PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Micro-encapsulated esfenvalerate which works well for most any perimeter pest. It is time released which means that one treatment will last 3+ months. It has no odor and can be sprayed with a pump sprayer or a space sprayer.
TARGET PESTS: Just about anything. Onslaught is ideal for long term control on surfaces where flying pests like to rest like flies, wasps, bees, mosquitoes, midges, gnats, noseeums. It’s also strong at keeping away spiders and scorpions.
Ants, Aphids, Asian Lady Beetles, Bed Bugs, Beetles Boxelder Bugs, Carpet Beetles, Centipedes, Clothes Moths, Cockroaches, Crickets, Dog Ticks, Earwigs, Fire Ants, Firebrats, Fleas, Mealy Bugs, Midges, Millipedes, Mites, Pillbugs, Psocids, Scales, Silverfish, Spiders, Springtails, Swarming Termites, Ticks, Waterbugs, Alfalfa Caterpillars, American Plum Borers, Annual Bluegrass Weevils, Apple Maggots, Armyworms, Artichoke Plume Moths, Bagworms, Balsam Woolly Adelgids, Beet Armyworms, Billbugs, Blueberry Spanworms, Cherry Fruit Flies, Cherry Fruitworms, Chinch Bugs, Codling Moths, Cowpea, Curculios, Cranberry Fruitworms, Cranberry Weevils, Cucumber Beetles, Cutworms, Diamondback Moths, Elm Leaf Beetles, European Pine Sawflies, Fall Webworms, Filbert Worms, Flea Beetles, Grasshoppers, Green Cloverworms, Green Fruit Worms, Gypsy Moth Caterpillars, Hickory Shuckworms, Imported Cabbageworms, Japanese Beetles, Lace Bugs, Leaf Feeding Caterpillars, Leaf Miners, Leaf Rollers, Leaf Tiers, Leafhoppers, Lesser Appleworms, Lesser Peach Tree Borers, Loopers, Lygus Bugs, Mexican Bean Beetles, Mole Crickets, Naval Orangeworms, Northern Pine Weevils, Oriental Fruit Moths, Painted Lady Caterpillars, Pea Weevils, Peach Tree Borers, Peach Twig Borers, Pear Psyllid, Pear Slugs, Pecan Leaf Phylloxera, Pecan Nut Casebearers, Pecan Spittlebugs, Pecan Stem Phylloxera, Pecan Weevils, Pepper Weevils, Periodical Cicadas, Pickleworms, Pillbugs, Pine Chafers, Pine Coreid Bugs, Plant Bugs, Plum Curculios, Red Pine Sawflies, Red-striped Fireworms, Redheaded Pine Sawflies, Rindworms, Salt Marsh Caterpillars, Sap Beetles, Sod Webworms, Sowbugs, Spiders, Spittlebugs, Stink Bugs, Tarnished Plant Bugs, Tent Caterpillars, Thrips, Tobacco Hornworms, Tufted Apple Budmoths, Velvet Bean Caterpillars, Walnut Husk Flies, Western Bean Cutworms, Whiteflies and Yellowjackets.
WHERE TO USE IT: Inside and outside the home. On cement, wood and well shaded substrate, treatments can last 6-12 months where the micro encapsulates can be applied away from direct sunlight. Can also be mixed with a food lure, placed in a BAIT STATION and used for baiting yellowjackets.
RATE OF APPLICATION: One gallon will treat up to 1000 sq/ft. Mixture rates vary from 1/2 to 1 oz per gallon of water. Most homes will use 1-2 gallons per treatment. When used with SALMON PASTE or LOGANBERRY PASTE for baiting YELLOWJACKETS, add 1 oz per 16 oz of either bait. This works out to be .5 oz of Onslaught per 8 oz of either bait or .25 oz of Onslaught per 4 oz of either bait.
$110.00 (455654) 16 oz (FREE STANDARD SHIPPING)
Order online and save 5%
Supporting Video
Barbara Jackson says
Will birds be affected or killed if they eat the miller or other insects killed by the Onslaught spray?
admin says
No. Insecticides can pose a problem to people and wildlife if we were to ingest some of the concentrate directly. In other words, if we were to drink some of the concentrate, undiluted, it would make us sick. But once mixed with water, the concentrate is so diluted that wildlife and people can walk over treated surfaces and not be affected.
As for the insects which die from the chemical? They won’t have any amount on them that can be transferred to people or wildlife so there is zero risk to mammals and birds.
In summary, Onslaught can be applied safely outside the home in the yard and garden and when used properly, it will not pose any kind of hazard to local wildlife.
ben chamberlain says
@Barbara Jackson: Does onslaught prevent cluster flies from entering the house if sprayed on windows & siding etc?
Tech Support says
It will. In fact it has a unique formulation that works very well on flies. In protected areas, treatments can last 6-12 months making this one of the best options for treating a homes exterior siding and other areas where pests like flies might enter.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Roddy Summers says
The description says: ‘Inside and outside the home. On cement, wood and well shaded substrate…’ Cement and wood are mentioned specifically for outside, but nothing about inside surfaces. Are there any inside surfaces that must be avoided? Thank you.
admin says
First, our description above is a brief summary of the specimen label. Basically we try to highlight key features, uses, target pests, etc. taken from the products label. Rest assured the complete label is a lot longer, more comprehensive and basically “all inclusive” of the do’s and don’ts. So to read every detail, you’ll need to review the label by clicking the link above because there is no way we can post everything the label states on this page.
Second, when it comes to using any of our products inside the home, they all follow pretty generic patterns. In other words, the products we sell fall into one of four groups. 1) They are not for use in the home. 2) They’re okay to use in the home but limited to crack and crevice treatments only. 3) They’re okay for use in the home doing “spot” treatments and crack and crevice treatments. 4) They’re okay for use in the home for all kinds of treating including crack/crevice, spot and surface treating carpeting, flooring, etc. The last type (#4) only applies to the safest of products and in general, is only needed when one is treating for fleas or something like carpet beetles.
As it turns out, Onslaught is labeled for broadcast spraying. Its commonly used on carpets, tiling, etc. in the home for fleas. So for the most part, there are no unusual restrictions because people commonly use it to treat baseboards, cracks and crevices as well as flooring. I know most any label will include statements like “cover fish aquariums and pets food dishes before spraying” but this goes without saying when doing most any form of pest control in the home.
In fact we have safety videos well worth viewing which covers the prep work needed before doing any form of treatment and you may find them helpful. They can be seen here:
Product Safety:
Lastly and most importantly, its generally accepted that every pest has a particular treatment pattern required to control it so in this case, if you tell me the target pest you need to control, I should be able to tell you what type of spraying you need to do and at that time, be able to include or rule out Onslaught based on what you need.
Customer Care
U-Spray Bugspray
Toll Free: 1-800-877-7290
Roddy Summers says
Thanks so much for that detailed response. I will look at the label online. The primary target pest for me right now is wasps and yellow jackets. I do not know where any nests are, but they are constantly flying around our back deck and front porch. Occasionally, I will find one in the house that I know did not come in when a door was opened. After studying your website (great site by way) I was thinking of getting the Drione Dust to spray between the boards on my deck (it is close to the ground) and around shutters and gaps between bricks. I was also planning on using it inside around electrical switches and plugs and in one room where a baseboard heater was removed but the drywall has not been repaired and there is a hole where the electrical wiring came through. Then I was also thinking of getting the Onslaught spray to spray all around the outside of the house, doors and windows and maybe all over my deck (wasn’t sure if that’s OK if I’m also using the Drione Dust there). Any advice you provide is greatly appreciated.
admin says
You are spot on right in what you want to do. In fact dusting with Drione the way you intend will stop any perimeter invader like wasps and bees. But it will also stop everything else like silverfish, centipedes, ants, etc.
Now after dusting, I recommend letting the treatment sit for a day and then spraying with the Onslaught every bit of siding, shrubs or ground areas where they might be active.
As for the deck; I’d leave that alone to avoid decommissioning the Drione.
Centro 14 oz:
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U-Spray Bugspray
Toll Free: 1-800-877-7290
Diana says
Hi…We live in a Very Wooded area…lots of high pine/Oak/evergreen trees, we have Lots & lots of Spiders….all Different kinds …so many I hate just walking outside in the summer….what do you think I should use? I have seen your different products and truly don’t know what one would be the best to get 🙂 Thx Diana
admin says
I too reside on a wooded lot with lots of oaks and other tall trees. Spiders had been a problem along with various biting pests like mosquitoes and gnats. But what solved it all was using our Back Pack Mist Blower and Bifen. Basically I apply 2-3 gallons of mixed material every 14 days to the home, shrubs, trees, etc. and it takes care of everything.
I went with the mister because my lot is almost a full acre. If you have a small area to treat, you won’t need this tool but it sounds like you might have some turf to treat and if thats true, go with a fogging machine since they will use less chemical and make short work of the job.
No doubt the Onslaught could be used the same way as I’m using the Bifen and in fact, its better suited for spiders. But if possible, using it in the Mist Blower or one of our fogging machines would be ideal. You didn’t say how big your lot is but here is a brief list of machines we carry and what they can treat with little stress.
The Mini Fogger is good for up to 5,000 sq/ft.
Fogmaster Mini Fogger:
For 1/4 to 1/2 acre lots, the FM6309 is good.
And for an acre or more, the Back Pack Mist Blower would be best suited.
Mist Blower:
Now keep in mind if you only want to treat the home (overhangs, foundation, around windows, etc.), the Onslaught applied with a good Pump Sprayer will be fine. I just listed the fogging machines because I had the impression you were wanting to get them out in the yard, in the trees, etc. which is tough to accomplish using a liquid spray. But if you only want to treat a smaller area, the liquid form will work well.
Solo 454 Sprayer:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Shawna says
We live across the road from feeder lots for chickens, cattle, pigs, and peacocks. We are looking for a product that will repel flies from our doors and patio. We have 2 dogs and our house is stucco siding. Is there a pesticide that we can spray on our siding which is also safe for the pets? Thanks in advance.
admin says
First and foremost, any of our pesticide products can be used safely in and around the home where pets reside. In fact, many are labeled for use directly on carpeting, furniture and pet bedding where fleas may be a problem.
Well, guess what? It just so happens Onslaught is such a product. In other words, its commonly used on pet bedding and carpeting because it is very safe for use in sensitive areas. And if its safe enough to be used on carpeting and their bedding, its definitely safe enough to be applied to the homes exterior siding.
So to use it safely, you’ll need to keep them away when you treat until the application dries (which should only take 1 hour) and after that, they can walk over any treated area and not be in any kind of danger. More info on just how safe our products are can be found here:
Product Safety:
As for flies; Onslaught would be a great option for the exterior of the home. The key to success is whether or not this is the important area. In other words, do you see them landing on the home? If so, treat it with Onslaught at the rate of 1 gallon of mixed material for every 800 sq/ft of surface area and do this once a month.
Flies (and other pests) which choose to land on it will die but most will notice the treatment and in turn, stay away. Use any good pump sprayer to apply the Onslaught and you should be able to keep them off and away from the home if you treat thoroughly and on a regular basis.
Solo 454 Sprayer:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
T says
Hello, I have used Drione dust from attic to bottom. I have also used a heavy duty steamer over 200 degrees to kill bed bugs (redoing over & over). Worked well but missed some or eggs hatched. Blissful two weeks of no bites have come to an end. I have multi indoor animals in home. Is ONSLAUGHT safe to animals or could you recommend something else?
admin says
Onslaught is indeed labeled and fine for use inside the home. View the safety video above (just below the “add to cart” button) for everything you’ll need to know regarding how to safely mix, apply and store it. Basically you just need to keep kids and pets off the treated area until it dries which is typically 1 hour or less. Once dry, there will be no hazard present so people and pets can go back to their normal day to day activities.
Be sure to treat couches and any other furniture with fabric. And if you don’t feel like spraying these key areas, get some Bedlam Plus. Its ideal for hard to treat surfaces and is easy to apply.
Bedlam Plus:
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U-Spray Bugspray
Toll Free: 1-800-877-7290
Gary Koehler says
I was about to place an order for Onslaught to take care of a yellow jacket problem when I realized it is almost end of season. Your video did not say anything about the shelf life of Onslaught. Can you help me out with that? Thanks.
admin says
First, all our concentrates are very stable. This is one of the prime advantages of professional grade products. By having them in concentrate form, you are mixing up what you need when you need it so you’re able to put to use a full strength formulation that will in turn perform as well as possible. This is as good as it gets compared to using something over the counter which is already mixed up and most likely lost much of its potency because once mixed, its hard to maintain the active and keep it stable.
So to answer your question about the shelf life; Onslaught will last a good 4-5 years in its concentrated form. And it can be used for a wide range of pests since it enjoys one of the most comprehensive labels on the market. But once you mix up a small amount, use it up and don’t store the mixed material as it will be breaking down over a few weeks time. So only mix what you intend to use immediately.
As for yellow jackets and their “season”; we routinely see them remain active well into the fall including the months of October and November. And if the nest is located on the home or somewhere nice and warm, they can be active well into the winter months.
Something else to consider is biology of yellow jackets. Though its true their nests will die out during the cold of the winter, these nests will be releasing queens before they die. Nests typically release 3-5 if not 5-10 of these overwintering females. These queens will be seeking good locations to over winter so they can start new nests in the new year.
Now when they emerge from a good thriving nest, 1-2 will usually stay close if not in the same spot to insure they take advantage of this good location. This means if you don’t treat your nest this year, its highly likely a new nest will appear at the same location or close by if it had a successful summer. Yellow jackets just seem to “know” where good locations are and when available, they’ll try to reuse said location. This is why yellow jackets will many times keep returning to the same location year after year whether its in a specific section of your lawn, the side of your garage or the nook of a nearby tree.
In summary, if you have an active nest and don’t want to have it next year, treating it now would be the smart way to proceed. Now whether you bait it with Onslaught or dust it with DRIONE is your decision. But eradicating it this season and preventing queens from successfully leaving it before winter arrives will prevent some 5-10 new nests from forming next year. For this reason ts well worth taking care of the problem now.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Sarah says
I live in St. Louis and am getting attacked by moths at my front door every time I take my dog out at night (which can be several times). I realize that the light is a problem, but I can’t change the bulb color or do without. I’m wondering if I can spray Onslaught on the light fixtures themselves or if there is a better product for this problem? Thanks- Sarah
Tech Support says
If you review our Miller Moth article, you’ll learn that Onslaught is a great product to be applied on a homes siding to keep away insects like moths. But in the article you’ll also learn about Cyonara RTS and Bifen XTS. Either is most likely needed in your yard to help reduce the problem in the landscape. Lastly, setting out a Light Trap can really help too.
So to answer your question; the Onslaught above should be used. But I’m sure you’ll see really good results if you address the problem in the yard with one of the sprays too. For more info on these options, check out our article here:
Miller Moths:
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U-Spray Bugspray
Christopher C. says
Great product. This works very well, especially on my particular issue of fly infestation (in a workshop/outbuilding). It cut the number of flying insects way down and that was using a very diluted mix. Very happy with this product!
Mel says
It’s common knowledge that those annoying critters, Asian Lady Beetles, invade the second warm day after the first frost. But I didn’t know they continued to do so well into November if there are any warm days of about 55°F or better. Knowing that today was going to be at least 62°F I treated the entire surface of my house a few days ago, focusing on the beetle’s favorite entry point of windows. I was skeptical that Onslaught would do well at contact killing, but was thrilled when today I watched as they landed on the death zone and perished within five minutes. I just cleaned up several dozen or so dead beetles, and that was the most happy I’ve been performing yard work. Onslaught just saved me from finding tons of beetles INSIDE my home. Good stuff indeed.
Tech Support says
No doubt Onslaught is a good option for exterior treating. Glad its getting you the results needed to hold off this invasive pest!
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Karen Flanigan says
I am looking for a product to control flies year round in my house. I had good results with a pest patrol company who sprayed product around the perimeter and foundation of my home. (Company out of business)
What would you recommend? Thanks for your help.
Tech Support says
If you review our fly control article, you’ll see the Onslaught above is a good option for spraying the homes exterior.
Fly Spray:
But our article has several other products which can also be a big help and in general, its always best to use more.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here:
Sheree H. says
Great product. I was skeptical at first as to the chemical keeping the hornets away from my house but it has worked!
Tech Support says
If you look above, you will see a huge list of insects it will control including the ones you asked above.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Marian says
I have a screened in deck porch. I get huge moths on the deck. Not sure how they get in. If I use one of the above treatments. Which is best if I have an inside cat that loves to go out on the deck in summer. I have cleaned under the deck. Only rocks. No bushes against the deck. Keep it clean. Help
Tech Support says
If you refer to our miller moth article, you’ll see we have several options. Since these moths rely on scent to locate good nest sites, your home is clearly marked. This means it will continue to attract new moths for a good 12 months even if you removed all the ones active. So if you want to stop the invasion, you need to treat steadily for at least a year. By stopping the new moth activity, the lingering scent will fade and eventually be gone so no new ones will know to come around.
As for the “best” spray to use; we have several. In general, the Cyonara is what you need to use on landscaping and turf. Many moths will be egg laying in these areas so you need to treat them once a month with the Cyonara.
Cyonara RTS:
For the home, use the Onslaught above. It can be sprayed on the homes siding, inside the screened in porch, around windows, etc. Onslaught is labeled for use on carpets for fleas so people and pets can walk over treated surfaces with no hazard present. And Cyonara is labeled for use on fruits and vegetables meant to be consumed so out in the yard, it won’t be a hazard either.
Lastly, set up aerosol machines in the deck area to kill any that still get inside.
Aerosol 1000:
Clear Zone:
More information on this pest can be found here:
Miller Moths:
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U-Spray Bugspray
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Pennie Mathias says
I just recently ordered Onslaught, loganberry and salmon paste, and insect bait stations. I am attempting to decrease the wasp population in my area. What I read before I purchased my supplies was that I should bait two stations, one sweet and one with salmon and follow up to see which one the bees are dining on and then switch the stations to their food of choice. I am not certain how much of each item to use though, and if there is a preference as to where I place the ingredients in the bait station. Also, what about bait station placement? I would appreciate any help you can give. Thanks.
Tech Support says
So the stations come with two trays inside. A small, shallow tray and a larger, deeper tray. Use the shallow tray for pre-baiting though either will work.
Next, add 1 teaspoon of either bait to the tray. Ideally trying 1-2 stations with either flavor is ideal when starting a program.
Next, place stations out around the yard by spacing them 75-100 feet apart. Keeping 1-2 where the wasps have been seen is ideal and then maybe 1-2 other locations.
Lastly, if you can’t figure out if they have preference, then set out stations using either. So with one station, bait it with Salmon paste. With another, place it out with the Loganberry inside. Having both out is ideal since wasps will vary their diet during the summer so the more options you offer, the more impact your placements will have.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Pennie says
@Tech Support: how much onslaught do I add to the bait?
Tech Support says
Details are in our yellow jacket article here:
How to Bait:
Lisa M. says
We have had a terrible Miller Moth infestation in our 5th Wheel trailer for over 2 years. My father-in-law lives in the trailer on our property (his choice), and these persistent moths were overwhelming. I did some research & instantly was guided toward this company. Every word of their descriptions were mirrored in the trailer. I ordered the 2 inside spray cans. After removing EVERYTHING from the trailer, vacuuming every space, wiping it out and spraying everywhere 10 days ago, I’ve seen only 4 moths inside. Unfortunately the weather is getting colder & I cannot treat the outside until the spring, which I will do with the concentrate & pump sprayer! Seriously DELIGHTED with these products! Highly recommend!!
Lisa M. says
Our Miller Moth infestation of nearly 3 years has been irritating. I bought the Phantom Spray for the inside which works TERRIFIC! No Miller Moths since my application. I found the ONSLAUGHT to be easy to use & works well. Slight odor which dissipated immediately. I bought a pump sprayer to apply mine. The bottle is easy to use as it allows for precise measurement of the bug spray to be added. I encourage everyone to wear the personal protective gear as described in the instructions.
Jerry Jones says
Can you use onslaught on vinyl siding outside on house? Jerry Jones
Tech Support says
Sure can.
Technical Support
Jody says
We had a terrible cluster fly problem that was getting worse every year. We tried sprays, window traps, fly paper, etc…but the flies continued. Finally, I found Onslaught! We treat the outside of the house every fall and the flies are gone. So much nicer not having flies in my house.
Ken Harbison says
I live in glenhaven California next to the lake clear lake and every spring and summer we have bugs that are called midgets or rice flies. Will your product prevent them from coming or will it just kill them when they come. The reason I ask this is because they don’t have a very long life span but they’re all over the place
Tech Support says
Onslaught is not a good choice for this pest. If you refer to our article, you’ll see the Bithor is the way to go. It will both repel and kill them. It also has long lasting residual that will work on eggs so if any are laid on areas where you sprayed, they too will die.
More information on our products for this pest can be found on our site where you can also order. Alternatively you can call to place an order at 800-877-7290, extension 1:
Rice Flys:
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Lid says
J Adrian V. says
Thoroughly satisfied. The yellow jackets in my locale have been thoroughly satisfied by the Salmon Paste Bait over the years, and I have been thoroughly satisfied with the results of the Onslaught mixed in with it.
Guy G. says
Product arrived in a timely manner, they even called to confirm address because we live in a remote area. We were being overrun with more Yellow Jackets than we have ever had in previous years. They were swarming everywhere. The Rescue trap we put out did not put a dent in the activity. Within two to three days after placing out four bait traps with Logan Berry and Fish paste mixed with Onslaught, the Yellow Jacket activity was almost completely wiped out. Honey, Bumble, and other pollen seeking bees were not affected. We live in the NW surrounded by forest and meadows. When setting up your traps make sure to add the right attractant to target your Yellow Jackets. Will definitely order more as need from Bugspray.