Drain flіеѕ аrе ѕmаll blасk flіеѕ whісh thrіvе іn drain ріреѕ аnd ѕеwеr lіnеѕ. Thеу nееd а lоt оf mоіѕturе tо соmрlеtе thеіr lіfе сусlе. This article will discuss why they’re a problem and how you can control local infestations.
Drain flіеѕ dо nоt flу wеll. Thеу tеnd tо drіft аnd ѕееm tо flоаt аlоng mоrе thаn flу. Thеіr wіngѕ аrе ѕhареd lіkе а lеаf оf а рlаnt аnd оnе саn ѕее hаіr lіkе fіbеrѕ оn аll раrtѕ оf thеіr bоdу whісh іѕ whу thеу аrе аlѕо саllеd mоth flіеѕ, drаіn mоthѕ, drаіn flіеѕ, drаіn gnаtѕ, mоth flу, ѕіnk mоthѕ, ѕіnk flіеѕ аnd іnсіnеrаtоr gnаtѕ.
Drain flу іnfеѕtаtіоnѕ іn mаnу hоmеѕ соmmоnlу ѕtаrt іn thе ѕіnk оr bаthrооm ѕhоwеr. Thе drain lіnеѕ whісh hаvе thе mоѕt асtіvіtу ѕееm tо bе thе оnеѕ mоѕt lіkеlу tо hаvе аn іnfеѕtаtіоn. Hоmеѕ wіth ѕерtіс tаnkѕ ѕееm mоѕt lіkеlу tо gеt thеm. Thеrе арреаrѕ tо bе а buіld uр оf оrgаnіс mаttеr оn drain ріреѕ whісh оссurѕ mоrе wіth thіѕ tуре оf drainаgе ѕеtuр. Breeding is ideal in shower floor drains and we can provide methods to get rid of these drain flies.
Althоugh thеѕе hоmеѕ ѕееm mоrе lіkеlу tо gеt drain flіеѕ, оnсе thе сусlе bеgіnѕ іt mаnу tіmеѕ wіll fіnd іt’ѕ wау іntо thе hоmе. A ѕurе ѕіgn іѕ whеn уоu ѕее lаrvа сrаwlіng оut оf ѕhоwеr оr bаth tub drainѕ. Thеѕе lаrvае аrе mаnу tіmеѕ mіѕtаkеn fоr ѕоmе kіnd оf lеасh. In fасt, thе lаrvа оf drain flіеѕ thrіvе іn а ѕlіmе buіlduр whісh іѕ оn vіrtuаllу аnу drain ріре whісh іѕ uѕеd а lоt. Thіѕ gelatinous material еnаblеѕ thе еggѕ whісh аrе lаіd tо bе рrоtесtеd аnd ѕhеltеrеd. Thе еggѕ аnd hаtсhіng lаrvа еmbеd thеmѕеlvеѕ іn thіѕ ѕlіmе ѕо thеу dоn’t wаѕh аwау. Thе сусlе оf thеѕе flіеѕ tаkеѕ аrоund а mоnth tо соmрlеtе. Spotting a mass of adult flies or larvae means an infestation and targeting the source will help eliminate these pests.
Dоn’t wаѕtе уоur tіmе wіth blеасh оr оthеr сlеаnіng ѕоlvеntѕ hoping this will somehow resolve the problem. Shоwеrѕ аnd tubѕ whісh hаvе сеrаmіс tіlеѕ mау аlѕо ѕuррlу а mоіѕt ѕlіmу еnvіrоnmеnt іn whісh thеу саn lіvе and cleaning may remove visible organic matter but it won’t clean the areas where the drain moths are reproducing. Sumр рumрѕ аnd wеt сrаwl ѕрасеѕ аrе оthеr еnvіrоnmеntѕ thеу lоvе. Adult drain flіеѕ саn bе hаrdеr tо соntrоl thаn оthеr ѕmаll flіеѕ. Althоugh thеrе аrе ѕеvеrаl рrоduсtѕ tо kіll аdultѕ, thе kеу іѕ mаіntаіnіng аnd mіnіmіzіng thеіr brееdіng аrеаѕ and killing off their larvae. Thіѕ соuld рrоvе tо bе dіffісult аnd оngоіng but it is manageable with the right products.
For the adults you see flying around, you need to take away their “air space” by using one of our SPACE SPRAYS.
This short video (less than a minute long) gives a brief overview of why space spraying is so easy and so effective using one of our two products listed below.:
So the first option is to spot treat using our MULTIPURPOSE INSECT KILLER. This fast acting pyrethrin based aerosol will kill any active adults and is safe enough to be applied in all rooms. Plan on using it throughout the day as needed when you see adults flying. By applying a short 1-2 second blast in any room with drain flies you’ll quickly decrease their numbers.
For less work, set up an automatic aerosol machine like our AEROSOL 1000. These machines can be programmed to release a small blast of air from refills like CLEAR ZONE pyrethrin. These refills use the same active as the 565 and will last a month. Place a machine in any room where you have drain flies active and once set up to release treatments on the desired schedule you program, you’ll be set for several weeks. No doubt these can be real handy for problematic areas.
But in the end, treating the location where the drain flies are reproducing is really the key to breaking the cycle. And the best рrоduсt fоr thіѕ іѕ NO SURVIVORS ENZ A BAC. Sіmрlу роur іt dоwn thе drain ріреѕ аnd Enz-A-Bac wіll rеmоvе thе nеѕt ѕіghtѕ drain flіеѕ nееd for their eggs to survive.
This next short video (less than 60 seconds long) explains what No Surivors does and why its important to use with Lemon Air (listed below) when dealing with Drain Flies coming up drain lines.
Treatments should be done in the evening so they can sit in the drain line overnight without using the sink. Do this once a week when problems arise.
Use 2-3 oz per sink or floor drain and treat for at least 4 weeks in a row for initial cleanouts. After that, once every month or two.
To kill the active drain flies living in the drain (Enz A Bac only works on their food, not the actual insect), you’ll need to apply LEMON AIR INSECTICIDE. This unique product is the only insecticide labeled for safe use down the drain. It smells lemony fresh too and its labeled for Covid-19 so great for decontaminating all counters, rooms, furniture as well as controlling insects down the drain.
This short video (less than a minute long) shows how easy it is to use Lemon Air 1-2 a week:
Add 2 oz per gallon of water and pour 1/2 gallon down any sink drain suspected of harboring drain flies. Use Lemon Air on any night when you don’t use Enz-A-Bac. In general, most drain lines will need Lemon Air applied twice a week when insects are active and 2 weeks of treatments. After that, use it for prevention once a month.
Lemon Air will keep any sink fresh smelling too so great for tubs, bathrooms and even commercial kitchen drain lines. Get your home back and smelling nice.
Since Drain Fly larvae will crawl out of the drains and up, many will find tiny gaps and cracks in which to hide. These areas need to be treated with our FS MP AEROSOL.
The following “short video” (less than 60 seconds long) gives a quick overview of what you need to do with the FS MP.
FS MP is the only product that will kill all stages and is key to getting control of any reproducing around sinks usually in grout lines, cabinets, under appliances, etc.
Lаѕtlу, thе SPARROW HAWK FLY TRAP саn bе dерlоуеd іn аnу rооm whеrе аdult drain flies аrе ѕееn. It’ѕ amazingly well adapted for catching flying insects like mosquites, noseeums, drain flies and more. It has a large glue board that catches them once they enter the holes on the outside band. Keep one installed in kitchens bathrooms or bedrooms where pests have been seen.
For a limited time, you can get the Sparrow Hawk in a kit with either the Multi Purpose Insect Spray or our Aerosol Dispenser and a can of Clear Zone.
Here is the kit that features the Sparrow Hawk with our Aerosol Dispenser and a can of Clear Zone.
Once in the home, drain flies can nest in areas outside the drain or anywhere around slimy water. Common locations they can exploit include crawl spaces, behind finished walls in a basement as well as the ground around the homes foundation. These areas can become a breeding ground requiring liquid treatments with BITHOR.
Add 1.5 oz of Bithor to a gallon of water and spray the mixture over 800 sq/ft of dirt. If treating crawl spaces, remember to spray the walls and ceiling above the dirt as well since they can harbor reproduction.
Safety wise Bithor is super safe for use inside the home where pets and children are active. The following “short” video (less than 60 seconds long) details why its so easy to use in sensitive areas and why its so safe around people and pets.
Bithor is odorless and one treatment will last a month. In most cases, just one thorough application will solve any issue in this area.
Give us a call if you need further help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. On Saturday, 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time).
Email questions here:
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Dawn Hathaway says
Hi. We have a drain fly infestation in our house due to a broken kitchen sink pipe. All the water was going into our crawl space, we have had plumbers come out and they fixed the problem but the flies are sill around. The crawlspace still smells. The plumbers got rid of all the water they could and we put a dehumidifier down there. Last night we put a fogger down there and oh my god they were all over the kitchen trying to escape. We are going to fog again in a couple of days, I killed the ones I see flying around. Is there anything else you can recommend to me to get rid of these suckers? I don’t fell comfortable in my own home!
Tech Support says
Foggers would not be a good solution for this problem because they don’t release any kind of material that will last. This means all the hatching pupae and eggs that emerge just after you fog will re-infest the crawlspace unless you start setting them off 2-3 times a day. Suffice to say this will prove to be quite costly.
Now if you review our article above, you’ll learn about two aerosol’s that use the same active but in fact, would be a lot better suited to solve the problem.
The first is called Multipurpose. This aerosol works much like the small foggers but instead of setting the can off and leaving it alone, you have to manually control the spray. And since each can is very big, you’ll be able to treat the space 2-3 times a day for a couple of weeks with just one can. So in the long run, this will prove to be a lot more cost effective to apply.
The other option we have listed above is the aerosol machine with Purge 3 inside. Like the foggers and Multipurpose, the Purge 3 contains natural pyrethrin as it’s active as well. The advantage of the machine is that you can configure the machines to go off several times an hour. This way you can just set the machine out in the crawl space, turn it on and leave it be to do all the work. Purge 3 cans usually last several weeks and by having the treatment done automatically by the machine, you’ll be sure to kill all larvae and adult phases within 1-2 weeks so the problem will be cured.
Here are direct links to the products listed above:
Multipurpose Insect Killer:
Aerosol 1000:
Lisa says
Will the enz a bac drain cleaner work if I have drain flies living in my sewer pump?
Tech Support says
Enz A Bac will work in any drain so if you’re able to get the material into the sewer pump area, it will work on any organic buildup. Combine it with the aerosol treatments for maximum control.
Enz A Bac:
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U-Spray Bugspray
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Paul B. says
My wife and I had the same problem as Dawn H. did (see 2013 comment) with a broken sink drain pipe that leaked into the crawlspace. The leak was fixed months ago and the smell is gone, but the soil underneath remains breeding area. I’m looking to purchase an Aerosol 1000 unit with Metered Insecticide. How close to the breeding area should I place the unit? Thanks.
Tech Support says
Ideally it should be placed in the crawl space. And make sure you have enough, like more than 1 unit, depending on the size of the space. If you provide the width, height and length, we’ll be able to tell for sure what would be best to use.
Aerosol 1000:
Clear Zone:
Technical Support
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here:
Paul B. says
Thanks for your reply. The crawlspace is quite large (2178 sqft, 33′ x 66′), but the drain flies are mainly breeding in an area of 25 sqft or so around the previously leaky pipe. The crawlspace is also pretty shallow in that area, 18 inches or less from dirt to floor joists.
Tech Support says
No doubt the flies are breeding in the ground. To properly control the problem, you really need to treat the soil and “air”.
For the soil, I recommend our Termite Killer. Labeled for use in dirt, it will control not only termites but a wide range of other pests like drain flies.
Mix 5 oz per gallon of water and spray the entire amount over 500 sq/ft. Given the size of your crawl space, I’d say to plan on using 3-4 gallons for sure; using it all wouldn’t hurt a thing either. You can use any standard pump sprayer to get the material sprayed out like this.
Eliminator Pump Sprayer:
Due to the limited space, you may want use a hose end sprayer. Our hose end hooks to your garden hose and will be allow you to spray quite a distance making the job easy.
To use it, I’d add 20 oz of the concentrate and then fill it with water and spray out the entire amount over the entire crawl. Do it in sections, allowing the treatment to seep into the ground so it doesn’t puddle anywhere. This might require several “breaks” in the treatment over the course of a few hours.
Hose End:
The concentrate needed is here:
Termite Soil Chemical:
Lastly, after you’re done spraying, let the ground sit for a day and then install 2 aerosol machines fitted fitted with Clear Zone.
Aerosol 1000:
Clear Zone:
Make sure they’re pointed “inward” to the crawl space and plan on using one can which will last a month. I suspect within 1-2 weeks, the problem will be gone but let the cans run dry just to be sure.
Over the summer, if you notice any “new” activity, you’ll only need to use the machines to solve it as the soil treatment will last 3-5 years.
Technical Support
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here:
Sarah says
We have drain flies coming from an unused toilet in our basement. The toilet no longer flushes. They seem to be coming up from where the toilet connects to the floor. We have sealed it off with plastic and can see them in the plastic. Occasionally one will escape. Any suggestions on how to treat this problem? Thank you, Sarah
Tech Support says
To end the insect activity, you’ll want to open up the drain enough so you can pour our Lemon Air down it to kill off the developing stages. Sealing it off won’t kill them and if left untreated, the problem will only get worse and eventually show itself via other drains in the home.
The proper product needed is our Lemon Air, seen above, mixed with water and simply poured down the drain. Very easy to use and very effective too.
Lemon Air Down the Drain Insecticide:
Technical Support
Megan says
Is this safe for cats?
Tech Support says
Of course. All of our products are people, child and pet safe when used as we direct.
Safety First Videos:
Technical Support
Wendy says
I have a house built in 1956 on a slab within which clay air ducts were placed. Drain flies are in the air ducts – fairly sure there are cracks allowing the flies to breed. Would setting off foggers in the ductwork work? The best longterm solution would be to seal off those ducts and run heat and air through the attic, but at the moment that is not viable.
Tech Support says
Foggers would be useless for two main reasons.
First, they won’t direct the aerosol to all parts of the duct work unless you were planning on “dropping” them down the duct and then sealing off the vent cover so the aerosol stayed in the vent. For obvious reasons, this would not be wise (it will cause the vents to clog).
Second, the aerosol released “might” kill any that are in the duct when you release the aerosol. But if you’re theory is correct and they are entering through cracks, they will just keep coming. This will never end since the aerosol will not kill them where they are nesting; just outside the vents in the ground.
The best approach is to use our Lemon Air Plus and either “pour” it down the vent or “fog” it down them. The liquid form, if it was able to fill the vent would in theory filter through the cracks and in turn, kill all the ones in the ground. This would offer the longest control but for sure, they’ll keep coming back as long as the cracks remain.
Fogging it into all vents would be nearly as effective using our fogging machine you can see here:
Bugspray Fogger:
The Lemon Air Plus does smell like lemons so if you prefer a more “odorless” form, use the Sanni Shine. You only need to use 2 oz per gallon with the Sanni Shine and even if you treated all the vents, you will only need 1/2 to 1 gallon of mixed solution.
Sanni Shine:
Lemon Air Down the Drain Insecticide:
Technical Support
Richard Coppinger says
I still have a few drain flies each day in the master shower. First, I sprayed with BioThor and then poured the EnZ Bac and Lemon Air Plus following your directions. Should I spray BiThor over the septic tank area on my lawn? I finally have beautiful grass growing and don’t want to kill the lawn there but would it help if I sprayed the lawn over the septic tank?
Tech Support says
So first, once drain flies get inside a home, they’re usually able to figure out an alternate place to lay eggs. Some of the places we’ve seen this happen at are listed below. And though your drain treatments will end the bulk of the issue, any home with a septic system will be constantly subject to a regular source of new activity. In general, if there are flying pests around any home, some will invariably get inside. For this reason treating the exterior would most likely help.
So moving forward, the recommended followup treatments for your situation would be:
First the yard. Broadcasting 1 oz of Bithor over every 1,000 sq/ft could help. But it should also be applied around windows, doors and other points of entry. In fact using our Bugspray Fogger to apply it as if you were treating for Mosquitoes or Gnats would be a great way to really knock them down outside. Drain flies can utilize pine straw, wood chips and even moist mud to reproduce and breed and so any dank, moist area around your home should be treated. And though spraying is how most people would like to treat, fogging is usually more effective as our video on the following page explains:
Side note; you should have no concern about Bithor negatively affecting your grass. Bithor has a huge turf label designed to control pests in grass all the while keeping it safe. If anything, using Bithor in the yard will help keep your grass looking healthy and better – not worse. Remember, pesticides were created to protect plants and our structure, not hurt them.
Other options you should consider would include installing our Sparrow Hawk trap. They’re reasonably priced and do a great job of catching anything that might be flying around the home. Installing one for any room with rogue flyers can help reduce or eliminate the last few you see.
Lastly, the Aerosol Machines fitted with Clear Zone are very effective at controlling anything that might be flying around and why they’re recommended (listed above). Again, its not uncommon for drain flies to find moisture in uncommon areas like toilet bowl water closets, window sills, potted plants, drains of unused sinks, tubs and baths as well as litter boxes and recycling bins. In fact garbage bins can be a great place for them to thrive as well as exterior siding, gutters and even inside a wall void. If there is just one “pocket nest” like this on or around your home, you could be subject to seeing some stemming from this activity even after the main source is eliminated.
Tech Support