PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Outside only formulation that works on just about any insect pest. Apply it using a good PUMP SPRAYER , our NO PUMP SPRAYER or our GREEN HOSE END SPRAYER.
USE DIRECTIONS: The exact amount of Maxxthor needed will vary depending you target pests and in most cases, if you refer to our article where we list it for use we’ll have the recommended dose, application rate and frequency of treatments.
For most insects in turf and vegetation, 1 oz per 5,000 sq/ft will do the job. This means the 32 oz jug will cover 4 acres so it goes a long way. For tough crawling pests like earwigs, roaches, termites, springtails, mites, centipedes, millipedes and others, use the highest rate.
The following “short” video (less than 60 seconds long) shows how to apply it using a HOSE END SPRAYER which is generally the best method – especially for tough pests like springtails, clover mites, millipedes and miller moths.

When treating pests in thick vegetation, add SPREAD-X BOOST to the sprayer. This will ensure a more thorough application whether you’re using the 1 oz per 5,000 or a higher rate.
Basically Boost enables the Maxxthor to better “coat” treated areas and penetrate treated surfaces. This will enhance the performance of the treatment resulting in faster kills and better results. Plan on using equal amounts of both in your sprayer.
16 oz (819442) (N/A TO CALIFORNIA or NEW YORK)
32 oz (819443) (N/A TO CALIFORNIA or NEW YORK)
128 oz (819446) (N/A TO CALIFORNIA or NEW YORK)
Order online and save 5%
Order online and save 5%
Sheree says
This is the first time I am using this product. I typically used Viper to deal with Asian Beetles but it didn’t seem to last long. The company recommended Maxxthor EC as a better alternative. The product appears to be effective and last longer but the jury is still out.
Zofia says
The best product. I love the product, all the bugs were gone in few minutes!
J. Anderson says
I hated paying such a big price for Maxxthor to get rid of budworms but I’m sure that we’ll use it for other pest! Worked like a charm! No more stinking budworms!!
Kayla says
Could this be sprayed on pavers? Would it stain?
Tech Support says
No, it won’t stain. In fact it will dry invisible. More on this can be learned about in our video here:
Does your Spray leave a Residue or Stain?
Technical Support
John L says
I want to spray this product under my replacement liner before they begin installation. Not sure of my leaks were caused by termites but treating it anyway.Should I also spray it in the area outside the pool walls as well? It is dangerous to plants and bushes near the pool? I.e., Can it kill the bushes and plants?
Tech Support says
Maxxthor is generally used as a termiticide in the soil so where applied under the liner, it will last for many years.
As for hurting plants and bushes? Quite the opposite actually. If you look at the label, you’ll see that its labeled for use on trees to protect them from wood borers, its labeled for use on turf for grass pests as well as plants and shrubs. In fact Maxxthor was created to PROTECT plants, trees and shrubs – not harm them.
Technical Support
Jenny McDonald says
Can this be sprayed in a yard where chickens are roaming free?
Tech Support says
Yes. The rule here is to use it at the labeled rate for your target pest and to keep the chickens off the turf you’re treating for a day. So treat in the morning, let the area sit with no chickens on it for the day and the next morning they can return and use the area as they did before.
Technical Support
Steve Suorez says
The best “general” insecticide I’ve found. I primarily use it to control cicadas which attract copperhead snakes. I used to have a tremendous problem with copperheads in our yard (around oak trees). Since I’ve been applying MAXXTHOR EC, I’ve had no cicadas and haven’t seen a copperhead so far this year. It’s also very effective in controlling other insects here in east Texas.
Renee says
does this work on elm seed bugs?
Tech Support says
Visit our article on elm seed bugs where you’ll learn more about this spray but yes, its the best for this pest. If they’re on the home, spray the siding along with the turf as our article details here:
Elm Seed Bugs:
If they’re in the siding? You may need to dust and for inside, the FS MP is best. Hopefully they haven’t penetrated the home yet because once they’re focused on windows, overhangs, soffits, doors and your homes siding, they can be problematic for a few years due to their pheromones.
Technical Support
James says
Will this get rid of wasps around my pool?
Tech Support says
Well if the wasps are landing in the pool water and dying, this won’t help directly.
But if you spray the plants/shrubs/grass around the pool, the Maxxthor will be detected by the wasps and in turn, they’ll not be able to forage around the area. Indirectly this will have a huge impact on how many make it to the pool and die in the pool water meaning it will greatly reduce that value.
Technical Support
Kathleen M Phillips says
Just had inground pool liner repaired. 16 holes due to termites, Plan to use your product to treat the soil before installing the next liner. Any value in treating the ground around the pool , retaining wall and flowers beds now? Please advise, thanks
Tech Support says
So if this “ground around the pool”; is it cement decking or just soil? Pool decks, like tiles or cement, will harbor all kinds of insects and really should be treated as our post here explains:
So in most cases, yes, treating it would be smart. This way insects like termites, springtails, millipedes and more won’t able to live under it or get too nesting there.
Technical Support
Ronald Calvert says
This stuff works great. Instantly gets rid of the chiggers and we had them bad this year. Easy to use.
LR says
Scary looking outdoor lantern fly nymph infestation. Two applications of the MaxThorr EC spray spaced one week apart. Applied product using a pump sprayer versus a hose sprayer in area of activity. 98% improvement. Luckily, have not seen an even scarier adult lantern fly. Probably used less than 1 fluid ounce of product. Wished product came in smaller quantity. However, well worth the expense. Another great product recommendation from Customer Service. Thank you!
Ashley says
I’ve used this all summer for springtails and once I figured out the problem area, it worked amazing! However, I’m now dealing with clover mites and I’m curious why the difference between the recommended frequency of spraying for clover mites vs springtails. And should I increase the frequency for clover mites when it’s days like today in IL with the heat index at 117?
Tech Support says
So first, if you check our post regarding Temperatures, Rain and Sun, you’ll see that Sunlight more than anything can negatively affect any surface treatment outside applied to homes and turf. This means residuals won’t be as long and require “renewing” more frequently.
Next, regarding Clover Mites, the key with them is for sure identifying where they’re nesting. When they’re a problem on the home, its almost always because they’re coming from the ground adjacent to the home OR they’re living in the homes siding as detailed in our article here:
Lastly, if they’re inside, you’ll need to be aggressively treating points of entry like windows, doors, etc. using our FS MP.
As for the Maxxthor outside; if you’re seeing them on the siding or concrete you should treat them directly. And be sure to use our Hose End Sprayer. Focus on cracks and gaps. With any luck – assuming you’re spraying heavy enough – the Maxxthor will permeate and get down or inside where they’re nesting and you’ll knock them out. If you don’t, they could easily rebound within a few days and if that happens, spray again. Ultimately you may need to treat the siding as our article details or in some cases, up under cement. We have the needed tools for both situations including a drill for cement and a slab treater.
Hammer Drill:
Sub Slab Injector:
Tech Support
Text-a-Tech: 678-667-2284
Milton Reagans says
Will this work on spiders? I have so many spiders in my yard and they come into the house (ceiling) and garage.
Tech Support says
Maxxthor will work immediately and provide lasting residual and repellency so they won’t want to return. Use it with our Green Topped Hose End to get complete coverage of the siding as high as you garden hose will spray.
Hose End Sprayers:
Tech Support
Text-a-Tech: 678-667-2284
Bob Hrstka says
Used this twice for pine boring Beatles! It seemed to work and stopped the spread!
Brittni says
Will this help Clover mites? we have a significant infestation, all over our house, coming in every window and door and in every room.
Tech Support says
Did you visit our Clover Mite article?
Clover Mites:
In the article you’ll learn that on the outside, you’ll need to first use the Maxxthor Granules and then spray with this product, the Maxxthor EC spray. This will take care of them on the outside and keep them from getting onto the home. But for the inside (assuming you’re seeing them inside), you’ll need to apply the Bithor and FS MP aerosol.
Please visit the article and read the text as well as watch the videos. If you have further questions, let us know.
In summary, for sure the Maxxthor EC above is what you’ll need on the outside. But if they’re already inside? The ones you see are living within a few feet of where you see them so you’ll need to do a lot of treatments inside to get rid of them for good.
Tech Support
Text-a-Tech: 678-667-2284
Erica says
Would this be safe to use in fields where horses are and grazing? I know they can’t be in there when applying it but what about after it dries for a day or so?
Tech Support says
The quick answer there wouldn’t be enough residual to pose a threat to grazing animals.
Of course you would need to make sure you don’t over apply it and something else you could do is use some Boost with it. This additive will make the spray mix more effective so in turn, you could use a weaker rate, say half as strong. With Boost added, the weaker solution would work as well as the full rate. The advantage of this option is that you would be spraying a weaker solution so in turn, reducing any hazard even more. And then this way you could start with the lesser rate and see how it does. If it works, great! You will have controlled your target pest and not presented any hazard to the active animals. And if it doesn’t work, you can then consider a work around solution.
Hers’s a link to the Boost:
So in summar, even at the full rate, if you treat an acre and keep your horse and cattle off it for 1-2 days, by the 3rd day there should not be any hazard (assuming the right rate was used).
Tech Support
Text-a-Tech: 678-667-2284
Erica says
Thank you for the quick reply, I appreciate it. Last summer we got thrips whiteflies and wooly aphids really bad. We haven’t gotten rid of them because the winter wasn’t bad at all so I’m sure this summer will be even worse and I just don’t know what to do. We had orkin coming and it didn’t help at all.
Tech Support says
Check our Wooly Adelgid article here:
As you’ll see, the Maxxthor with some Boost in the mix will kill what’s on the tree. Use it if you see them active.
But the “permanent” solution is the Prothor used as a systemic. If you do a soil drench around the affected tree or shrub with Prothor every 2-3 months, you’ll keep the Adelgids away for good.
Tech Support
Text-a-Tech: 678-667-2284
Erica says
Thank you, I appreciate your help. I’m about to loose my mind with these bugs! Sorry I didn’t see this sooner and respond.
Erica says
Sorry, one more question I forgot. So if I order the prothor, I shouldn’t need the Maxx Thor? Thanks sorry for all the questions.
Tech Support says
In general, using both is best. This way you can knockout all foliage activity using the Maxxthor and then use the Prothor as a systemic.
Tech Support
Kelvin says
I truly love U-Spray BugSpray. The products (MAXXTHOR EC 32 OZ & Boost) that I received are amazing and work as described by the person I spoke with on the phone. I will be ordering from them again. I highly recommend them to everyone.
Curt says
Ok I have an over ground pool with ant/termites eating holes in the liner.
What do you recommend to put under the liner when I get it changed?
Tech Support says
This is the best option, the Maxxthor above. If you visit our article on this, you’ll see some guidelines on how much to apply. Maxxthor is super repellent and so where applied, they will avoid. Get the ground treated under the liner and they won’t come back.
Termites in Pool Liner:
Tech Support
Melissa says
We had a problem with springtails last summer around our pool/deck and a couple windows and saw a few indoors. I’m expecting to battle them again this year.. and I’d REALLY like to win! Unfortunately, I can’t afford to buy everything.. so I’m trying to prioritize. My question is.. Can I use the Maxxthor indoors?
If not, can we use it in our crawlspace?
Thanks in advance!
Tech Support says
So first, the Maxxthor would the one product you definitely need given the activity has been mostly outside. Use it as our article details meaning as high up as you can reach on the home and then down to the base of the foundation and out at least 5 if not 10 feet. This will help for the outside reduction for sure.
Now can you use it inside? In fact it is labeled for use in crawl spaces BUT it does have an odor and so we generally that’s the why we don’t recommend it. That said, it will work very well and the odor isn’t too strong and goes away but you’ll need to decide if that’s okay meaning treat outside first and then decide if you want to use it in your crawlspace.
The next important item is surely the granules for outside and then for inside, at least the FS MP. When used properly, FS MP can eradicate them all BUT you need to get it applied where it will matter the most and for some people, that can be challenging.
So the minimal arsenal would include Maxxthor granules and spray for outside and then the FS MP for inside.
Hope this helps!
Tech Support
Melissa says
It helped a lot, thank you so much!! I ordered all 3 products and plan to do my due diligence to knock them out. I’m also planning to buy some DE powder and use it inside. Praying for a pest free summer!! Thanks again for all your help!! I’m sure to be ordering again in the future.
Tech Support says
Did you not see our Xempt-D? When used inside, it will outlast anything on the market and its made with all food grade ingredients. Side by side, it will out perform DE dust 3 to 1 both as a dehydrator and its ability to rebound once wet. For use inside, Xempt D is a one and done product for all wall voids, under baseboards, electric outlets, under light switch covers and more.
You should visit this page too for more details on how to treat these interior areas:
Tech Support
Melissa says
Hello! Love the products I purchased, major decrease in springtails!! One question… will the outdoor spray/granules also work on Assassin bugs? Thanks in advance!!!
Tech Support says
Yes it will! Same rate will knock them out for sure.
Tech Support
Alex P. says
Great product! I wish we knew about this earlier and didn’t waste money on the consumer grade big box store sprays. This stuff has been the only thing that has worked and glad I ran into the video on YouTube.
Ilse says
How long is the residual of Maxxthor EC? I’m wondering why I need to reapply Maxxthor so often on my vinyl siding for clover mites if it should have a residual effect.
Tech Support says
The quick answer is that the clover mites will be emerging way faster than the residual will kill them. In fact our Maxxthor and FS MP is very irritating to these pests and will chase them out (by design) so they will have to walk over the treatment. Unfortunately this means you’ll be seeing them repopulating quickly and why retreating is needed IF you wish to not see any.
For example, right now I have them emerging from cracks around a downspout that drains where my driveway meets my side stoop. There are several cracks and crevices here and if I topically treat with Maxxthor or FS MP, they all die on contact BUT come back the next day. I have treated 3 days in a row and there are very few now active BUT I will continue this process until I don’t see any. This way the ones emerging won’t relocate to another part of my home that could lead to more problems.
Now if you have vinyl or aluminum siding, they are most certainly under it and so you should be even more concerned. These could easily get inside and why dusting the siding would be smart along with the Maxxthor treatments (with Boost).
More on this can be read on our post here:
Tech Support
Ilse says
Hello, I have dusted the vinyl siding and am using Maxxthor. I’m gonna be out of the country for 3 months and I am so afraid of coming home to a massive infestation. I’ve been spraying Maxxthor on my siding for a little more than a year and I’m afraid whatever progress I’ve made will be undone.
Tech Support says
Three months is a long time to go without spraying so you may want to at least double up by treating with a stronger rate and twice as much as normal right before you leave. Also, be sure to spray the ground around the home coming out 5-10 feet on every side of the home. Remember, the goal here is to create a buffer zone where no pests are active and so treating extra heavy should help get this done. No guarantee but its the best you can do if you will be away for that long.
Tech Support
Sandra H. says
This worked great!
Melissa S says
So far I am extremely impressed with all 3 products I ordered!! We have been cleaning up debris from a recent tornado and have not had time to do a full treatment like we planned Yet we are still getting BIG results from what we’ve been able to do.
I can’t leave a review without saying how floored I am by your customer service (tech support/and shipping time)! Your company gives me hope that honest, hard working, customer driven values still exist!!!
I am a member of many social media pool groups where a very common topic is bugs and I will 1,000% be singing your praises!! I wouldn’t recommend anyone else!!!
DRC says
Works well! I use this product to control elm seed bugs. Works very well. If you get the timing just right you can eliminate the hatchlings essentially wiping out the years population. Have not tried the granular product yet. Have spent sums of money using an exterminator, not sure why they could not get it done. Anyway, good product from a good company.
Linda says
If you have grasshoppers, you know there is nothing better than to have them slam into your windshield or grill while driving but I’m here to tell you THERE IS..Maxxthor EC! We have fought grasshoppers for 4 summers now and the only thing that keeps our 5 acres clear of the little buggers is MAXXTHOR EC. We can’t say enough good about it. And the birds love us cuz it is a free meal without all the work.
Allen says
Good service and great advice!
Brad C. says
Can’t beat this stuff! My pest company didn’t help. The stuff from Home Depot didn’t help. Seems that this is the good stuff and did the trick to tame my clover mite and springtail situation. I can see myself using this stuff long-term as it actually works. It’s been 5-6 weeks and I’ve noticed a SIGNIFICANT reduction in my problem and I can sleep soundly at night again and not hate my backyard anymore 🙂
Marty Terry says
I have more air traffic ( dirt daubers ) in my barn than they do at DFW airport will spraying Maxxthor all over inside and the garage door entrances help?
Tech Support says
Unfortunately, none of the Maxxthor products are labeled for use inside barns. We suggest our Pest Away which is a repellent only or our Xempt C which would kill them if you spray their nests but will also repel them too. It does have an odor BUT unlike the Maxxthor, the smell is natural, not oily, and doesn’t pose a hazard to people or any animals in the barn.
Tech Support
Linda says
5 out of 5 for Grasshoppers! The grasshoppers are gone! My cat, the prairie birds, and all my natural garden bugs are doing well. This stuff works! My prairie birds are almost too fat to fly from eating all the deceased grasshoppers. My gardens flourish!. Thank you Maxxthor EC!
Abhi says
How much quantity should I mix with 2 gallons of water for pump sprayer? Also, what is the residual for this product. Do I need to re-apply after rain? And what is the recommended application frequency for springtail infestation? I am using FSMP every 2-3 days indoors.
Tech Support says
So 1/3 oz per gallon of water is good meaning 2/3’s of an oz for 2 gallons of mixed solution. That said, the real key to using this outside on the homes exterior is to spray from the gutters down to the base of the foundation. And if your home has siding like vinyl, aluminum, cedar shakes or stucco, you may need to dust under it as our springtail article details. The rule there is to hope the spray does the job. When combined with Boost, Maxxthor EC will penetrate deep into siding and often times can get them all where they are nesting. But if you are spraying for 6-8 weeks and still find them outside, you’ll need to dust.
The other important thing to remember is that its important to use enough of the mixture. In most cases, people don’t spray enough around their homes. The average home will need 1-2 gallons per side of the home and so 5+ gallons to thoroughly treat everything is very normal and average.
As for the residual; it can last up to a month but when you have an active problem, plan on treating as the pests come back so you are constantly getting “ahead” of the issue. The reason for the repeated treatments is to stay ahead of the activity because once the treatment dries, newly emerging springtails will repopulate faster than the treatment will kill them (which takes 2-3 days) and so the net effect is that you will be seeing more replace the ones you are killing.
Lastly, the inside treatments with fs mp should be focused around windows and baseboards as detailed in our post here:
Tech Support
Abhi says
Thanks for the information. I sprayed the foundation and sidings up to 10 ft. And on the mulch and grass at least 10 ft around the house. Hoping for better results. Should I be mixing Maxxthor with Gentrol to regulate the cycle of springtails? For indoors to spray around the baseboards and floor/carpet and walls, can I use Bithor? Will it leave any stains?
Tech Support says
So again, be sure to renew outside applications as needed meaning when they return, retreat. This pattern will usually be active for 1-2 weeks where 2-3 treatments a week may be needed. But if enough product is used during these applications, you will eventually get the needed penetration to effectively end the migration and not see anymore.
As for inside, you should be using the FS MP in call cracks and crevices and then the Bithor as a surface spray. Bithor won’t stain and when used in our Mini Mister, can be safely applied to walls and even ceilings without making a mess. But its usually vital to get the proper treatments “into” the wall voi voids and most certainly “under” the baseboard as detailed in this post:
And if you’re not yet aware of why you need both FS MP and Bithor, check this post:
Essentially the FS MP is one of the main products that generally gets them where they’re living and so by eliminating them there, you won’t have them coming out into the open. But to make sure the ones coming out into the open don’t start nesting elsewhere, you need the Bithor applied too. And for us, the best way to use it is with the Mini Mister seen here:
More on wall treatments can be seen in this post too:
Tech Support
Deborah says
Hello! Can I use Maxxthor EC and Maxxthor Granules in an herb garden?
Tech Support says
After checking the label, it doesn’t list “herb garden” nor does the label prohibit from what we can see. The verbiage does include “Permitted sites include but are not limited to…” which could mean such use is okay. I’d say using it around the garden would be fine and probably up to within a few feet. But if you were wanting to spray the herbs directly, I’d recommend a “vegetable” label like the Vegetables plus product seen here:
And I’d treat in the evening so there would be no chance of “burn” on the plant foliage if you are in a hot region.
Tech Support
Terry Fletcher says
5 STAR REVIEW! Excellent service and advice! Bugspray has been incredibly helpful!!! The articles on advice priceless! The Maxxthor EC, and FS+ Multi-purpose insecticide used as recommended, have essentially completely eliminated ladybugs invasion of the house I bought (as well as other critters). 5 years ago I originally had multi thousands of ladybugs and some other critters, last year maybe three. They have not yet attacked this year. To be honest it transformed Me from maybe moving to another house to loving where I am at! Thank you for all the immense Advice and great products! Love the instructional Videos! Terry Fletcher, Bristol, TN
Tech Support says
Thank you for the feedback! We love hearing that we have both helped AND resolved your pest issue. And the part about you now “loving” where you’re at? Icing on the cake!! Side note; I noticed 4-5 Asian Ladybugs on my homes siding Friday evening after work. We’re here outside Atlanta and so my guess is they will soon be active in your region if they’re not as of the typing of this message. If you haven’t yet, be sure to get a treatment in place ASAP!
Tech Support
Kenn says
Looking to buy all items needed to get rid of Tinea pellionella case making moth in my home (1200 sq ft). If you could please help me, I am at my wits end and want to treat outside and in the basement too. How much do I need of this and what else can you suggest? I just want to begin to solve this problem thank you.
Tech Support says
So the first thing you need to do is to remove all pheromone traps. If you have any inside the home, they will be luring this moth to your house and from there, they will get inside all year long. Case making moths are amazing regarding their “range” and can smell pheromones from afar. Since they’re active all year long outside, lures inside any home could easily pull some inside making it seem like you have a problem when in fact its only new ones coming inside.
As for outside the home; the Maxxthor seen above can be sprayed on the home and surrounding bushes/shrubs and turf following the rates listed above.
For inside, get a jug of our Bithor and use 1/2 oz in our Mini Mister to spray down all carpeting, furniture, baseboards, drapery, walls and ceilings.
Mini Mister:
Lastly, if you suspect they’re nesting in attics, our Xempt Dust may be needed.
Xempt Dust:
Tech Support