PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Granular Insecticide (22 lb.)
* Quick knockdown/kill
* Residual protection
* Flexible label
* Low aquatic toxicity
* Broad spectrum
* No watering requirements
* Botanical scent
TARGET PESTS: Ants, Bermuda grass mites, centipedes, chiggers, chinch bugs, clover mites, cockroaches, crickets, earwigs, fall armyworms, fire ants, fleas, leafhoppers, millipedes, sowbugs/pillbugs and other insect pests.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Essentia is intended for outdoor applications using a hand-operated spreader or equivalent equipment such as shaker cans.
For Exterior Perimeter Treatments: Apply uniformly to ground area 5 to 10 feet wide around and adjacent to structure. Apply 2 to 5 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. (rates depend on severity of infestation). Repeat as necessary.
For Ant Mounds/Nests: Sprinkle 1 to 2 teaspoons over the nest. For red imported fire ant mounds, use up to 1/2 cup (8 tablespoons) over each mound and up to 2 feet around each mound.
For Turf / Landscape Treatments: Apply at a rate of 3 to 5 pounds per 1000 square feet. For best results, water grass with 1/8 to 1/4 inch of water but stop watering before puddling occurs. Repeat as necessary.
$65.00 (453439) 22 lb. (3+ for $55.00 ea)
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Lynn Baynes says
Hope this works.. We have an infestation of millipedes but we compost. I am sure this is my main source but I am sad to kill my earthworm. We do what we have too! Thanks for the info.
admin says
These granules will definitely help. And guess what? No need to worry about your earthworms! Essentria uses food extracts for actives and treating the compost won’t bother the worms in any way!
Customer Care
U-Spray Bugspray
B says
We have springtails. On the outside perimeter of our home we have several raspberry bushes. Will this product harm those or is this a compound similar to diatomaceous earth? What do you suggest dosage is for outdoors treating these pests and what product do you recommend for inside?
Tech Support says
Use our garden safe Bifen granules for the outside. Diatomaceous earth is very different, works different, etc. and not an option for this task. The garden labeled granules can be ordered here:
Vegetable Safe Bifen Granules:
The Cyonara spray we have is labeled for use on gardens too so you can spray it over the raspberries as per label.
Cyonara RTS:
As for the inside, the Alpine we have listed above is perfect.
Alpine Aerosol:
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Ann says
We have springtails making their way into our home. We have small kids and a dog so we want to use products that are safe for them. Are these a good option for our mulch, or would it be better to use the Eight granules?
Tech Support says
All three options are safe for use around the home as detailed in this safety video:
Granules Safety:
What’s more important is to understand the 4 main products used for Springtail control. We’re about to do a video on this because apparently there is a lot of misunderstanding on just how each of the 4 products work.
The first two for outside will be the Maxxthor Granules and Spray. The Maxxthor is the best slowing releasing over 30 days and getting any down in the dirt, the ones you CAN’T see. The Maxxthor Spray is for all the ones you do see on the plants, cement and the sides of the home.
Maxxthor SG:
Maxxthor EC:
For inside, the two counter products are the Bithor and the FS MP. The FS MP is like the Granules; its for the ones you CAN’T see so rely on it by injecting it to all cracks and crevices – especially points of entry like windows and doors. The Bithor is for all surface areas and when used with our Mini Mister, it can be used on top of carpeting, furniture and even walls.
Mini Mister:
So if you believe you have springtails, you must be seeing them somewhere? And if so, it will require at least the Maxxthor EC applied outside but if they’re inside, you’ll need to treat with the FS MP and Bithor as well.
All this is covered in great detail in our article here:
Springtail Control:
Technical Support