at least 6 hours undisturbed. Using the included straw that comes with each can, one should spray for at least 5 seconds if not 7-8 seconds per drain treated. But unlike the Survivors which only needs to be used once a week, PT-221 can be used as needed. This means if insects come back in 3-4 days, you should treat again so that making 1-2 applications per week would be common when dealing with an active problem.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
John Flood says
good spray. got rid of the darn bugs. worth the cost of the product.
Paul Edward Mikulencak says
Is PT221 and Survivors safe to use for septic systems?
Tech Support says
The Survivors would be fine but go with the Lemon Air for quick killing of any insects active.
Lemon Air Down the Drain Insecticide:
Rene M. says
I purchased this spray because of the reviews it had and I’m going through my second bottle and it’s working great! Haven’t had any drain bugs or springtails about 3 to 5 days after starting the applications.