TRAP DESCRIPTION: 6″ Wide x 6″ Tall x 18″ Long. This trap uses the same funnel design as our other small model. Use this design for snakes which are smaller than 3 feet. It has a sliding door for easy snake removal. The funnels may be cut open if you have a snake which is unusually thick. This is a true “double door” version or model. It’s slightly smaller, but because it has two doors instead of just one, it may prove more productive for catching unwanted snakes. A rectangular box made of galvanized metal to withstand rust and rot. It has a funnel type entrance which snakes can enter but cannot escape. By placing the trap in their path or where they are foraging, it’s pretty easy to get them to enter naturally without any lure or bait. But baiting will get them to find the trap faster so we do recommend our Snake Lure. Other bait like live crickets or frogs can be used too.
WHERE TO USE IT: This trap is best to use outside. It can be set along waterways such as streams and rivers. You will also catch snakes along fence rows, retainer walls or against the foundation of any home or building.
RATE OF APPLICATION: As many as needed. Generally, the more traps you have out at any time will enable you to catch more over a shorter period of time. And remember that all sizes can have their entrances adjusted. Simply cut the wire cone entry hole to widen it for thick snakes. If needed, you can always thread it back together with thin wire.
$100.00 (822340)
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Ariel Samuel - Tevea Hadbarot ltd -Israel says
Hi to you,
We are interested in purchasing SNAKE TRAP SMALL 2 DOOR 18″ X 6″ X 6″ and I would like to know
1) What will be my price?
2) If you can send it to Israel and what will be the shipping cost?
The Best
admin says
In fact we ship these traps abroad all the time. People who want us to ship outside the United States can use our International Shopping cart to make their purchase. This cart will show you shipping options and costs once you enter what you want to buy and what country you want the item shipped.
To learn these costs, go to our international catalog page for snake traps here:
Snake Trap:
Next, “add” a trap to your shopping cart and then proceed to checkout by clicking the “view cart” button. On that page you’ll be able to select your destination country and once chosen, see real time shipping costs and options.
And once you choose the method of shipment, if you complete the order we’ll have the trap shipped in one day since we have plenty in stock.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
Customer Care
U-Spray Bugspray
Sue says
I have ordered my second double door snake trap. It’s works great for catch and release. And their customer service is great!