I live in Mt. Pleasant, MI. I have thousands of beetles swarming my home every night. They are so bad in all of my trees and shrubbary that we can’t even go outside. It is awful. I am not exaggerating. I mean literally thousands. They make such a horrible noise hitting the house and screens. Thye look like a June bug but they are a light beige color.
Most likely some species of what people commonly call May Beetles. This beetle will infest most any turf grass and feeds on just about any species of plant. And though they’re active all day, they tend to be a real nuisance mostly at night.
My guess is you haven’t been treating your property with any kind of granules or liquid spray because if you did, these guys wouldn’t be active since they’re easy to control. But they’ll take advantage of any untreated yard they can find and since they reproduce rapidly, one can get thousands of them active in just a few years if you let them live.
Over time their chewing and feeding on the plants in your yard will take it’s toll so if you want to prevent loss of landscape, here’s what you do.
First, apply some MAXTHOR GRANULES over every bit of your grass, mulch and flower beds. This product will slowly seep into the soil and help reduce their numbers where ever they might be nesting, laying eggs and keeping their young.
The following “short video” (less than 60 seconds) provides a little summary about this granule, how to use them in the yard, etc.

Plan on using them about once a month during the spring-summer-fall to keep the yard pest free.
Next, spray MAXXTHOR EC over these same areas. But also spray all the plants where you see them active as well as your home.
The following “short video” (less than 60 seconds) shows how to use it in our Green Topped Hose End Sprayer but our YELLOW HOSE END will be just as effective since you don’t have to spray high.

So use the rate in the video above; 2.5 oz in the tank along with some water to fill it up to the 5 gallon mark. That amount should be applied over 5,000 sq/ft.
1-2 liquid treatments will knock them out and spraying once every 1-2 months will keep things under control the rest of the season. Eventually this year’s crop will run out and over time, the granules will take care of them where they’re nesting so you won’t experience such large invasions next year.
To apply the Maxxthor, use this sprayer:
And remember, their egg laying in the turf will lead to grubs feeding on your grass roots and other plants. This would not be good for your landscape!
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