I have a problem with the Colorado River toad invading my yard. My dogs are attracted to them and get sick for days if they bite one. I know these frogs have some kind of lsd toxin but my dogs don’t get high. The vet says this can kill them!
The Colorado River toad, also known as the Sonoran Desert toad, is the largest native toad here in the states. They can grow to 6+ inches and will release a milky toxin from their parotoid glands when touched or handled. This toxin can cause a range of reactions to people, pets and other mammals ranging from simple nausea to death.
If you have river toads nesting in the yard, safely remove them while using rubber or surgical gloves. Next, spray them directly with PEST AWAY SPRAY and place them in a holding container so you can relocate them at least 2 miles away. Of course destroying them is a viable way to get rid of them as well.
Once the yard is clear of all toads, apply XEMPT G to any known location where you’ve seen them and they won’t return. Typically treatments will last 30-60 days. It has an odor they don’t like and will avoid where its been applied.
Xempt G uses all natural ingredients at a dose frogs do not like. And if you spray Pest Away over them, you’ll get 60-90 days of residual from treatments so you don’t have to spray as frequently
Xempt G is packed 4 bags to a box; each baggie is .5 lbs and will cover up to 100 sq/ft.
River toads will hang out around lights foraging on insects at night so if you have accent lights on the ground, be sure to treat around each fixture.
Once the granules are in place, spraying over the top with PEST AWAY with get you extra long protection. This concentrate is mixed 2 oz to a gallon of water and plan on using 1 gallon to cover up to 800 sq/ft.
The following “short video” (less than 60 seconds long) will give you the brief summary of how the Pest Away works.
The Pest Away comes on 8 oz Jars and makes 4 gallons per jug.
Use any standard PUMP SPRAYER to apply the Pest Away.
For a more “permanent” solution, install our heavy duty SCREEN BARRIER under open fence rows or identified entry points. This heavy diamond mesh plastic can be cut to long lengths and when kept 1 feet or more above ground, will keep out foraging toads. Plan on burying at least 6 inches into the ground.
We have the screening in 50 foot long rolls and its 4 feet “tall”. So lets say you have 50 foot border where toads are entering. If you get a 25 feet long piece (which is 4 feet tall), you can cut it in half. This will give you 2 pieces each 25 feet long and 2 feet high. You should then dig a thin “trench” along the border 6″ deep so the screening can be placed in the trench and kept secured. It will then provide a 1.5 foot tall barrier above ground over which toads cannot jump.
If you’re not able to install screening due to the lay of the land or cosmetic reasons, another option is our SOLAR POWERED GROUND STAKE REPELLERS. Our repeller is one of kind and not available for sale elsewhere. These units use a range of sounds toads do not like and can cover large areas too.
Our design uses the sun to charge an on board battery so the device runs on its own, around the clock. The main way it works is by releasing a vibration that will both move the ground and create a sound wave small rodents, frogs and snakes don’t like. It will vibrate several times a minute constantly rotating its cycle. But it also sends out an annoying sound frogs do not like it and will avoid areas where the sound is active.
The following “short video” (less than 60 seconds long) provides a quick summary of these units.
In addition to the vibration and sound being released, our design also uses two LED bulbs located on underside of controller head. These light up at night showing as two subtle “eyes” when its dark. This makes the units look “evil”. Small animals like toads that naturally forage on the ground will look up and see these discreet lights and become frightened. This happens because they perceive the eyes to be coming from a predator. Combined this with the vibration and the audible sound and you can effectively keep foraging toads out of the yard for good by placing units along points of entry.
To properly install units, plan on placing them along property borders spacing them out ever 60-75 feet. Coverage is circular so approaching toads will detect the unit from afar and stay clear of where they’re active.
This video is the long, 10 minute presentation in case you’re not yet sold on how these units work or how they can help prevent and keep away unwanted animals like Sonoran toads.
Setting up these units requires a little “charging” time. They come with a little power and the head is separated from the bottom stake. We advise setting the controller head in sunlight for 1-2 days so the battery gets fully charged and ready to go to work. This way they go afield under full power making them best suited to get the job done.
One of the most important keys to having success using these devices is to get them inserted properly in the ground. To do this you will need a smooth, well drilled hole for them to fill. The hole must be the proper depth and width. Our SOIL AUGER is perfectly designed for the task. Simply attach it to your favorite hand drill and take it out to the yard for the task at hand.
The following “short video” (less than 60 seconds long) gives you the quick summary of how to use the earth auger.
Holes can be drilled in 10-20 seconds and will be just right. Plan on making the holes about 9 inches deep as units need to be installed so 1-2″ of the stake is above ground. This ensures the head unit stays off the ground.
Jennifer Beach says
I’m wondering how safe the application of the granules and the spray is for pets?
Tech Support says
These products use nothing but food grade actives so there will be no hazard present following the treatment. So even if they ingested some of the granules and/or spray, it would not affect them. Bottom line is the frogs are way more hazardous.
Tech Support
U-Spray Bugspray
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here: https://bugspray.com/bugspray-pest-report
Hector says
I moved two big Colorado river toad 1,320 feet or about 1/4 mile to the wash and haven’t seen it again. Why do you recommend to move it 2 miles away? Is there a good chance that the toads might come back to my yard even though there is that distance and are five houses with fences in between the wash and my backyard? 20 minutes after taking those two toads to the wash, that I found five more of those big toads in the yard and I have a very sharp machete and decapitated them in one quick chop. They never knew what happened nor felt any pain. I have six rescue dogs just have already been through a lot in their life and they could get hurt by those toads and I can’t take the chance of them suffering. I’m going to get some of that stuff you sell to keep the toads from coming back. Last year I lost one dog named Abbey to a Rocky mountain river toad, We had just brought her home from the pound and then she had to suffer until she died at the vet the next day.
Tech Support says
Our researchers have found them to return when being relocated .5-1 mile so we recommend at least 2 miles. So far that has worked out well for our customers.
As for the scenario you described; the shorter distance might work assuming there is ample grounds for them to inhabit in between where you found them and where you placed them.
Technical Support
Ari says
After all of the rain in Colorado, we are quickly experiencing a toad infestation around our property. I’m not concerned about humane approaches. I want them dead and more not coming. I have dogs so am concerned about them.
As I understand, I need to scatter the granulates all around my lawn, in the flower and bush beds, and along the sides of my house where there is mulch. Then I need to later treat all of these areas with the spray. How will this affect my grass? My plants and flowers? And my dogs?
Thank you.
Tech Support says
So first and foremost, the granules and spray will have no impact on grass, plants, pets or the environment. Made with 100% essential plant oils, its nothing but “plants” you’ll be applying. It works because its unnaturally concentrated and local frogs will find this to be unsettling and won’t want to be by it.
But your statements about applying the granules and then spraying over the top of them and the sides of the home is spot on how you need to use them.
Technical Support