PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: This Permethrin concentrate is labeled for all kinds of pests for use on all kinds of plants including fruit and vegetables. Odorless and fast acting, it will both kill what is active as well as repel nuisance and destructive insects. This is essentially the same material as the PERMETHRIN 10% used for all kinds of pests in and around the home, yard and garden.
WHERE TO USE IT: On target plants, shrubs, trees and basically anywhere nuisance pests are active. It can also be used on surfaces where flies and pests come to rest like the side of the home, window screening, trees and kennel areas. Some of the insects it will help to control and repel include (but not limited to) ants, aphids, bagworms, budworms, cankerworms, cicadas, citrus black flies, cluster flies, corn earworms, crickets, earwigs, elm leaf beetles, fall webworms, fleas, fungus gnats, gnats, gypsy moths, house flies, inch worms, japanese beetles, leafminers, leafrollers, moths, oak worms, mealybugs, mosquitoes, noseeums, sandflies, scale, solder mites, spider mites, tent caterpillars, thrips, ticks, tussock moths, whiteflies and over 100 more insects on the label.
RATE OF APPLICATION: This will vary depending on where you’re treating. For example, when treating vegetable or fruit producing plants, 1/4 to 1/2 oz per gallon of water is the recommended rate. When treating pets (dogs) or livestock for biting flies, fleas, ticks, etc., 6 oz per gallon of water used a spray or dip is recommended. And for use on the home or in turf for common perimeter invaders, use 2-4 oz per gallon of water; 1 gallon of mixed material will cover up to 1,000 sq/ft of surface area.
$30.00 (455828) 16 oz (FREE STANDARD SHIPPING)
Order online and save 5%
$45.00 (455829) 32 oz (FREE STANDARD SHIPPING)
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Jenny says
We have straw itch mites in the hay we just purchased. It’s all stored in a loft in a barn where the horses live. What can we use to get rid of them and be safe for the horses? What’s the difference between the Vegetables Plus and the Essentria? Can a sprayer be used instead of a mister? Thanks.
admin says
The two products you mentioned would be good choices to control itch mites. The Vegetables Plus is a permethrin based spray that can safely be used on garden vegetables and fruits that are consumed by people so therefore its plenty for safe on anything horses would eat. Just be sure to follow the “days to harvest” listing which is 7 days before you feed the hay to any animal.
The Essentria IC is an even “safer” option. It uses food grade actives and won’t pose any hazard to your horses. That being said, I’d let the treatment sit at least one day to be sure.
Now you can definitely spray either product but straw itch mites, misting is strongly suggested. I say this for two reasons.
One, using a mist means you can apply about 1/10th as much product compared to liquid spraying and yet you’ll still get better results. Mist blowing will also save a lot of chemical costs over time. But the big thing is it greatly reduce the amount of chemical being placed on the hay and therefore, misting will result in a lot less exposure of either active to your horses so indirectly its a lot safer to apply any chemical – especially when treating something they’ll be eating.
Second, mist blowing works a lot better for itch mites since the mist will cover every bit of hay. Conversely, its not possible to do so with a liquid spray so the itch mites will invariably survive even the most thorough of treatments.
We also carry a wide range of mist blowers from small to medium to large and for itch mites, biting flies, mosquitoes and gnats, any of our models are well worth using to save chemical costs, time, energy and in the end, obtain better results. Here are links to a few models to consider:
Fogmaster Mini Fogger:
FM 6208:
Back Pack Mister:
Also, here is a link to the Essentria IC:
Essentria IC3:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Deborah Arsenault says
The Veg Plus 10% Perm is an awesome product. I find that when it rains i do have to spray again, although we are infested with Gypsy moth caterpillars my yard and veggies are the only ones standing. The sprayer also helps as is squirts pretty high up. I make sure i get the tree trunks in the evening and the wood chips as i know they like hiding under those. All in all i find this product incredible, by the time i get to the side of the house i’ve started to see them dying. I had to buy 3 more as i have friends and family asking how i still have leaves in my yard. My boss even wants me to spray her house. Awesome Awesome Awesome.. AAAA++++ Thank you very much i’m sure you’ll be selling many as i have been spreading the news around.
Charles says
Delivered as promised. I had an outstanding experience. Check out was simple. Shipping was well communicated and fast. The product arrived in one piece. I will definitely use this company again.
Charles says
Great Online Seller! I had a great experience with online seller!!!
The seller kept me in the loop with the status and shipping of my product. The product arrived two days earlier than promised. Everything was delivered as promised.
I’ll be doing business with this seller again!!!
Lena says
Last year I had Leaf footed bugs in my tomatoes, will this spray control them? If so how often do I need to spray?
Tech Support says
Be sure to refer to our online article which should answer all your questions. It can be seen here:
Leaffooted Bug:
In the article you’ll see this Veg Plus concentrate is listed. In fact its a great product to use as will both kill and repel them. Use it once every two weeks if you’re finding bugs on the plants. But once they’re gone, once a month treatments will keep them from returning.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here:
Jenny says
Would this work on cucumber beetles? My plants are beginning to fruit and are quite large, will this kill the beetles on the plants and prevent new ones from snacking on my garden?
Tech Support says
This would be a good choice to both kill what’s active and prevent new beetles from coming around.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here:
Mike says
How close to harvest can this be sprayed on vegetables? Is it ok to spray the day before harvest? Or should you wait longer?
Tech Support says
It ranges from 7-14 days.
If you need something with just 1 days to harvest, you’ll need to use our multipurpose insect killer. Its organic so super safe but it actually works.
Organic Insect Killer:
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here:
Bonnie Johnson says
I have thripes in my Hibiscus blooms and have tried Neem Oil and Bayer three in one with no results. Will Lawn, Garden, Pet & Livestock Insect Control by Hi Yield do any good?
Tech Support says
If you read through our online article, you’ll learn topical spraying is if you’re lucky, a “hit” but in general, it will mostly “miss”. And if you don’t get ahead of the activity, it will just spread from plant to plant, from plant to trees, etc.
Your best option is the Prothor featured in our article here:
Best Thrip Systemic:
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
JSJ says
I have had a problem with leaf footed bugs on my tomatoes the past 3-4 years. I do not like to use pesticides in my garden but I couldn’t find anything to combat the bugs. I have tried several different things from neem oil to seven dust/spray, they didn’t do anything to the leaf footed bugs. I found this website while trying to find a solution online, this was the only product that I found that stated it would combat the leaf footed bugs. When it arrived I already had a large infestation, they were ruing my tomatoes. I mixed it in my sprayer as per the directions and all it has taken was one good spraying and the bugs have left and I haven’t seen any since spraying. I know this is still a chemical but it does say say safe to spray up to harvest. Hopefully this will break the cycle of these bugs appearing every year. Very satisfied with the service and the product.
Bela says
I have a variety of flying insects on and inside my barn. Can I spray the outside and inside of my barn to control them?
Tech Support says
This will work as a spray for protecting livestock (horses,cows,etc.) but only if you intend on spraying them directly. Liquid spraying for flying pests is not effective since they will simply avoid where you spray and they can fly. To get real control, you’ll need a space spray. This means you’ll want to apply it as a “mist”.
We have a good post on this here showing the machines you can use:
Now if the barn is small, you could install a few of our Aerosol Machines. They work around the clock releasing small amounts of pyrethrin which will control anything that flies. One can/refill lasts a month and they’re battery operated. If you provide the width, length and height of the barn, we can calculate how many machines you’d need. The general rule is each will handle up to about 6,000 cubic sq/ft.
Aerosol 1000:
Metered Air:
Technical Support
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here:
Ben S. says
Have had trouble controlling cucumber beetles in the past but combining vegetable plus with spreader did a great job. Won’t use anything else going forward.
Chris Lindon says
Needing to target cucumber and Mexican bean beetles on my greenbeans/ snap beans. Beans are not labeled for this product. Do you have another product for greenbeans.
Tech Support says
go with the Multip Purpose Insect Killer. It has beans on the label and it works great.
Organic Insect Killer:
Technical Support
Micchael DiPonio says
Used product to treat a large garden. After 1 application I noticed a decrease in beetle activity. I used a backpack mister to apply. Also used to help with gypsy moth infestation. Main thing I likes about this product is that it will not harm our chickens or dogs. I live in the middle of the Huron Forest in upper Michigan. I’m going to spray trees next for ticks. Will continue to use this product.
Tim Kelly says
Will Hi-Yield Garden & Farm insect control keep the apple maggots from my small Honeycrisp& apple trees?
Tech Support says
It should help. Its labeled for use on veggies and fruits and offers some “repellency” but its mild. You’ll have to spray thoroughly so there are no places missed. If you do, some might take advantage. Be pro active. And if this isn’t strong enough to deter/control them, consider the Pest Away. You would only use that on the tree trunk and limbs, not the blossoms, but its very effective at chasing pests so it should keep the tree protected longer in between treatments.
Tech Support