Assassin bugs are part of the bug family and as such, have piercing mouth parts used to extract food. Instead of feeding on plants or other insects, assassin bugs feed on blood. For this reason they’re a huge problem around farm animals, pets and people.
Assassin bugs are quite strong and can remain active well into the cold of winter. Like stinkbugs, they’ll congregate on homes seeking warm refuge and if they find a way inside, its not uncommon for them to nest on the home all year long.
Assassin bugs are native to the southern half of the country but are being found in many northern states. Up north they gеt асtіvе іn early ѕрrіng аnd аt thіѕ tіmе іt’ѕ соmmоn tо ѕее both аdultѕ аnd уоung.
Assassin bugs vary in color from black to brown to orange as well as any mix of these colors.
Assassin bugs аrе generally thought of as “nаѕtу” bесаuѕе thеу fееd оn blооd. Thеу gоt thеіr nicknаmе “kіѕѕіng bug” bесаuѕе thеу lіkе tо fееd оn humаnѕ аnd рrеfеr tо dо ѕо thrоugh оur LIPS! Thіѕ іѕ uѕuаllу dоnе durіng thе nіght, whеn wе’rе ѕlееріng, аnd thеіr bіtе саn lеаvе іrrіtаtеd mаrkѕ аnd ѕwеllіng аftеr thеу fееd.
Assassin bugѕ tурісаllу lіvе іn grоuрѕ аnd lіkе tо ѕtау оut оf ѕіght durіng thе dау. Thеу’ll сrаwl undеr rосkѕ аnd mulсh аnd lау іn hіdіng whеn thе ѕun іѕ оut. Thеу’rе аttrасtеd tо роrсh lіghtѕ аnd mаnу tіmеѕ wіll nеѕt оn a hоmеѕ siding. Onсе thіѕ ѕtаrtѕ іt’ѕ quіtе соmmоn fоr thе hоuѕе tо gеt іnfеѕtеd wіth thіѕ іnvаѕіvе реѕt.
Assassin bugs can transmit a vicious disease called Chagas. It causes 20,000+ deaths annually (people) and possibly millions of wild animal deaths though it’s not possible to add them all up since Chagas can infect small animals like mice and rats. Basically this disease is caused by a protozoan parasite known as the Triatominae which gets transmitted during the bite of the assassin. Long known as a major disease in Mexico, Chagas is now a big problem here in the states as many Americans and their pets are diagnosed with the disease annually. And though there is no real cure for it, the condition can be managed through a range of medications.
To control a local assassin bug infestations, you’ll need to use a strong liquids capable of penetrating their tough outer armor.
Now if they’re in the yard, on shrubs or trees, nothing is stronger compared to MAXXTHOR EC and BOOST.
Just 1/3 of an ounce of each per gallon of water and can spray all plants or grass. Do the treatments in the evening as the sun is getting low so the treatment can sit out overnight without direct sunlight interfering.
Now for vegetable gardens, go with MULTIPURPOSE INSECT KILLER. Its approved for Organic Gardens and features just one day to harvest.
Multipurpose Killer will actually repel insects for a week or two so plan on using it twice a month to keep them from returning.
The mixture rate is 6 oz per gallon; we have it in both quarts and gallons.
Lastly, if you suspect they’ve been coming inside the home, treat with under the homes siding, windows and doors with FS MP aerosol. It’s FAST action and super repelling.
Assassin bugs like to roost in groups and FS MP AEROSOL will often flush them out even if you didn’t hit their nest. For this reason its important to “circle” back to where you first sprayed 30 minutes after treating. If you find any have come out, treat again.
The following video shows how to thoroughly treat a window.
FS MP should be used around all points of entry which includes doors, windows, vents, where electric lines port through a wall, home siding – especially vinyl and wood shakes and of course, all light fixtures.
In general, a good exterior treatment with the granules and spray will keep them out of the garden and yard. But if you have a garden along side the home, the FS MP will be needed to make sure they don’t get into living spaces.
Tech Support says
So any insecticide can hurt bees if you’re spraying them with it or if they’re using the areas where you spray. But if you’re treating the garden only and the bee hives are 50 feet or more away, there shouldn’t be any hazard presented to them assuming you treat when there is no wind.
Also, bees don’t like either of the sprays and will generally avoid where its been applied because they can sense it.
So for the garden, the Multipurpose listed above would be ideally suited.
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