PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Water based enzymatic odor destroyer which works well at killing off smoke, dead body odors, pet smells, urine, feces, insect odor, pheromones, trailing scent and more. It works well when applied as close to the origin of the odor as possible but if you are not able to deliver it on top of this area it will work by being applied in surrounding areas.
NNZ works by attaching it’s molecules to the bad smell molecules and then diffuses them altogether. This will happen as long as the bad smell is available and the supply of the NNZ does not run out. When you are able to apply the material directly on where the odor originated from you will get immediate results. If you must apply it to peripheral locations expect to have to apply it a few times to get the desired results.
NNZ does not mask odors or cover them up.
NNZ can be shipped overnight if needed. And keep in mind that NNZ is odorless which means you’ll have immediate sense of the odor being removed. If you need a product that works like NNZ but has an light smell of it’s own so you know you covered the area well, go with the N7C.
$95.00 64 oz Jug (775218)
Order online and save 5%
WHERE TO USE IT: Attics, wall spaces, crawl spaces, floors, cement, under decks, on turf, on trees, on fences, on rocks, the side of a structure or house, etc. Pretty much anywhere you have an odor you want gone. And it’s very safe to use around people and pets. Just keep them off the treated area till it dries and has a chance to work.
WHAT TO APPLY IT WITH: Anything can be used including a mop, rag, PUMP SPRAYER.
DEAD BODY ODOR: For dead body odor, applying it directly where the body was resting is ideal and will yield immediate results.
ANIMAL TRAILS: For animal trail scent typically found around the home, spraying the homes siding and the ground leading up to the area will neutralize the smell so new animals won’t be able find the trail. Animals which “mark” entry ways include rats, mice, chipmunks, flying squirrels, gray squirrels, raccoon, opossum and more. Spraying the homes exterior will help prevent new aimals from finding their way inside and is particularly helpful when the entry point to the home is unknown or if the home has had animal activity for many years.
INSECT PHEROMONES: For invading or over wintering (hibernating) insects like stinkbugs, roaches, ants, ladybugs and more, NNz applied to the homes exterior will remove the pheromones these insects leave to “call” other insects. Remove the odor and you’ll have less if any new invading during the summer and fall months.
NNZ does not pose a hazard when used properly and can be reapplied as often as is necessary to defeat the offensive smell. Remember you can also use NNZ with our FOAMING TOOL because it’s water based. The Foaming Tool allows you to create a thick foam which can then be injected into any wall where you suspect a dead animal is decaying. The foam does a much better job of delivering the NNZ than does simply spraying the liquid into the wall void. And for large, open areas, using a FOGGER which will essentially “mist” the product is the way to go. If you don’t want to purchase a Fogger outright, we do have a RENTAL FOGGER that can handle the job fine.
RATE OF APPLICATION: Mix 12 oz of NNZ per gallon of water and use this to treat 800 sq/ft of surface area (a crawl space measuring 20′ x 20′ will have 400 sq/ft of floor and 400 sq/ft of ceiling so use 1 gallon of mixed NNZ to get this sized area properly treated). A 1/2 gallon jug will be able to treat up to 4,000 sq/ft.
$95.00 (775218)
Order online and save 5%
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jay mccarthy says
I am ordering NNZ Odor Neutralizer and a fogger for fogging an attic that was infested with squirrels and raccoons over the years. I have about 3500 sq ft of floor area in the attic. How much NNZ do I need to order for effective treatment?
Also, do you rent the fogger turntable in addition to the fogger?
Thank you.
admin says
Your plan is sound and I’m certain the NNZ will do the job. And 1 jug should be plenty. Basically you’ll mix up 8 oz of NNZ per gallon of water. Typically each mixed gallon can cover up to 400 sq/ft when applied as a liquid. That means 1 jug can cover up to 3200 sq/ft fine.
But when using a fogging machine, you’ll get up to 50% more coverage from the same amount of mixed NNZ. This happens because the misting machine tends to apply the material in a more uniform manner making the treatment work better even though the spray is spread out over a larger area.
So if the area in question is wide open (which I expect it is), I would plan on fogging at least 6 gallons of mixed NNZ. And since you get up to 8 mixed gallons of spray per jug, you may decide to just use it all for the area which would be fine too. In other words, no need to worry about over applying it.
So here’s how I recommend you proceed.
Start by letting the machine run in one direction for 1 minute at a time and then turning it 45 degrees over and over until the entire gallon is pumped out. And I would repeat the process for 2 gallons straight and then let the attic sit for an hour or two to dry. I would then repeat by fogging another 2 gallons.
So at that point you will have applied 4 gallons. I would then let the treatment sit for at least a half day. This way if there were any “bad” areas missed, you should be able to tell (via the smell) before doing the final applications and using up the rest of the NNZ.
As for the turntable accessory; I’m sorry but we don’t rent it. And yes, it would be helpful for this task. Basically it would do all the “turning” for you.
But I can also say you don’t need it to do a good job; it would just make the job a lot easier to have the machine automatically turning all the time.
Here are links to the recommended machines for this task.
For fogging, either of these two:
FM 6208:
For renting, this one:
Rental Fogger:
The B&G can also be purchased; its very similar to the FM6309 in performance and specs and can handle all the same treatments too.
Lastly, keep in mind that a fogging machine is a great way to do all kinds of pest control in and around the home. Personally its pretty much all I use at my house for mosquitoes, gnats, flies, spiders, ants, roaches, crickets and more. Any of the machines listed above will work great both inside and out in the yard and can really cut down on chemical costs as well as do a better job of treating so they will effectively pay for themselves in just a season or two of use.
Customer Care
U-Spray Bugspray
Holly Cearley says
My father in law has had bats in the past but no longer has them but this past month my boyfriend and myself have been remodeling some and when had to remodel a room upstairs (its a 2 story house, very old house). Well we had to get up in the attic in remove all the insulation and feces that was piled up. Soon as we can afford it we are going to have to have all the wood in the attic replaced. But my problem now is that the smell is coming down into our bedroom and the smell is overwhelming and I’ve had a liver transplant and my immune system is not that good. The question I need answered is if I purchase the spray will it get rid of the smell until we can afford to replace the wood? Im desperate to get rid of the smell and scared that it can be very harmful for my health. If I spray the entire attic will the smell go away…
admin says
The NNZ will definitely help and if you’re able to get everything sprayed, it will definitely diffuse the odor. We generally see instant results and in most cases, a single application can do the job. But the key is having everything accessible so the spray can get where the odor is active. Do this by exposing everything (which it sounds like you’ve done already) and if you liquid spray, be patient and thorough. Remember, the liquid must touch everything to do the job.
That means if you’re not able to reach all parts of where the odor is active equally, you might have lingering issues.
And if you think this might happen, consider getting a Mini Fogger. They’re easy to use and very good at equally distributing the NNz solution. By applying it as a mist, you won’t miss anything and the odor will diffuse quickly for sure.
Mini Fogger:
Customer Care
U-Spray Bugspray
Toll Free: 1-800-877-7290
John D says
We had a terrible problem with bats invading exterior parts of our log home. Though they did not get in the house, the smell did!! We hired a contractor to replace the facia boards, inspect and clean the mess. Here’s what he said about NNZ… “Man that stuff really works!… The smell was so bad you couldn’t hardly stand it… We sprayed the pi*s out of the area and the smell was instantly gone!!”
NNZ is amazing !! I highly recommend it !!
Lisa says
We bought a house this past August that has an aluminum sunroom addition that has berber carpet. The sunroom literally smells like dog poop. The house had been empty for years and groundhogs have been living under the sunroom. Also, the previous owners owned several dogs and there were several stains on the carpet. We had the carpet professionally cleaned before moving in hoping that would help. It hasn’t. The only time you can’t smell the feces odor is when all the windows in the sunroom are open. Now that Spring is here we are anxious to fix up the sunroom and use it. However, I don’t want to put furniture out there until we have gotten rid of the odor. My husband is fighting me on removing the carpet. I don’t think the carpet is the only problem though. I want to try your product and think we should fog the inside of the sunroom as well as treat underneath it. What would you recommend as the best method of treatment for underneath it? My husband does not listen to me and is talking about using a homemade concoction of coffee grounds and some other ingredients. He thinks cleaning the carpet again and wiping down the walls is all we need to do. HELP!!!
Tech Support says
I believe you are “spot on” regarding what’s needed. Here’s why. Odors will naturally migrate and move around. As they trans-locate, they can saturate a range of material including metal, wood, cement, etc. For this reason its highly likely the odor is now living on the walls, ceiling, subflooring under the carpet, etc.
In this case you state the room is aluminum but is that the same material under the rug? If so, saturating the existing rug could allow the treatment to penetrate deep enough to cancel the odor lying underneath. But in most all cases, a thorough treatment of applying NNz to the flooring under the rug, the walls and then the ceiling would be smart. This is the only way you can safely assume all odor will be neutralized.
Now if you want to replace the rug, you would be making a big mistake by not treating the flooring underneath before installing the new carpet. I say that because again, that subflooring is undoubtedly saturated with the odor molecules. And quite frankly, I’m not even 100% sure saturating the existing rug would ensure the odor is killed underneath. In other words, even if you wish to save the berber carpet, removing it and treating underneath would no doubt be well worth the time and effort. By removing it, you’ll be able to deliver a lot of spray underneath and this area could be the most important needed treatment.
As for the space under this room; saturating it from ground to the subfloor above would be smart.
Lastly, whether you use a good sprayer or fogging machine to do the job won’t matter. Assuming you have access to all surfaces and can get to all areas unimpeded, you should be able to deliver a liquid spray where it will be most needed. That being said, using a Mini Fogger would make the task easy saving a tremendous amount of time. And it would ensure uniform and equal coverage. But wiping everything down manually with a sponge or liquid spray would do just a well. The key here is coverage. Get everything covered at least once and I’m certain you’ll see a huge improvement. Basically there is no reason why you won’t be able to eliminate the odor once and for all.
Mini Fogger:
Eliminator Pump Sprayer:
Tech Support
U-Spray Bugspray
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Greg Burke says
Nice product! The product works better than was explained. I hope I never need it again, but if I do, I know what to get and where to get it. The price is very reasonable and it was promptly shipped.
Joie Spencer says
Can the NNZ be used in a pump up garden sprayer? And what would be the mixing ratio? I’m interested in purchasing the product but need to know if it can be used in this kind of sprayer.
Thanks Joie S.
Tech Support says
As detailed above, NNz can be applied pretty much anyway you want including a mop, rag, sponge, pump sprayer or fogger.
Eliminator Pump Sprayer:
Fogmaster Mini Fogger:
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Crystal C. says
Amazing Product! I recently ordered the NNZ odor neutralizer and could not be more pleased! I had a horrendous odor in a rental property that nothing would impact. My pest control man told me the odor was from an infestation of German roaches. I found this product on line, ordered it, and quite frankly didn’t believe it would truly eradicate the odor, but it did! I had tried many things to eradicate this odor, but the NNZ is the only thing that was effective. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this product for any tough odors!
Patricia Duncan says
working well so far. I hope when summer comes around the smell does not return.
Miriam Pittman says
I was surprised when using the fogger with the neutralizer spray that I didn’t smell a strong odor from it. Most sprays will try to “cover up” the odor problem. This one didn’t. I can tell a difference. I’m still using the product in an “old” building so time will tell.
Alicia says
Can I put nnz in my carpet shampooer for a small area that my cat targeted when she was sick and urinated on the carpet? Or?
Tech Support says
You probably can. Any shampoo in the machines system will probably render the NNz useless but after a bit processes through the machine, this should neutralize the shampoo and allow the NNz to work like normal.
So here are your options for treating.
If its a small area, add 8 oz of NNz to a 1/2 gallon of water and then “sponge” it out over the carpet first before using the machine.
Ideally you should plan on treating the whole carpet, at least the room where the carpet is fitted. Odors will travel so even if the mess was only in a few spots, its probably moved to most of the fabric. So for treating the entire carpet, add 8 oz to 1/2 gallon of water and with any good pump sprayer, use the entire amount over 250 sq/ft. Once applied, allow it to sit for 2-3 hours and then use your shampooing machine to extract any excess moisture.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Christina M Gleixner says
Hi there
I’m interested in treating a very small kitchen and utility area that were recently infested with roaches and had roach excrement and odor left behind. The roaches have now been exterminated.
Wood floor, concrete, tile, and maybe even cabinets will all be treated.
How would you best suggest I mix the NNZ for my problem? Is mopping and scrubbing suitable for treatment?
Thank you!
Tech Support says
Mixing 8 oz of NNz to a gallon of water will get most any job. The solution can be applied via sponge, mop, rag or sprayer. Whatever is most efficient can be used.
When using our minifogger, you’ll need a more concentrated form, like 40 oz per gallon gallon and lots of heat.
Technical Support
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Christina says
@Tech Support:
Thanks! I also am wondering if I could treat the inside of my gas stove, the area where the hardware is you can see from the back, and the area under the burners. Is the NNz flammable?
It smells like roaches and there is excrement there.
Tech Support says
NNz is water based so once mixed with water, its not flammable. Furthermore its highly volatile so once it dries, its gone for good. Well suited for use in any appliance like refrigerators, microwaves and ovens, no worries about fires assuming you let it dry out a few hours and use it properly.
Technical Support
Dennis thomas says
What can I mix NNZ with in order to use it with a thermal fogger.
Tech Support says
Just depends on the fogger. We sell some which use oil based products only Still others can be used with water. Find out from your manufaturer which they allow an stick with it.
Technical Support
Cheryl says
I had bats in attic now they are gone but we are left with a attic that smells of bat urine. Can this product take away odor and do we have to remove insulation or will it take the odor out of insulation?
Tech Support says
The NNz will do the job assuming you get the insulation good and soaked. This could be tough to do without making a leak below so be careful to not spray too heavy. Ultimately removing the insulation is always best so you know you get great coverage. But its not always required to knock out the odor.
Tech Support
Sustainable L. says
Great product to eliminate bat odor! Had a colony of bats removed from attic but the smell was so strong, tried different odor sprays and powders didn’t make much difference. Then checked online and found this product. As instructed I heavily sprayed the about 600sf (roof and attic floor) attic using NnZ, it was amazing, after 30 minutes, I couldn’t smell it anymore. I may want to spray it another time after a month to consolidate the results. Highly recommend this product for bat odor!
Antonia says
Hi, I have a severe odor coming from the roof into inside the house and it seems to change location and changes in different odors. Its a rental house and we noticed this smell already the first time. However we thought its due to harsh cleaning. The smell is hard to describe. It changes smell from like strong cleaning toilet products to urine and feces alike. We thought it was the grout but today I went to smell the air openings what run surrounding under the outside roof and there it was. Tremendous. Now we have a small attik opening but we can’t access to fit in person. What should I do and what do you think I am dealing with? How can even animals get there? I doubt it is animal matter.
Tech Support says
If you had animals up there, you would hear them or find evidence somewhere in the home or on the outside. Regardless, if you want the smell gone, treat with the NNz above. If you can’t access the space directly, use one of our fogging machines to make the application. It will remove the odor from any treated space immediately and if this is truly the source, you can get rid of it.
Here is a link to a good fogging machine to use.
Fogmaster Mini Fogger:
Technical Support
Jeff Thornton says
It works! I have used several items on the market, but they all just covered up. As it says in their info, this gets rid of the odor. Am pleased with the purchase.
Bonnie Charles says
We moved to a country home 2 months ago and are suddenly experiencing a strong odor in our family room. We have also heard scurrying in the attic space above this room. The smell is almost “mildew” like. We knew that we potentially had mice up there and put down traps in our adjacent garage. The same day we caught three Shrew in our garage and the odor coming off them was pungent. The same odour coming from our family room. We were able to find where they are coming in and sealed up the entrance way. Have you had success with Shrew scent removal? It’s horrible! Help!
Tech Support says
So first, read our Shrew Control article here:
Second, DO NOT SEAL HOLES. This will do nothing other than cause active animals to create new holes for entry/exit. If you have holes, you have an advantage as you know where they are going to enter. This means you know exactly where to set traps.
Third, get 2-3 of our LT3310 traps (listed in our Shrew Article) and get them set in the garage AND attic. Use them with Loganberry paste (also in our article) for quick catches.
Loganberry Lure:
Fourth, once you go 2 weeks or more with no sounds, trapped animals or other sign of activity, you can seal up all holes.
Fifth, after holes are sealed, spray the attic, garage and exterior of the home with the NNz listed above. This will remove all animal smells and in turn, prevent any new animals from finding your home so you won’t get more coming in as we move into fall season.
Technical Support
Paul says
Worked great to remove scent trail of shrew.
Stacy Stanley says
Hello we have a strong musty smell in our crawl space that is filled with pea gravel. How would you recommend treating that since it is all pea gravel
Tech Support says
Get one of our fogging machines to do the job. They’re easy to use and will distribute the material in a uniform treatment. If you provide the approximate dimensions of the space, we can be specific with how much material you’ll need to treat.
Remember, the odor is most likely on the walls and overhead floor boards so fogging is by far the best approach. Our mini fogger or Bugspray Fogger would be ideal for this need.
Mini Fogger:
Bugspray Fogger:
Linda Coco says
Good with the smell! Recent roach infestation smell eliminated with this product. Thank you!!
Pamela stock says
Does this work on cat smells. We have a rental house that cats were allowed to poop and urinate in a bedroom. The smell has permeated the whole house. We have cleaned every surface with other products and the smell is still there.
Tech Support says
It will remove the odor but you must be thorough and you might need to do more than one application. But results will be immediate.
To treat, add 8 oz to a gallon of water and lightly mist it out over walls, ceilings and apply more heavily on the floor. Its critical to get carpets removed so the treatment can reach cement or subflooring underneath.
The second important part of this treatment is to use a fogging machine to do the application. Our Bugspray Fogger is ideal for the job though a Mini Fogger can work too.
Bugspray Fogger:
Mini Fogger:
Also, be sure to treat every room and once done, let it sit for 1-2 hours. After 2 days if you still notice odors, treat again.
Anna says
I need to eliminate the scent trail being left by rats into my home to discourage more. Will this product help that? Do I apply it inside as well? How much of an outside perimeter do I need to establish? I have an exterminator coming out to locate the entry points but plan to treat the entire perimeter of my house. Thank you for your time.
Tech Support says
This product works by breaking down odors molecular structure and in doing so, rendering the odor incapable of getting airborne. The net result is no odor. When used to eliminate rodent trails, you’ll want to sanitize all inside locations like attics, crawl spaces, pantries, basements, garages, etc. where rodents were known or suspected to be active.
Outside applications will involve spraying the homes siding up to the roof line as well as the ground going out at least 10 feet from the foundation. Rodents rely on scent for “roads” and any trail leading to your home will be an open invitation for more getting inside.
Mix 4 oz per gallon of water for inside applications and either wipe or spray it out over the affected areas and plan on applying a mixed gallon for every 500-750 sq/ft of surface area.
For outside treatments, 8 oz per gallon of water for every 500 sq/ft of area and come out from the foundation at least 10 feet. If you know what side they’re using on the home, treating further out will be helpful – especially if you’re finding tunnels in the ground or suspect they might be nesting up under cement slabs.
Technical Support
John Leonard says
We just purchased a home, had a/c unit installed. Found out we had a bat problem. The installer said the bad have moved on but they left a mess that’s the smell we keep getting. I saw the fogger that you rent and the NNZ. I’d like to do that, but I’m concerned about fogging the attic. Is this safe for pets and little kids or do they need to be removed for treatment? I saw the mini fogger that could be purchased will that do the job? After using it for the bat smell could we use it for bug/insects? Thank you.
Tech Support says
So first, NNz is what we call a “sanitizer” which means it effectively makes things “safer”. In this case, it will effectively break down the noxious odors bat guano generates. These odors will be carrying bacteria, virus and other harmful contaminates. By breaking down the odor, the risk of it getting “air borne” and reaching a person, pet, etc. in the home will be greatly reduced if not eliminated. For this reason NNz is for sure very safe and actually helps to provide safety for those residing in the structure being treated.
In this case, you have a few things to do for making sure the process is done properly and takes effect. First we recommend you read through our Bat control article here:
In the article you see we discuss that first, its important to “kick out” the bats so the home is bat free. Sounds like that has now happened? If so, the guano cleanup is next meaning as much of it should be eliminated and removed. Accessible locations should be easy to clean up – places like attics for example – but if they’re in the wall, you may need to use our Foaming Tool to get the product applied where it will be needed.
Now once the guanao is removed, you can treat with the NNz. For attic spaces, fogging it out using our Mini Fogger or Bugspray Fogger will get the job done most efficiently and with little chance of failure. The Mini Fogger is good for 2500 sq/ft of less; the Bugspray Fogger 1/2 to 1 acre. So if you have a small yard and are thinking about fogging out side after cleaning up the odor issue, the mini fogger might be strong enough if the yard is 5,000 sq/ft or less. But if you’re treating 1/4 acre or more, get the Bugspray Fogger.
Mini Fogger:
Bugspray Fogger:
Lastly, if you suspect some of the guano fell down into wall voids, our Foaming Tool may be needed to get the NNz where it can do its job.
Foaming Tool:
The good news is that where you apply the NNz, it will act quickly at breaking down odor cells and eliminating the smell. 1 treatment properly done (our fogging machines can really help) usually does the trick though in some cases a second application is needed.
Technical Support
Kelly Collins says
I didn’t see anything about NNZ & skunk smells? My 2 dogs were sprayed last night and even though I washed them and limited their access throughout the home my house smells HORRIBLE!
Please help…thanks in advance!
Tech Support says
If you check our Skunk Control article, you’ll see the n7c is best for this problem. You can wash them in the mixed solution as well as clean the house, furniture, etc. Spraying it, wiping things down or even fogging is all fine and safe and highly effective.
More details on how to use it can be found in our article here:
Skunk Odor Control:
And the n7c can be found here:
Technical Support
Rebecca Withers says
This product is amazing. Got rid of old house smell in walls and cabinets. Easy to use. Will certainly buy again!
Louis Domanico says
I had a raccoon in my attic and was able to have it removed. Removed most of the insulation but getting to the back of the attic is impossible. I have a fogger and wondering how to apply the Nnz. The Oder is very strong in the bedrooms below the attic. Should I go full Nnz without diluting? Also how many applications should I do?
Tech Support says
NNz might work but its more geared for droppings or urine. Raccoon tend to leave a wide range of odor and so the T.O.N., Total Odor Eliminator would be the better option since it covers all smells. You’ll see it featured in our Racoon article here:
Raccoon Odor Control:
As for using a fogger; that’s the way to go. And if the insulation is removed, you should have direct access to the wood underneath and so the T.O.N. should work very well. Use 4-6 oz per gallon but how much to use will depend a bit on how big the space is. We have a good video on this that can help explain the process and you read up on how to calculate the amount to use by visiting our short article here:
Rodent Dropping Cleanup:
In summary, we advise to use the T.O.N. and the amount needed will depend on the square footage of the floor, walls and any ceiling you will be treating.
Tech Support
Louis Domanico says
Will the T.O.N work even if I can not remove the insulation since it it is the back of the addition and not accessible?
Tech Support says
The rule to follow here is twofold. So if the animals were walking on an area leaving urine and droppings, it would be best to remove those sections and treat. For these areas, this would allow normal amounts of TON and having it applied with either a fogger or a sprayer with good results. New Insulation should then be reinstalled after the odor is gone for good.
For areas you can’t access, first determine if the animal was active there. If the insulation looks relatively untouched, it could still and will most likely have an odor and so the fogging should do the trick since the odor was never “on” that section. This means the fog will penetrate like the odor did and in turn, neutralize it.
But if the animals were active there, then you’ll want more penetration with the TON and so directly spraying it would work over just fogging. Remember, fogging is easy to do BUT it won’t deliver huge amounts to areas where it might be needed. In attics, these areas tend to be where there were droppings or urine so ideally, these areas should be soaked just enough to reach the wood underneath.
Now if you don’t know if the animal was there? You’ll want to try first by fogging and then if that won’t do the trick, consider climbing back there to get a visual on the area OR you can inject through the ceiling the TON using our Foaming Tool.
Tech Support
Louis Domanico says
One last question, if I already sprayed the area with The NnZ on the insulation will this product still work on top of that?
Tech Support says
Yes. NNz is a similar product BUT it doesn’t cover the full range of needed ingredients for all odors. As you’ve probably noted, there is still odors lingering. TON will target them and get rid of all odors and can be applied over or in conjunction with the NNz.
Tech Support
Louis Domanico says
I was able to remove all the insulation and now I have a bottle of T.O.N. how much of this with water do you recommend and also how much should I spray in the area? Should I do more than one sweep?
Tech Support says
Visit the T.O.N. page for precise details. The jug has a QR code on it you can scan and then go to the page immediately but it should be here:
As for mixture rates; 4-8 oz per gallon. If the odor is bad, use the 8 oz. And plan on spraying a gallon for every 500-750 sq/ft. And if you feel like treating twice, which would never hurt, treat a day apart.
Tech Support
Louis Domanico says
If spraying the attic with T.O.N. and the smell continues in the bedroom would I need to spray the room, beds, dresser and mattress? This is a vacation home and only able to work in this on weekends.
Tech Support says
So this could happen. Odor molecules can relocate to surrounding areas so its not uncommon. That said, there are two treatments to consider which would help defeat the issue.
The first is using the Mini Mister, you would lightly spray all walls, ceilings, flooring, etc. with T.O.N. Treat the areas lightly, let it sit for a day and see how much it improves. If you note a positive result, retreat until its defeated.
If the odor has leached into wall voids, our Foaming Tool would be needed. Making small holes through the walls where the odor is most strongly detected (usually the one outside wall), inject the T.O.N. in foam form so it can adhere to all important surfaces.
Tech Support