PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: This versatile product qualifies as a “minimum-risk” under FIFRA and is therefore exempt from Federal EPA registration. However, Essentria IC3 is highly effective against a spectrum of insects
RATE OF APPLICATION: Mix 2 – 8 oz per gallon of water or oil. When fogging for flying insects, 3-4 oz per gallon of water or oil for use in cold or thermal foggers. When spraying for crawling insects, add 6-8 oz per gallon of water and expect to apply 1-2 gallons for the average home when treating the perimeter. Retreat as needed; once a month for general maintenance.
TARGETS: aphids, ants, bedbugs, bees, beetles (cadelles cigarette, darkling, dried fruit, drugstore, confused flour, red flour, saw-toothed grain, ground, spider), centipedes, cockroaches, crickets, earwigs, firebrats, fleas, flies, fruit flies, gnats, mealworms (dark, yellow) mites (grain, fowl), millipedes, mole crickets, mosquitoes, moths, noseeums, pillbugs, silverfish, sowbugs, spiders, termites, ticks, wasps, whiteflies.
$80.00 Quart (798858)
Order online and save 5%
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Arlene Marquart says
Was wondering if this would work if I spray this around the perimeter of my place which is about 6 acres. I understand that I have to buy the gallon size. Please let me know.
admin says
No doubt Essentria IC can be used.
And if you review the info above, you’ll learn that 4-8 oz of Essentria per gallon of water will handle most any type of pest so it will do the job for just about any common pest.
As a general rule, use 4 oz when there is little to no crawling or flying insect activity. But if you have medium to severe problems, go with 8 oz per gallon.
Second, you may want to consider mist blowing the treatment instead of using a traditional liquid spray. I say this because over time, you’ll save a significant amount of chemical cost since mist blowing uses so much less material compared to liquid spraying.
For example, the average 2000 sq/ft home may only need 1-2 gallons of mixed material to treat it inside and outside. But if you want to treat an acre, you could easily 2-3 times as much chemical if you apply the mixture using a standard pump sprayer like this:
Eliminator Pump Sprayer:
Alternatively, by using one of our Mist Blowers it would only take 1-2 gallons of mixed material per acre so in the long run, your chemical cost would be roughly 25% compared to using a liquid. The end result is that the mist blower will essentially pay for itself over time based on the chemical cost savings.
Personally I use our Back Pack Mist Fogger to treat my 1 acre lot. I use roughly 1-2 gallons per treatment and can do the entire yard in less than 5 minutes. And since you’re talking about treating upwards of 6 acres, I’m thinking this would be the equipment you’d want to use but maybe you already have one or some other heavy spraying system? If not, consider the Back Pack Mister or one of the following:
Mist Blower:
FM 6208:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Keith Rich says
I am looking for a portable thermal system that can be put on an ATV to cover 6 acres and use the Essentria IC3 exempt. Backpack seems cumbersome and not thermal. Any thoughts?
admin says
We have customers using both our Back Pack Mist Blower and our Thermal Fogger for areas larger than 6 acres. And in most situations, they’re either driving around on an ATV or a pickup truck as they move throughout their property.
Personally I use the Mist Blower to treat my 1 acre lot and I can accomplish the task in less than 5 minutes. I’m basically walking around while treating. My land is somewhat hilly but I’m able to maneuver fine and I’m typically pumping out 1-2 gallons of mixed material depending on how bad the current problem is, how dense the vegetation is at the time of my treatment, etc.
As for our customers using either machine on a motorized vehicle? I can’t say I know every setup they use to secure the machine but I do know some travel with the device permanently mounted and basically never they take it off. They are no doubt “fogging as they move”. This doesn’t surprise me since both machines can be turned on and left pumping out a fog as they move so I know it can be done.
I know some customers will move about their property on a vehicle and then stop numerous times to manually remove their machine and then use it to fog.
Lastly, I know of at least one customer who fogs while riding his horse! To me, this seems a bit cumbersome and I’m surprised his horse doesn’t mind but he claims he uses this method easily so obviously it works for him. And he’s treating around 5 acres.
In summary, I’m certain either option can be employed successfully and both should be considered. As for “performance”; both have advantages and disadvantages. If you’d like, we can discuss this in greater detail on the phone since its kind of hard to list everything clearly in this post. I can give you a call anytime to discuss this further; just let me know.
Customer Care
U-Spray Bugspray
Carolyn S says
My neighbor has an ongoing issue of Mosquitoes that are thriving in his house. Can’t figure where they are coming from… thought it was from a plant, but the plant has been gone… and these little guys are eating me alive. Would Essentria work to get rid of these nasty Mosquitoes? If so, how would I be using it in a house… since they are flying around and not crawling on anything? This is getting so out of control… and extremely frustrating to say the least.
Tech Support says
In general, liquids don’t work well for mosquitoes. This is especially true when they’re active inside a home. Simply put, you can’t spray all surfaces and they’ll just avoid where you do spray so its not a good way to treat flying pest problems in the home. The good news is is there is a quick and easy fix.
As our mosquito control lists, the aerosol machine is the way to treat. Once set up and placed in the home, they’ll release a small blast of pyrethrin based aerosol every 15 minutes which will control all flying pest including flies, mosquitoes, noseeums, gnats, wasps and more. Use 1 machine per 400 sq/ft of area and fill them with Clear Zone refills. The machine will last many years so you only need to buy refills for them during the warm season and each can will last 30-40 days. Safe for use even in the kitchen, you’ll see immediate control of the problem and the process couldn’t be easier to deploy. In most cases, the mosquitoes will be gone in 2-3 days and as long as you keep the machine running, they won’t be able to live inside.
Aerosol 1000:
Clear Zone:
More information on this pest can be found here:
Mosquito Control:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Jules says
Can I spray this on pastures used for grazing and on grass that will be cut for hay?
Tech Support says
Yes. In fact this product is labeled for use on horses and cattle as a dip so it can even be sprayed directly on them too.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Nancy M. says
This spray works as promoted. It is easy to use and a pleasant minty scent. I used it around our fish pond and pet areas with no ill effects. It has not stained any areas I sprayed and it is wonderful to be able to sit outside and not get bitten by anything. A must have for outdoor living!
Erica says
Can I use this around my house where the chickens are “grazing” they are free range and I really have no control where on the 30 acres they decide to go but I would really like to spray my house for bugs.
Tech Support says
Treating the turf where they range and roam would not pose a hazard to chickens or other animals, people and wildlife when used as a liquid or mist in one of our misting machines.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Thanh Ly says
We have a springtail issue mostly on areas where concrete meets our glass windows/walls and slider doors. They are outside on the concrete and then inside near the slider doors. Probably crawling in from cracks under our sliders as well as baseboards where our windows meet the ground (we have glass windows that go from top all the way to the floor). We would like to use a green product when possible. Would Essentria be ok to spray on the concrete? We are also thinking of using the Phantom spray as well. Do we need to use the Bifen granules? We don’t seem to see any springtails going from soil to concrete. We also live in a home that is on a concrete slab, so that may be the issue…..
Tech Support says
Any of the liquid concentrates listed in our springtail article can be used on the home, concrete, etc. Unfortunately concrete will absorb the treatment quickly which reduces the residual dramatically so don’t expect lasting results until you get to the source. If you’re lucky, they’ll only be nesting in all cracks where concrete meets the home. But in most cases, they will be reproducing under the slab, specifically the outside slab, and until you inject a product like the Essentria under the slab they’ll keep coming. This can be done by drilling small holes in the concrete and using our foaming tool to inject the spray as a foam under the cement.
Foaming Tool:
As for the granules; they probably aren’t needed at this time but you will still need to spray the dirt as often as you spray everything else. Unfortunately I’m not sure you’ll get adequate results until the outside slabs are addressed so my best recommendation is to try surface spraying to start. But if they keep coming back every few days following a treatment, you’ll need to do more. And thats when the drilling and injecting will be best suited for long lasting, problem solving control.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here:
David S. says
Seems to work well.
David J says
I was wondering if this would work in my Stihl SR430 sprayer?
We have a local guy that claims his spray is FDA and HDA approved. Do you think this is similar to what he is using? His spray only treats for ticks and mosquitoes.
Tech Support says
It will most definitely work fine. I have used it in my Solo Back Pack mister and it does a great job. The Solo Mister is very similar to the Stihl.
As for the “FDA and HDA” approved product your guy is using; I can’t say if its a similar formulation or not. But you are entitled to get a label from him and if you send us a copy of the actives, their % etc., we can match it I’m sure since we’re selling what professionals use. But again, using the Essentria above is what many professionals do use so its entirely possible its what he’s spraying.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here:
Dana says
We have a horrible gnat issue in the summer in our pastures. They bother the horses when they are in the paddocks as well, but the pastures are almost unbearable at times. I read a previous comment that mentioned needing an aerosol machine for flying insects. Is this the case with gnats as well or can you spray the pasture/grass where they nest and alleviate some of the issue? Thanks-Dana
Tech Support says
The aerosol is for use inside structures. We have it in cans you manually operate like hair spray but for the barns and stables, the aerosol machines are best since they work around the clock.
Now for the paddocks and pastures, this product applied using one our misting machines will control any flying pest like gnats, biting flies, mosquitoes, noseeums, face flies and more. The key is using it enough and getting as much of the turf treated. More on the equipment needed can be seen in our article here:
Gnat Fogging:
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Gary Patterson says
Need to control chiggers in my Florida back yard. I live in a canal neighborhood on the Intracoastal waterway, and the yard runs right up to the seawall. Oysters, crabs, fish, shrimp, and even the occasional manatee and dolphin can be just a couple of feet away from the grass.
Is this safe to apply, and, if so, what’s the best application method considering the critter and the environment?
If not, what, if anything, can you recommend?
Tech Support says
For sensitive areas around water, Essentria is well suited. You can liquid spray or fog it over the vegetation and it won’t pose a hazard to people, pets, etc.
More information on our products for this pest can be found on our site where you can also order. Alternatively you can call to place an order at 800-877-7290, extension 1:
Technical Support
Bettina H says
I seem to have Springtails in my lettuce bed and stumbled across your product as a possible solution. I am wondering if it is safe to use around food? In addition we have a lot of gnats mosquitoes in our yard, and I am considering your product for controlling those as well. My question here is whether it has a negative impact on bees as well as birds? Thanks so much in advance for your feedback!
Tech Support says
Most of our products will “repel” or be detected by insects like bees so they’ll avoid where its sprayed. In this case, that would certainly happen.
That being said, I’d advise our Garden Safe Springtail Granlues and/or Multipurpose Garden Spray. Both are labeled for use in veggie gardens and won’t pose a hazard to the plants or anyone who eats them.
Vegetable Safe Bifen Granules:
Organic Insect Killer:
These same products can be used through the yard for gnats and mosquitoes as well but you’ll do much better controlling them with the Essentria above and a fogging machine like this one:
Bugspray Fogger:
For yards up to 1 acre, this fogger can handle it. Now if your yard is small, say 5,000 sq/ft or less, a jug of Cyonara RTS will also be a good option. Its “ready to spray”, hooks to your garden hose and is also labeled for use on veggie gardens.
Cyonara RTS:
Technical Support
Harriet Rankine says
We have an outbreak of chiggers in the barn. Is this product able to get rid of them? And is it safe to spray on cut hay for horses?
Tech Support says
This product is not labeled for “food” so you’ll be best served using the Multipurpose Insect Killer concentrate. Its organic, can be used on fruits and vegetables people eat and won’t pose a hazard to animals who eat treated plants/hay either.
Organic Insect Killer:
Teresa Young says
I have installed 3 large raised beds for vegetables. In the soil mix i had delivered, at least found 1 mole crickets. Once I soak the dirt and spray this, can I plant my seeds and seedlings safely, or do I need to wait a certain amount of time?
Tech Support says
We recommend you mix 6 oz per gallon of water and make sure to drench the soil well so its all treated. If you tell us how much dirt you have, we can give you idea of how much material you’ll want to spray. Once applied, let it dry for one day and after that, you can plant safely. You probably could 1/2 a day later but letting it dry ensures all solvents have evaporated so there will be no hazard at all present for the seeds.
Technical Support
Gladys Carter says
Joshua brookley says
I am having a heck of a time with black and white mosquitoes here in Florida 🙁 we have a large koi pond on a small lot which backs up to a preserve which we are not allowed to touch. Every night that I go to feed my koi I get Absolutely SWARMED I’m at a total loss! I hesitate to spray the yard due to my fishies but I’m so miserable! My yard is not large at all maybe a quarter acre max please advise as to how I should fix this!
Tech Support says
Get our Bugspray Fogger and some IC3. Its labeled for use over ponds, lakes, etc. as it won’t hurt fish or other marine live. Treatments will take just a few minutes and should be done 2-3 times for the first few weeks. After that, once a week when they’re active to keep them at bay.
Bugspray Fogger:
Essentria IC3:
Technical Support