PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Odorless liquid which is added to your tank mix for “egg killing” insect control. Although it will do nothing to adult pests, it will sterilize insect eggs and larva so they’re unable to develop into adults thus breaking their life cycle. Most commonly used for fleas, gnats, mosquitoes, ants, all kinds of beetles and other pests, adding Nylar to your tank mix will insure you get control of you pest problem and in the long run, cut down on how often you need to treat and how much adulticide you need to apply (basically using Nylar will help by saving time and reducing chemical costs).
TARGET PESTS: Fleas, roaches, gnats, ants, midges, mosquitoes, whiteflies, beetles and other insects.
WHERE TO USE IT: In the home on carpeting and around the yard in either a liquid spray or a mist blower.
RATE OF APPLICATION: 1 ounce of the regular strength Nylar (1.3%) mixes with one gallon of water and will treat 1000 sq/ft well. We also have it available in “super concentrated” form which is a full 10% (sku 802958 below) which only needs 4 ml – 8 ml per gallon of water and covers up 1500 sq/ft of area. Add either form to your regular tank mix and treat like normal. Nylar mixes with any active including, bifen, deltamethrin, dominion, permethrin, exciter, fipronil, etc.
When fogging or mist blowing for flying pests like mosquitoes, noseeums, etc., 1 oz per gallon of water.
$15.00 1 oz (454341)(1.3%)(Free Standard Shipping)(makes 1 gallon)
Order online and save 5%
$40.00 4 oz (454343)(1.3%)(3+ $33.00 ea.)(Free Standard Shipping)(makes 4 gallons)
Order online and save 5%
$85.00 140 ml (4.7 oz)(802958)(10%)(makes 17-35 gallons)(cannot ship to CT or NY) MSDS SHEET
Order online and save 5%
$195.00 140 ml (16 oz)(802960)(10%)(makes 60-120 gallons)(cannot ship to CT or NY) MSDS SHEET
Order online and save 5%
Doug M. says
Pleased with results.
Karen says
Is this dangerous with my indoor cats. I got rid of carpet in bedroom and put wood floor down but I still see a carpet beetle or 2 every once in awhile. I want them gone.
Tech Support says
Absolutely not. All of our products have been approved for use in the home by the EPA and the only way they can get this labeling is if they can prove such use will not pose a hazard to people, pets or the environment.
Just follow the safety guidelines we have posted, mostly keeping them out of the areas you treat and allowing the treatment to dry, and after that you can go back to regular day to day activity.
Pet Safe:
Technical Support
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here:
Willard Carter says
Worked great!
Laura says
Can Nylar be mixed with the total odor eliminator and bithor all 3 together in tank?
Tech Support says
Yes, for sure. All three applied at the same time is the way to go.
Technical Support
Mandy B says
Wonderful product! Product worked just how support said it would. We have no bugs much to my toddler’s dislike. My daughter on the other hand is happy! This winter we bought an old house where the upstairs wasn’t used. This Spring we have had so many larder larva worms in the carpets upstairs, which is unfortunately where our bedrooms are. Barf! Luckily this and the Bithor worked like magic and I haven’t seen a larva worm since! Top notch customer service, support and product. I highly recommend!