PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: New and improved formulation making this one of the best organic concentrates available. Made from pyrethrins (.24%) and potassium salts of fatty acids (20%). Kills soft and hard-bodied insects like caterpillars, cockroaches, beetles, whiteflies and a wide range of bugs like mealy and stink bugs. Safe for use up to the day of harvest. OMRI Listed® and compliant for use in organic gardening making this a great choice for tough pests like white flies, aphids and pretty much any kind of garden pest.
WHERE TO USE IT: Flowers, Fruits, Lawns, Trees, Shrubs and Vegetables.
RATE OF APPLICATION: Mix 6.4 oz of concentrate to one gallon of water. Apply over 500-750 sq/ft of plant surface area per mixed gallon. Product can be used daily if needed since it has 1 day to harvest. If it doesn’t rain or if there are no pests present, apply every 1-2 weeks to maintain a pest free garden.
$75.00 (663615) 32 oz
Order online and save 5%
$125.00 (663616) 128 oz (ON SALE – $95.00!!)
Order online and save 5%
Supporting Video
Jeremy Solum says
Does this affect bees? If so, any suggestions? I am having an aspen leaf miner problem, but this looks like it’ll take care of a lot of issues down the road. Thanx.
admin says
Bees and wasps will detect its presence and move on. Basically they’re repelled by it so they won’t move over treated plants thus avoiding any chance of getting hurt.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
carol says
Will this be effective in spraying outside for carpenter ants? How frequent do I need to spray? I have toddlers and a dog in my home so don’t want to use toxic spray.
admin says
I know this product will kill ants when first applied but if there are nests on your property, I don’t think it will work well enough. So for exterior treatments on the home and in the yard where they’re active, you might do well using it 1-2 a month. But if there are nests on the property you’ll have to use one of the more “conventional” methods listed in our carpenter ant control article here:
Carpenter Ants:
In the article you’ll learn about two baits which are highly effective on carpenter ants. And this is true even if there are nests close by. The great thing about using bait is that it poses no risk or hazard to non target animals like people or pets. Basically if your pet or child was to ingest any, their digestive system would render the material harmless and it would be digested like any other food. But when placements are made properly, this wouldn’t happen because the bait will be placed so “thin” around the yard and home that in theory, it would be near to impossible for any child to find it and if done right, even hard for a pet to notice.
The concept is easy too. Basically you’ll sprinkle small amounts of Carpenter Ant Granules around the home, in the turf and basically anywhere you see them active outside. It doesn’t take much so no need to over apply. When done right, you’re placements should barely be visible.
Carpenter Ant Granules:
For inside activity, apply small dabs of carpenter ant gel where they’re active. Placements should be high up, out of any small child’s reach, and small. No bigger than a grain of rice is needed per spot. This allows you to bait discreetly in “out of sight” areas where only the ants will find the offering.
Carpenter Ant Gel:
In summary, if you have ants coming onto your property which are nesting somewhere off your property, the Multipurpose Insect Killer will be able to keep them away. But if there are nests in, on or around you home, you’ll struggle using this method and will be better served using the listed baits. More info about how to safely use and store our products can be found here:
Product Safety:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Mike says
Two questions:
(1) will an application of this product, or similar (i.e. liquid Sevin) on bagworms now have any benefit? Have just discovered bagworm infestation on backside of Leyland Cypress trees. They are in their cocoons now.
(2) these trees are at least 30 feet tall, are there sprayers available that could be used to apply product to this height? Or will I need to hire a professional to apply?
Thank you for your help.
admin says
We have not seen positive results using liquid sevin. And though Multipurpose Insect Killer is much stronger and will can handle the job, it will probably take two treatments spaced 7 days apart to assure success.
So even though some of your bagworms may be in cocoons, there are plenty of active adults and eggs that can hatch during the next 2-3 months so you need to treat now. And once we get to the second half of the season (July-October), we have found the Bifen and Spreader Sticker to be the best product to use. It will generally do the job with just one application. It has extra “penetrating” power and this better suited for the more mature stages.
Bifen IT:
Spreader Sticker:
As for reaching 30 feet high tree canopies; you have two options. First, test the water pressure going through your exterior hose spigot. If it can spray 30 feet or more using your garden hose, use one of our Hose End Sprayers. They’re made for this type of job and I know mine can reach just over 30 feet no problem.
Hose End:
The second option is our Trombone sprayer which can reach over 25 feet for sure; over 30 feet for most any “strong” person or someone standing on a step ladder or other elevated platform.
More information on this pest can be found here:
Bagworm Control:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Philip Kelly says
Do you think this will work on cicadas?
Tech Support says
It works well on hard bodied insects including cicadas.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
richard dunsdon says
Will this product work on colorado potato beetles?
Tech Support says
Yes. In fact it works well for any kind of beetle which we can’t say about most garden safe products. As you can imagine, beetles have tough exoskeletons but this product will get through this protection within minutes and treatments will keep working for a week or two.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Brittany says
Is this product safe for pets? We’ve been overrun with cicadas in the backyard (the primary play space of our two dogs.)
Tech Support says
This product is approved for organic gardens and only the “safest” products can be sprayed on vegetables and fruit intended for human consumption. This means when used in the yard over turf and plants where people or pets might be active it won’t pose any type of hazard.
More info on just how safe our products are to use in and around the home can be read here:
Product Safety:
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here:
JG says
Will this kill grasshoppers and crickets??? or can you recommend the best organic spray to kill them, thanks.
Tech Support says
Though the label doesn’t include grasshoppers or crickets, it will definitely kill them. Both these pests can be tough but this spray will penetrate their exoskeleton and knock them down quickly. And you can use it daily since it has just a single day to harvest wait time which is nice when needing to treat a vegetable garden.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here:
Doug M. says
So far it’s working just fine.
Christa says
I have a blister beetle infestation in my grass (we have mowed weeds for a lawn). Will this product kill grass? Also, I would be happy to control a wolf spider over population as well. Any chance of repelling them? I kill one per day in my basement.
Tech Support says
First, all of the products listed in our Blister Beetle article were created to be used over grass, flowers, shrubs, trees, etc. without causing injury so there will be no hazard presented to your grass if you spray it using this product or any of the others listed in the article here:
Blister Beetles:
Second, this product, the Multi Purpose Insect Killer, might be organic but its strong enough to kill any beetle or spider. And though it won’t keep killing as long as the other items listed in our article, it will repel the spiders for at least 2 weeks if not longer.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here:
Jenny says
I am having a hard time getting the seeds to grow in my garden. I am thinking it is due to the rolly polly/potatoe bugs which are plentiful in the ground. Do you have something that will get rid of them even if there are very few plants growing yet? I need something to treat the bugs in the ground so plants can grow.
Tech Support says
There are several things which could be causing issues including the bugs you listed. And yes, treating the ground anytime will help. Remember, these ground nesting bugs will be there year round so you can effectively spray for them whenever you want. And if you renew treatments a few times a year, you can stay ahead of their developing populations thus ensuring your plants will have their “best” chance to survive starting from seeds.
So at this time I’d say the Multi Purpose Insect Killer (shown above) would be a great product to use. Though organic, its quick acting on most any garden insect and fine for use where you intend on growing vegetables or fruit.
Mix 6 oz per gallon of water and spray the mixture over no more than 500 sq/ft per mixed gallon. You didn’t cite how big of a lot you want to treat so I don’t know how many mixed gallons you’ll need to apply. But one gallon will cover an area 50 feet wide and 10 feet deep. And this product will handle all pests. Use it once a quarter when you’re not growing plants. And once the garden is active, continue to spray at least once a month to ensure nothing “sneaks” up on you and gets established again.
On a related note, when’s the last time you checked the soil PH? If the soil PH for your garden is much below 6.5, it could be a factor for a wide range of garden plants. Use our PH Meter to get a quick read on this value. And if its a bit low, we can help you raise the value as needed. A low PH will prevent a lot of plants from growing properly and is a common “issues” for any garden. PH tends to drop over time and after just a few years of using any given area for growing vegetables, the PH can get too low and need adjustment. Just ask any farmer 🙂
Here’s a link to our meter which works great.
PH Meter:
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
So at this time, I’d say a good treatment option would be
Dave D says
Hi, I have a very bad infestation of whiteflies in my backyard lawn and 2 dogs. How long after application can I safely allow the dogs to go on the lawn? Thank you.
Tech Support says
First, the Multi Purpose Insect Killer above is only suggested for use on garden plants yielding fruit and/or vegetables. For whiteflies in the yard, you’ll be best served using the Adonis we have listed in our whitefly article here:
Lawn Treating for Whiteflies:
This product uses an active commonly used in a range of pet products like Advantage II so its very safe for use around pets. In fact the Advantage is very strong (over 9%) and even at that strength its used directly on pet’s fur and coat. Now once you dilute down the Adonis, it will be applied at .05% or at most, a .1% so it will be effectively be almost 100 times weaker compared to the same chemical you can apply directly to the dogs. This means it will pose no hazard. If anything, it will help them by killing any fleas or ticks on their paws. That being said, we always recommend letting lawn treatments “dry” for 1-2 hours. This ensures the treatment will have a chance to do its job before people or pets walking on it will destroy or alter the application.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Marion mccraw says
Our lawn is eaten up by army worms. Will this product kill the army worms and will they return?
Tech Support says
If you review our Armyworm article, you’ll see the best products for complete and lasting control. The Multipurpose Insect Killer above is really best if you need to treat vegetable or fruit producing plants. But for the grass or shrubs, you’ll be better served using the granules and liquid spray we recommend here:
Best Armyworm Spray:
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Susan A says
Will this product work on squash beetles/bugs? I’d like to use an effective but organic product.
Tech Support says
This is a great option for squash bugs. Its fast working, will repel them for a week or two and has a “one day to harvest” since its organic.
More information on this pest can be seen on our site here:
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Toni says
Is this product safe for use on Blue Spruce? Our Blue Spruce has bag worms.
Tech Support says
All of our products are safe for use where they are labeled to be applied. In this case, most certainly yes. Multipurpose Insect Killer is organic and can be sprayed on fruits and vegetables 1 day before harvest meaning you can eat your harvest safely the day after you spray them if were treating a garden. That’s about as safe as any product we have.
That being said, you may need to do a couple of applications to knock this pest out for good since they can be tough and in general, the Maxxthor EC is way to go.
Maxxthor EC:
But either will work; the Multipurpose being organic can require a followup for some situations so be prepared just in case.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Scott Jacobs says
Hey guys I have 2 questions. Number 1 can you ship to Canada? And number 2 does this product work the same on marijuana plants?
Tech Support says
This product is approved for use on marijuana plants since it has just 1 day to harvest. Unfortunately we don’t ship it outside the U.S. Our best advice is to have some sent to someone you know here in the states who can then forward a jug to you.
Christy says
Hi there,
I am starting a straw bale garden for the first time and seem to have encountered straw itch mites. The bales will end up housing sweet potatoes, so I need to address the issue. Does this product address mite infestations, specifically the straw itch or itch mites?
Thank you
Tech Support says
Multi Insect Killer will handle any mite so it will kill the itch mite for sure. And since its sage enough to be applied to anything edible, probably a good option for your straw bale garden as I’m assuming this is for cattle, horses or some other livestock?
Jim says
I’m planning to try this on a chigger infestation in my garden on Long Island. After several years of sporadic bites in spring & summer, I have a fairly high degree of confidence on the location of the infestation. I have a very good quality pump sprayer. Any advice on how to apply? The areas are small enough that I was thinking of doing two applications one week apart. Unfortunately one of the areas is very close to a vegetable garden, so I’m reluctant to use Maxxthor.
Thanks for your help – and great website!
Tech Support says
I think you’re spot on correct in what you’re choosing. It will control chiggers and mites and is well suited for garden areas. My only thought is given its organic, it won’t last like the Maxxthor so I recommend doing an extra treatment. So basically once they’re active or at the time when they typically do get active, start by making one application. But don’t wait two weeks. Instead followup one week later and then again a week after that. So plan on making 3 applications.
Secondly, use 6 oz per gallon of water per 1,000 sq/ft of turf.
On a side note, we are out of this product this moment but more is on the way and should arrive Tues or Wed of next week and we’ll have your order shipped right out.
Technical Support
Etas Carria says
Is this product effective against earwigs? I have a huge problem with earwigs feeding on ornamentals and vegetables.
Tech Support says
It will kill them quickly so yes, it will help. Ideally you should also apply some garden safe granules on the ground under all your plants as well. Over time this will slowly “release” and kill any developing in the ground which is where many stages will hide and prosper.
Vegetable Safe Granules:
Technical Support
Katelyn says
Hello, I have two Netherland dwarf bunnies who have been having a problem with mites from hay bales. I don’t want to buy hay from the pet store because it’s too expensive and not as fresh. I buy hay bales instead and do not want to run into mites anymore. If I spray this on the hay I purchase, will it be safe for my bunnies to eat?
Tech Support says
Yes. This product has only “one day to harvest” which means its safe enough to use on fruits, veggies and other edibles and within one day, humans can eat it. For this reason it is considered safe for most any other animal as well (at this time we don’t know of any animals that can’t eat treated hay or other food).
Hillerie Hedberg says
I have a cherry tree that has bag worms. The birds and squirrels love to eat the cherries. Would this be toxic to birds and squirrels?
Tech Support says
Its safe enough for people to eat treated fruit and veggies within a day because its so safe and organic so birds and squirrels won’t be at risk either.
Technical Support
Mpell says
Excellent natural insect spray. I felt safe and secure using this spray according to the directions. It helped control the chiggers we had.
Corey Ingram says
Will this product kill/control the Spotted Wing Drosophila (I think) fruit flies that are consuming my ripe tomatoes?
Tech Support says
It will kill them when you treat and “repel” them for a few days. I’d plan on a few treatments, at least one a week, for the rest of the season as many pests are “peaking” right now.
Tech Support
Jhon says
Hi. I have centipedes in my houseplants along with gnats; would I be able to use this product to water my plants and target the centipedes under the soil? Thank you.
Tech Support says
This would be a great product for such use. Add 3 oz to a 1/2 gallon; 6 oz to one gallon and be sure to use up what you mix. Any unused mixture will break down after 3 days and not be good anymore. It won’t hurt your plants but it won’t hurt the insects much after 3 days either so only mix up what you can use in a day or two most.
Technical Support
Johnny Lemoine says
I have CRAZY ANTS On my Yard , I also have DOGS on the yard. can I use this and if so how much PER GAL do I MIX . I want to use a ORTHO SPRAYER that Hooks to my Garden Hose and dial it in. can I do this and just set the dial to what ever pet GAL ???????
Tech Support says
This would NOT be a good choice for your problem.
What is the right product to use is our Prothor. You can read about it in our Crazy Ant article here:
Crazy Ant Control:
Prothor uses the same active found in Advantage commonly used on dogs to control fleas and ticks. That form is a 9.7% and safe for the pet being directly applied on them. Prothor will be a .5% when applied so you’ll effectively be using a spray which is 20 times less concentrated compared to what is used on pets. For this reason it will not pose any hazard to people, pets, etc.
That being said, its important to stay off the treatment till it dries. You must let it dry for it to “set up” and cure so it can “lock in” to the turf and stay where applied. Typically this will take 1-2 hours but then everyone can go back to their normal patterns of behavior.
In most cases, one thorough treatment will get rid of them for good.
Technical Support
Candace Kahan says
I bought an alfalfa hay bale to use as a mulch to cover my organic raised beds. I did this in July and wound up with a crazy amount of what I think are itch mites. I put containers of apple cider vinegar around and within hours the surfaces were covered with dead mites. There were tons of flies, too. I had to remove the alfalfa to stop the swarming.
Turns out, I stupidly repeated my mistake this November. Immediately my cauliflower showed tiny little mites all over! How can I treat the intact bales I’ve used to cover bare ground and the bales I broke apart and laid on raised beds between vegetable plants?
I think I should have used straw. Stupid me!
I look forward to the treatment that works or will have to remove the hay. Thank you!
Tech Support says
The Multipurpose Insect Killer listed above will allow you to safely treat alfalfa, cauliflower, hat, straw, etc. without posing any hazard to animals using it for food or bedding.
Mix up 6 oz per gallon and spray away as needed. It has 1 day to harvest so within a day, anything treated can be safely consumed or used in any other way. You can also fog it if the area involved is large.
Bugspray Fogger:
Technical Support
Phil says
We are getting chigger bites while sitting on our elevated deck. Would this product be safe to spray on the deck and furniture, if we wait until after it dries to sit on the furniture?
Tech Support says
For sure the Multipurpose is labeled for use on furniture inside the home as well as carpets so outside, it will be fine. But remember, if the pests are “flying” like a gnat or noseeum, you’ll need to get them around the property as well as the treatments to the furniture alone won’t do the trick.
Technical Support
Ann says
Will this product control apple maggots and codling moths? If not, which of your products will?
Tech Support says
It will and it will do so quickly. But since its organic, there will be no lasting residual so be prepared to treat several times for any one pest all dependent on the life cycle, how “entrenched” they are on your trees/landscaping and what the current weather is doing to promote or detain the life cycles. Other factors may factor in too.
For “longer” lasting results from a single treatment, our Veg Plus should be considered.
Vegetables Plus Perm:
Karen says
Will this work on feeding hay for straw itch mites?
Tech Support says
This product will kill active pests including mites and yet be safe enough to consume the next day, even on human food like veggies or fruit. Assuming you treat and let it sit for at least a day, it should do the job and not pose a hazard to farm animals.
Tech Support
Text-a-Tech: 678-667-2284