I had a terrible problem with springtails last summer and found your site. They were all over the front siding and inside the kitchen and bathroom which coincidentally are on the front of the house too. I started using the maxthor granules and spray and quickly got good results on the outside but the bathroom and kitchen sinks were challenging. Your article talked about the sink and the lemon treatment got rid of them there but the tub tiles were always active. I went through almost a whole case of the fs spray which seemed to hold them off for awhile but every week or 10 days they’d be back. Now I’m thinking I might want to treat under the slab, especially under the tub and maybe do some wall injecting? Suggestions?
So first, it sounds like you made some progress. The Maxxthor G and EC outside should keep them from getting onto the home. But if you have vinyl or some other layered siding, you should get the POWER INJECTOR and use it treat with Maxxthor. This will take more time BUT it will get the deep nesting populations before they grow and start migrating this spring. Here is GA, they’re already on the move. And based on your comments about them coming back last year, it’s pretty clear they’re living hidden somewhere you need to reach.
Secondly, tiled floors on cement can be an issue but its usually the ones on the wall with the nests. Springtails will take advantage of any seam/gap/space they can find out of the light and though FS MP can get quick results, it won’t penetrate deep enough to end the issue. For that you’ll need the Power Injector. So use it to inject any cracks and if you feel there is some “separation” of the tiles from the wall, try injecting up at the top row of tiles. Often times there will be access where the caulk comes undone.
Third, you should be able to get to the bath tub “trap”. This is the side where the drain is and if you can spray BITHOR under it? That will really help. The “trap” often times has a wood frame left in place which springtails love but even if it’s removed, they’ll be drawn to this area because of the water pipes. That whole area needs to be soaked with Bithor or better yet, Maxxthor. Maxxthor is actually the stronger option and with its high repellency feature, the better option. In fact treating this space when doing a termite job is essential because its often the route of entry into a slab home.
As for the rest of the cement slab you’re concerned about; yes, you could drill some holes and treat under it as if you were doing a termite job. But if you’re able to get the trap treated along with the siding on the outside AND inside the exterior wall of the bathroom focusing on the tiles? There is a good chance that’s all you’ll need to not see more this year.
I would still keep treating down the drains with ENZ A BAC and LEMON AIR but its pretty apparent you have nests you haven’t reached with the surface spraying and limited FS MP applications. That means those areas will just get repopulated and then they’ll come marching out on a regular basis like you’re reporting.
Remember, insects like CLOVER MITES, SILVERFISH, SPRINGTAILS, BOOKLICE, TERMITES, CARPET BEETLES and many others can all live perfectly fine in these hidden spaces. And though everyone “thinks” that spraying heavy with liquids on the surface should kill them all, it won’t. WATER BASED TREATMENTS DON’T PENETRATE WHERE THEY’RE LIVING so you need to go after them wit the Power Injector to end the issue for good.
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