The fruit fly is one of the most common pests found in and around the home. Fruit flies get their name because they tend to fly around sweet food like fruit. Although fruit flies will thrive on just about anything organic, fruit flies have become a major pest in the home due to the increase of vegetable and fruit consumption. People are eating more vegetables and fruit and with this consumption comes the increase of fruit fly infestations.
Fruit fly problems can develop overnight. The typical route of entry is via the grocery store. Fruit fly eggs are indiscreetly carried home on produce purchased at the grocery. Fruit fly eggs are already laid on the fruit or fruit fly adults simply hitch a ride on the foodstuff and emerge when unpacked. Developing fruit fly pupae are hard to see and typically go unnoticed. Within a few days they will start to hatch and the problem will quickly escalate.
Once in your kitchen, fruit flies will find a ready supply of food. They’ll forage about trying to get established.

Fruit flies love garbage disposals, garbage cans and fruit bowls. But they will be drawn to ketchup, tv screens, computer monitors, showers, tubs and even pets.
Washing produce will help by removing fruit fly eggs and pupae but it’s hard to get 100% of the problem removed. And once they hatch, fruit flies will hover over the sink, garbage pails or fruit bowls searching for anything sweet to eat and on which to lay eggs.
Fruit flies are small, about 1/8 of an inch, and have bright “red to orange” eyes which distinguishes them from other fly species. Fruit fly eggs will hatch in less than two days and young will eat and pupate in under 8 days. These stages are hard to see; they typically will hide and are quite small.
Although most infestations don’t get huge, fruit flies will be persistent and aggravating pest if left unattended. The following video shows a closeup of two fruit flies where you can see their large red eyes.

The best way to get fruit fly control is to first locate their food and where they’re focused. If you eliminate what they’re eating and breeding on, fruit fly control will be quicker and more complete. Once you remove their food source, the following treatment options will help control them in other areas where they may be nesting.
For most people, killing the fruit flies that are flying around with a space spray seems like the best thing to do. Space sprays are products that can be applied to the air and are safe for kitchens and other open areas where fruit flies like to hang around.
This short video (less than a minute long) gives a brief overview of why space spraying with our Multipurpose or installing our Aerosol Machines is the easy and super effective treatment method for fruit flies:

As mentioned in our video, lightly mist with MULTIPURPOSE KILLER for 5-10 seconds in any room where you see activity. It’s quick killing active will clear a room when used as a space spray but you can also use it on furniture, carpets and most any surface.
Expect to retreat a once or twice every day for about 1-2 weeks to break the cycle. This is needed since treatments won’t last but 15-30 minutes and that means hatching pupae will re-infest rooms within a day if you don’t stick to the routine.
The big problem with space sprays is they don’t last long. Once applied, their active will only kill adults and larvae for 30-60 minutes. After that, hatching pupae will live so if you don’t treat 1-2 a day for 2-3 weeks, the problem can persist. And if you miss just one room where they’re breeding, you’ll never get rid of them.
For environments where fruit flies are a never ending problem, consider installing an AUTOMATIC AEROSOL MACHINE. These machines are small, around the size of a cigar box, and can be placed on a shelf or hung on the wall. They take just 2 “AA” batteries to power them for 8-12 months and once installed, will do the treatments for you. Basically they’re configured to release a quick 1 second “blast” of space spray every 15 minutes. By constantly releasing this spray, flying pests like fruit flies won’t stand a chance of living where machines are installed. Each machine can manage up to 400 sq/ft efficiently and they can be installed anywhere in the home, garage, etc.
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