Snakes are one of the most feared animals on the planet and rank as one of the top three things people fear most on planet earth. In the United States, we have many species of snakes and though most of them are non venomous, in general people don’t like seeing snakes in their yard or home.
Most snakes prefer to stay clear of people. But like any animal, they are driven by the need for food and shelter. And since most any house can provide a wonderful summer or winter home for snakes, it’s amazing we don’t encounter them more often in our living spaces.
The following short video shows up close what a Copperhead looks like focusing in on its pit viper head.

Snakes usually feed on insects or small animals. Given this fact, the mere act of reducing insects and rodents on your property will directly result in seeing less snakes. In most every case of snake activity we encounter there is a distinct insect or animal issue which led to the snakes coming around. The lesson here is if you don’t want snakes, take care of any insect or small animal problem around your home.
Common insects that snakes like to eat include roaches (American, Oriental, Palmetto, Water Bugs, Wood, etc.), ants, caterpillars, beetles, boxelder bugs, crickets, cicada’s, grasshoppers, slugs, centipedes and most any insect that’s dead.
Common animals that attract snakes include chipmunks, gophers, ground squirrels, lizards, mice, moles, prairie dogs, rats, shrews, voles and birds.
If you have a high population of these listed insects or animals, don’t be surprised if you start seeing snakes in the yard. And if you let any of these insects or animals move inside your home, the snakes will readily follow.
Second to food, snakes need a good place to live. They love to live under anything flat that lies on the ground. Such objects could be boxes, weed cover sheeting, pine chips, pine straw, rocks, rock fill, gravel, any corrugated pipe or culvert, landscape rail road ties, patio slabs and wood piles. Many water dwelling species of snake are attracted to ponds and small creeks. With people making koi ponds and creating their own creeks and streams of water, snakes are sure to follow.
To help minimize snake invasions, minimize the above conditions.
To keep snakes out of your yard and home, you should first reduce the amount of prime snake habitat. They love flat rocks, wood piles, boxes, slabs, slate walk ways, railroad ties, pine straw, ponds, creeks, water ditches, in the ground window wells, crawl spaces, basements, sheds, garages and other protective areas. Since most any yard has something on this list, keeping them out by making landscaping changes can be a challenge. Fortunately there are ways around the need to make major alterations to the yard.
The easiest thing to do is to install some SNAKE REPELLERS. These are electronic devices which are solar powered. Place them along property entry points or at least where they most likely to enter. This is generally the back yard perimeter but could be the front yard too.
This short video (less than 60 seconds long) shows how our Ground Stake Repeller works:

Our Snake Repellers are quite unique and we have them specially made to our specifications so you won’t find them elsewhere. They were designed to incorporate all the things we know snakes don’t like. This would include vibrations, rattling sound and flashing lights.
If the above video wasn’t informative enough, this next one is a lot longer but provides all the details you’ll need to know:

Set them out every 30-40 feet after you allow them to properly charge for a couple of days. Our online video details the correct way to set them up so you get them ready for the yard.
Overall, these should be regarded as a “permanent” solution as our repellers will last many years and for the most part, do not require maintenance or servicing.
Use our EARTH AUGER to drill out properly sized holes. It can be fitted on any hand drill and will make installation easy.
This short video (less than 60 seconds long) shows how to use our Earth Auger:

To get the Ground Stake Repellers properly installed, the Earth Auger is pretty much needed.
The next step down from the most permanent solution is PEST-XEMPT GRANULES.
Xempt G uses all natural ingredients at a dose snakes don’t like. To be clear, Xempt G doesn’t have an offensive odor to people. They smell similar to “wintergreen” and can remain active for up to 60 days per application. But its strong. And since snakes don’t have good vision, they need their sense of smell to navigate the landscape.
For this reason, Xempt G works two ways. First, its strong smell will easily mask and cover any lasting rodent smell. Remember, snakes aren’t coming into your yard by luck. In most all situations, they’re actively foraging for food. Something like CHIPMUNKS or VOLES. But with Xempt G applied in areas where snakes have been seen or likely to use when entering your yard, the rodent odors can be covered up and in turn, not be attracting snakes.
The second way Xempt G helps is by overloading the snakes ability to smell. Once they notice the strong aroma they won’t be interested in coming around. Basically its not something any snake wants to risk so they’ll keep out.
Xempt G is packed 4 bags to a box; each baggie is .5 lbs and will cover up to 100 sq/ft.
If you have snake activity above the ground or if you want to increase the residual from the Xempt Granules, add PEST AWAY SPRAY over the top. Pest Away is made with federally exempt actives as well and designed to be the “companion” product to the Xempt G.
Spraying for snakes is sometimes the preferred option if you find them foraging in areas where you can’t apply the granules like in bushes, trees, or the sides of buildings.
Pest Away is made with all natural organic essential oils and gets mixed with water. It won’t harm wildlife, insects, birds, pets, etc. but due to it being so concentrated, it makes snakes “wary” of treated areas by overloading their sense of smell.
The dominating smell and aroma of Pest Away will make them not want to rest or travel where its been applied. This makes Pest Away a great way to naturally repel unwanted pesky reptiles like snakes and lizards.
Our 8 oz jar mixes 2 oz per gallon of water and will treat up to 500 sq/ft of plants when treating for deer control.
1) Snake repellents in the yard are best used to keep snakes away BEFORE they arrive to your yard or inside your home. Treat early spring and throughout the active season for best results. And don’t forget to treat in the fall when snakes migrate to structures for safe harborage during the cold season.
2) Snake repellents should be used by drawing a “line” with the granules and spray as a way to keep them out of your yard. Apply them along property lines, boundaries, fence lines, etc. If you only apply them around your home, you’ll keep them out of your house but they’ll still have access to your lawn and garden.
If you have snakes living in a crawl space, attic, shed or some place in the yard, consider trapping them out before deploying a repellent. This can be done with with either live traps or glue traps.
A more permanent trap design is the live cage funnel traps. These come with one way door which let snakes in but once inside, they cannot get out. Snake traps come in a wide range of sizes for all types of snakes and can be used in attics, basements, crawlspaces, barns, sheds, outside in the yard – pretty much anywhere you need to trap a snake.
For snakes 1-2 feet long, get the SMALL SNAKE TRAP or SMALL SNAKE TRAP DOUBLE DOOR. The single door is 8″ tall by 18″ long by 8″ wide. The double door is 6″ tall by 18″ long by 6″ tall.
For snakes 2-4 feet long, get the MEDIUM SNAKE TRAP. It measures 8″ tall by 18″ long by 12″ wide.
For snakes 3-5 feet long, get the LARGE SNAKE TRAP. It measures 8″ tall by 18″ long by 18″ wide.
For snakes over 5 feet long, the EXTRA LARGE SNAKE TRAP is recommended. It measures 12″ tall by 24″ long by 22″ wide. The largest trap is the 2XL SNAKE TRAP. It’s 22″ tall by 24″ long by 22″ wide and can handle several large snakes.
Regardless of what trap you choose, get some SNAKE LURE to attract them. Apply a teaspoon to any set. For glue traps, place a dab on the outer edge and then a teaspoon in the middle of the glue. For live traps, place it in a small cup or other container. Another bait that can be very effective is a live mouse, grasshopper, frog or other known food supply for your local snakes.
Give us a call if you need further help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. On Saturday, 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time).
Email questions here:
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Learn more about BUGSPRAY.COM and why it’s never been easier or safer to do your own pest control.
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I’m concerned about gopher snakes around my property. There is a construction site behind my community home where a river bed once was.. I’ve only found 1 recently as we just moved to neighborhood. Help please. What’s the quickest, safest option as I have 2 dogs and birds in my trees often?
Tech Support says
Start by spraying Pest Away
Pest Away:
Now if I started seeing snakes hanging around one location, I’d consider getting our Solar Powered Snake Repellers
Solar Deluxe Repellers:
Dana says
Need to exterminate a copperhead that bit my dog. I am afraid to let them out in the backyard.
Tech Support says
We completely understand. I suggest you review our article above and then install some of the Snake Ground Stake Repellers. Now if you suspect the copperhead might be living on your property, get one of our Snake Traps and trap him out.
Here are links to these items in our cart.
Pest Away:
Solar Powered Repellers: