PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Odorless concentrate labeled for use in and around homes. Easily mixed with water.
TARGET PESTS: Many pests for both outside and inside the home. Also labeled for use on dogs, cattle and other animals for lice, ticks and fleas.
WHERE TO USE IT: It is labeled for use on carpets in homes, furniture, cabinets, pantries. It’s also for use outside in the yard and around the foundation of the home for perimeter pest control. Labeling also allows for it to be applied to pets and clothing as a pest repellent.
RATE OF APPLICATION: Generally for most insects, 4 ounces to a gallon of water will work although a more concentrated mixture may be made. One gallon will cover up to 800 sq/ft.
When using as a clothing soak, mix 2 oz per gallon of water and let garments sit overnight and then allow them to dry before wearing.
When using as a pet or livestock dip, add 2 oz per gallon and sponge or spray on animal to keep away fleas, ticks and biting flies.
$20.00 (455645)(2 for $18.00 ea) 8 oz
Order online and save 5%
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Josiah Lillie Nelson says
I have an invasion of straw itch mites all over my home… It is terrible and I hate to be at home. I ordered things in the past. I really need your professional advice. You can’t even use the bathroom with out an attack on the body… Tell me what I need to treat this for a period of time. I am cleaning now to prepare. My husband works for City of Norfolk, doing board ups, properties with very high grass, rotten trees needing removed, cutting boarded homes or unkept properties grass. We also own a Lawn Care Business.. I believe his vehicles and shop is infested, and his dog. Please HELP!!!!! I am looking forward to hearing back from you ASAP…Thank you..
admin says
For starters, you need to review our Itch Mite article located here:
Itch Mites:
In the article you’ll learn all the options we have for treating the yard and home. In general, most people will start with Deltagard Granules for the yard and spray over the top with Permethrin. This will get control outside the home.
Next, they’ll treat inside using the Permethrin for all carpeting, furniture, etc. It’s odorless and can be used as often as you need. Typically people will treat once a week until the problem is gone and then 1-2 a month to keep it under control.
The Permethrin you need is above.
The only other option that you might consider adding is Microcare aerosol. This product can be used in between having to spray the liquid permethrin. Microcare is a pyrethrin based aerosol and will kill itch mites on contact so you can use it daily if needed for small areas.
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Technical Support
Customer Care
Gilbert Abrams says
I have 90+ rental properties to keep bug free. Both items were received in a timely manor. Follow the directions and spray away. Both products are for specific pests and usually I don’t have to re-treat anything for a few months.
BBaker says
Question… I have had a bottle of Permethrin 10% in storage, unopened, had it a while. It now looks opaque and possibly gelled but have not yet opened the container. Does it have a shelf life? Can it still be utilized when mixed with appropriate portion of water for the sprayer?
admin says
In general, most of our concentrated products will be okay for up to 5 years. But when you start to see a color change combined with any kind of coagulation, it usually means the material will no longer go into solution properly. And based on your description, I would say the container you own is well on its way to unusable. So even though it might still mix with water, you probably won’t be able to get normal results or residual.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Bonnie says
Was told to use this to kill off copperhead snakes. I’ve read the label and no where does it say for getting rid of snakes. Will this work? I plan on using it regardless since I do have ticks in my yard. Thanks.
admin says
Permethrin will definitely NOT kill reptiles so it won’t help with any kind of snake problem you might have. In fact there is nothing on the market labeled to kill snakes. But we do have a few repellents which work. Both Snake Out and Snake Away are good; the Pest Rid Spray is a great option as well. More info on these can be read in our snake article here:
Snake Article:
Snake Away:
Snake Out:
Pest Rid Spray:
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Tan says
I have confused flour beetles which are probably coming from the outside of the home. What product is most effecient in killing these pests?
admin says
If you review our Confused Flour Beetle article, you’ll learn what needs to be done. As you’ll see in the article, we recommend Defense concentrate for use on the exterior of the home when this pest is coming in from outside. Defense can be used inside too but you may want to opt for the Phantom aerosol. It goes on dry making it ideal for use where you don’t want to make a mess with any kind of liquid like in rooms with hardwood or tiled floors.
D-fense SC:
Phantom Aerosol:
You should also set up some Xlure traps inside to help monitor the situation.
Xlure Trap:
More information on this pest can be found here:
Confused Flour Beetles:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Todd says
I have a terrible mosquito problem around my house. I’ve tried a bunch of things to no avail. I recently picked up a Burgess propane bug fogger and was wondering if you’d recommend trying a permethrin mixture and if so what ratios would be the way to go? Thanks!
admin says
If you review our Mosquito control article, you’ll learn all about the “best” chemical options to employ. First and foremost, if you plan on treating an area larger than 2500 with your recently acquired Burgess, I’m afraid you will find it barely able to handle the problem. And if you intend on treating 5000 sq/ft or more, I suggest you return the Burgess and get one of the units we have featured in our article. The big reason is that our machines are a lot more powerful and will take little time to use for large areas. The Burgess, on the other hand, will struggle to handle anything 5000 sq/ft or larger.
The second reason is that you can use water based formulations with our machines but with the Burgess, you’re limited to oil based mixtures only. This will prove to be quite costly over time which only reinforces the fact that using one of our machines is the smart way to proceed.
Now if you still want to use the Burgess, you can purchase deodorized oil from us along with the concentrate needed to mix up your own formulation. You see, the Burgess requires oil so you’ll need both the deobase and the concentrate. The good news is using our oil and concentrates will prove to be a lot less costly compared to using the store bought “ready to spray” oil based material they offer. Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Mosquito Control:
Here are a few good foggers to consider:
Mini Fogger:
FM 6208:
Mist Blower:
As for concentrates; go with Permethrin, Pyrethrin and Nylar.
Permethrin 10:
6 % Pyrethrin:
Deodorized Oil:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Irene says
I’ve carpet beetle larvae issue at home. I’ve been having a professional pest control in 7 times in the past year to spray my house. The situation got a bit better. But lately, I started seeing larvae again. Can you please recommend if I should use permethrin or defends? Can I spray it while I’m pregnant? Thanks.
admin says
First, we always recommend consulting with your doctor before doing applications if you’re pregnant. And you should have them advise whether a service company should be treating as well. In general, there should be minimal if any exposure when treatments are done properly but for some, avoiding any unnecessary exposure to certain chemicals may be required due to medical history, special conditions, etc.
With that being said, if you review our Carpet Beetle article, you’ll learn the key to solving this kind of problem is the use of a juvenile growth regulator. This will “interrupt” the developing larva and prevent them from becoming reproducing adults. For carpet beetle problems, this is paramount to solving the issue. So whether you treat or hire a service company, its important that both an adulticide like Permethrin or Defense be used combined with Nylar.
More information on this pest can be found here:
Carpet Beetles:
And I recommend the Defense over the Permethrin if you’ve had an ongoing issue since it will last longer. And don’t forget to set up some larva monitors throughout the home. They can help identify problem areas you may be missing with the spraying being done (which would explain why the problem persists).
D-fense SC:
Dermestid Traps:
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Raul Caraza says
No one left! Used the product with a pump sprayer to complement the D Force used for the weevil infestation that had taken over our food closet. It was sprayed around cracks and crevices around the house as somehow some had found their way to the second floor for some reason. It has been a devastating result! No ants, weevils, even mosquitoes, have fallen under the power of this product. It was mixed at a rate of 3 oz. per gallon of water.
Jim says
Really is odorless. Have been using permethrin to treat clothing for chigger and tick repellent. Stuff I had before smelled bad. This stuff has no odor that I can detect. Mixed it with water to 0.5% concentration and sprayed on clothes.
Delinda Gresham says
I have no pets but discovered a flea infestation in my basement. I had a raccoon get in my house and I assumed they came from it. I was able to research what I needed to kill the live fleas and the eggs. So far has solved my problem. I will probably treat again in a month to get any stragglers. Price of product was reasonable.
Doug M. says
My first experience with these products. Very pleased with the results thus far.
Donna Cook says
I order this every year. I am allergic to red bugs and chiggars, but this product is great to eliminate them. We have a big back yard covered with pine trees, so we were really having a problem with them before I found this. I would recommend this product to anyone. It gets rid of other pests too. It’s easy to apply. I just put 4 ounces in my sprayer with water and walk around the entire yard. It last even through the rain.
Kirk says
Great Product! I do cat rescue and this stuff is great for fleas and ticks inside and out. As far as our friends here at, They are “Finer Than Frog Hair”! They provided superb advice on how to handle problems with insects versus special needs cats and cat colonies.
Robin Varney says
Excellent product!