No doubt birds are one of the most loved creatures on planet earth. But some species can be a pest causing damage to property and even posing a health hazard. This article will detail methods and equipment one can use to do bird control.
Because birds are able to fly, they’re difficult to control. And because they’re difficult to control, you’ll rarely get effective bird control with just one product or treatment.
Birds are also very much creatures of habit. Most important, birds are often looked upon as special creatures which deserve free reign to do as they please. This freedom comes with a price. Many bird infestations are left alone to develop on signs, homes or roof tops because the owner thought it was all right to leave them alone. Once established, it may take mechanical alterations, repellents and ultimately trapping to resolve conflicts. This article will detail different bird problems and offer products and solutions for any situation. Our control methods progress from passive to aggressive control methods. Over the years, we have learned what will work and how to do the work successfully. If you are reading this article, you are doing so because you are having a problem with some type of bird and you hope we have the solution. Read on because in all likelihood, we do!
Here are some of the more common bird problems we receive calls about.
- Birds roosting on a ledge of a home or window.
- Woodpeckers pecking on the side of a house or making nests. (Most common on cedar homes.)
- Sparrows harassing bluebirds or other small desirable birds.
- Starlings and ravens destroying plants or crops.
- Geese or duck chewing turf and grass.
- Swallows or other birds nesting on the side of buildings and homes.
- Flocks of birds congregating on electric wires or trees making a mess with their droppings.
- Some undesirable bird hogging all the bird seed in the bird feeder.
- Too many of a local species which is stressing local plants and food supplies.
- Different bird species which are either landing on decks, boats or other areas and then leaving a mess behind.
- Neighbor that is feeding birds and now too many are coming around making a mess and creating a problem.
- Birds which are seeing themselves in the windows of homes or autos and perceive themselves as a threat. They then fly repeatedly into the window over and over attempting to scare away the intruder never figuring out that what they are looking at is themselves.
- Birds which are feeding on garden grown fruit and or vegetables.
The problems listed above are meant to show what some of the more common problems are around the world. In fact, birds cause many other problems; too many for the body of this article to list. Problem birds include starling, blackbirds, pigeons, sparrow, geese, duck, ravens, crows, woodpeckers, swallows, crow, and just about any type of bird which is established in urban America. Their droppings are unsightly and a health risk. Feeding and foraging birds will cause a lot of damage to plants, structure and landscape. And last but not least, large bird activity will breed parasites like mites and lice. Birds are nice when they exist in the wild. To keep them out of your home, off your buildings and away from your garden and plants, there are several things you can do. This article will highlight your options and list the products available for any given situation. Everywhere you find a product listed below which appears underlined, click on it to link directly to our on line catalog. There you will be able to see a picture of the product as well as packaging and pricing.
Bird problems generally develop in stages and levels. First, birds are noticed congregating around buildings, land or trees. In most cases, the first activity is barely noticed. If you have flocks of birds landing on buildings, trees or any area you don’t want them to be on, you need to start bird control immediately or risk having the problem escalate to levels which are harder to control. Keeping birds away by using blow up scaring devices will work when infestations have just begun. Install some TERROR EYES along roof tops or fence rows. These balloons appear like a predator to many species of birds and make them feel uncomfortable. It is easy for them to relocate if they have only just begun to settle on roost sights. Scary eyes and Terror Eyes will solve initial problems with birds which are simply hanging around where you don’t want them to be. However, don’t expect to get great results if the birds have nested and established themselves. Once they have nests and young, Scary Eyes and Terror Eyes will prove to be ineffective. This may also prove to be the case if there are large flocks which are roosting. Such groups are less likely to frighten easily.
Terror Eye:
Several species of birds are very territorial. This is commonly seen around bird feeders. Once established, it is quite common to find a few dominant birds that come and feed when they want. They will rule the feeder and subordinate birds will simply wait their turn. These same dominant birds can sometimes become a nuisance around the home. Many times they will see their own reflection in a window of a home – particularly windows which have some type of UV reducing treatment – and perceive their reflection as a threat. To deal with this threat, they will fly at the window attempting to scare away the intruder. Obviously there is no bird to scare away so their effort will become a nuisance if persistent. But there is an item that can eliminate this behavior.
Wood Peckers and other birds can become a nuisance when they decide to use your home for nesting, feeding or territory marking.
Here is a woodpecker in action; it’s pretty obvious why this pecking can be a problem.
One final device you might try using is the MOTION ACTIVATED WATER SPRAYER. This device hooks to your garden hose and has a motion detector which sees anything moving in front of it for about 40 feet. It is completely adjustable and can be set for much smaller areas as well. The sensor will detect anything moving and then zero in on it releasing a three second blast of water! It will effectively target birds, dogs, cats, deer and just about any annoying animal you don’t want coming into the covered zone. It can see about 40 feet out at over a 100 degree angle. This means you may need to strategically locate two or more around your property so that birds entering from different areas will all fall into the target range. The blast of water is enough to spook any bird and within 10 seconds the unit will reset awaiting the next target to spray. Over a short period of time local birds will learn to stay away from any property which has this device set up and watching 24 hours a day.
Scare Crow:
To help let scented granules last longer, you can install GRANULE GUARDS. They will protect the granules from the rain and sun so they will last longer. Each Guard will hold 1/2 lb of granules and can be placed on the ground using the enclosed spike or the spike can be removed so the Guard will lie flat. These really pay dividends if you want your granules to last as long as possible.
Granule Guard:
If the scented repellents are not strong enough, consider using one of the physical repellents. These products are different from the scented materials because they will certainly cause a higher level of discomfort. For small areas along window sills, gutters or ledges, use 4-THE-BIRDS GEL. It comes in handy to use cartridges which fit in caulking guns. Apply it where the birds are landing and roosting. It comes out thick and clear. 4-The-Birds will adhere to any surface and lasts 6-12 months per application. Rest assured birds will leave treated surfaces. For big areas, use the liquid form. 4-THE-BIRDS LIQUID is easier to apply and covers a vast area. All you need is a regular PUMP SPRAYER. 4-The-Birds will work on trees, gutters, ledges, roof tops or any where birds are roosting and nesting. It will soak into porous surfaces which will take away from its life and may discolor the treated surface as well. If you don’t want to change the color of the material you intend to treat, it is suggested you first treat a small area to see the impact the material will have. In most cases, the birds have littered the surface area to such a degree the application of 4-The-Birds is barely noticeable! However, expect to have to reapply it more often if the surface area being treated is absorbing the product.
4-The-Birds Liquid:
Eliminator Pump Sprayer:
There are several sound devices which have been used for bird control over the years but a few designs we’ve been found to be effective.
These include Ultra Sound, Distress Sound and Loud Sounds.
Ideally, Ultra Sound would be the only type needed but due to it’s limited coverage area, Ultra Sound can only be used for small areas 5,000 sq/ft or less.
One of the more popular ultra sounds for use around the home is the BIRD GARD. It’s easy to install, can be used for decks, porches, roof tops, window ledges, etc. and can be powered by either batteries or electricity. Simply point it in the direction where you don’t want birds and they’ll instantly leave. Most people will turn them on when they’re not using the area and then simply turn them off if the sound is noticeable. Like all ultra sound, the sound cannot harm or injure people or pets. But birds hate it and will stay away.
Sound Repeller:
Another design used for open storage or work areas where nuisance birds tend to roost is the CEILING MOUNTED QB4. You’ll need a flat ceiling to maximize it’s coverage but where the sound is heard, the birds will avoid. Its actually great for areas where people are present. It makes no noise audible to people, but the series of sounds it emits distresses birds. Mount it on ceilings or walls commonly found around loading docks, attics, tunnels, canopies, tents, terraces, sheds or anywhere that has protection overhead to keep rain and water off the device. The sound pattern emitted by the unit will confuse and generally make nuisance birds, including pigeons, starlings and sparrows, uncomfortable. This unsure feeling makes the birds move elsewhere looking for some place else to roost and nest.
If you don’t have a ceiling on which to mount the unit and are having a problem in an area which is largely wide open, consider the ULTRA SOUND 4S. This design uses the same range of sound as the Ceiling Unit but is designed with versatility in mind. It features a base unit from which four individual speakers can be powered. Sound is then sent to the speakers intermittently. The speakers will project the sound in a directional fashion allowing you to get very specific coverage.
Ultrason 4S:
Ideally the speakers should be set at the elevation where the birds are present. If there are multiple heights of activity, install one speaker for every 10 feet of air space you want to protect. Though total coverage per speaker is less then 1000 sq/ft, multiple speakers – and in some cases several base units – all working together can achieve very good results. Each speaker comes with 100 feet of cable allowing them to be both discreetly placed and to be mobile if needed.
This unit is well suited for applications like under a large awning, a bistro, a back yard of 5,000 sq/ft or less, roof tops, etc. Speakers can be set at multiple heights, placed discreetly and directed right where they’re needed. And because this unit emits a sound humans cannot hear, they can be deployed covertly.
If the problem you are having is with Canadian Geese and they are distributed over a large area, consider installing our GOOSE BUSTER. This device uses loud audible sounds which are basically distress and alarm sounds which geese and ducks will recognize. Once alerted, they will relocate to another area. This system is the end result of many years of research and observation. Actual sounds were recorded during that time and then tested to see their impact when broadcast over large areas. The end result is a machine which is able to broadcast alarm and alert sounds over many acres so that nuisance Canadian Geese, Ducks and Seagulls can be effectively chased away. If you have a large area that needs protection, the Goose Buster will be the most practical and efficient way to address the problem. Of course, it can be used for small lots of an acre or less and will prove to be quite effective. This is a great tool for anyone who has a waterfront property or other natural landscape in which these birds are a problem
Goose Buster:
The last type of sound repeller is the loud canon type that will scare birds off for great distances. Though not suited for residential areas, this device is ideal for open fields, pastures, airports, parking lots, roof tops in commercial areas and basically anywhere you can install a device that will emit a loud – almost sonic booming blast – every few minutes. Our device is powered by propane and features an adjustable valve regulator so you can slow or hasten the gas flow as needed. Once enough gas enters the unit, it will combust causing a loud blast that will frighten any type of bird. Coverage can be from 1 to several acres and operating costs are inexpensive. Our BIRD/ANIMAL CANNON is easy to move around, can be set right out in the open and takes only minutes to configure. If you are in a heavily wooded area or where there are a lot of plants to block the sound, get the CANNON TRIPOD. This stand will hold both the Cannon and the propane tank. Furthermore, the mount is like a lazy Susan so it can rotate 360 degrees. You can even get the CANNON TIMER which will enable you to set a time window each day for when the unit will sound. This time frame may be during the day or night and once set, will sound every day during this “window”. This unit is very powerful so it’s not generally used in residential settings. However, many people have used them in such areas by manually controlling the unit turning it on when needed and then off when nuisance birds leave. Since the sound will work on just about any bird including crows, sea gulls, geese, ducks, starling, cowpies, grackels and sparrows, it’s applications are limitless.
Bird Cannon:
Bird Cannon Tripod:
Bird Cannon Timer:
In some cases birds can be destructive when they choose to feed on gardens, plants or some kind of crop. There are many birds which will feed on fruit or vegetables and if you have a garden which is being preyed upon, protecting it with some NETTING might be your best option. We have two grades that can be wrapped around the plant. Netting is easy to use and install so all you need is access to the plant you want to protect. Just cut the Netting to the needed size and secure it with cable ties. Though some of the fruit may still be reachable, most should be protected. This netting comes in a fine mesh, which is suitable for most types of protection needs, and won’t have any impact on the growth of the plant. Netting will let all the sun in that’s needed but it will serve to cut down on damage caused by foraging birds or nuisance animals. It will also work great as a cover for small ponds where koi fish are kept. These ponds tend to attract predatory birds like hawks. If you are having a problem with any type of bird preying on your stocked fish, installing some netting will help to keep them out.
When you have a structure design that attracts birds for roosting or nest creation, installing some Netting can usually get them to stop when properly placed. You may have to use the netting to close off some access point or make a certain area unreachable. For example, netting which installed under eaves or overhangs below roof tops is an effective deterrent to stop barn swallows from building their nests which they love to place at this location. Usually the fine mesh will do the job and should be mounted with NETTING CLIPS. These will allow you to secure the netting and pull it tight over the area you want to protect. In the rare cases where our Regular or Heavy Duty mesh isn’t strong enough, you might choose to install some SCREENING. This is a poly (plastic) as well – like the netting – but is more rigid and much stronger. Generally used to keep bats out of structures, this product will stand up much better when you are dealing with some type of large, strong or persistent bird. It too can be mounted with the Clips but it is strong enough to be stapled or nailed down as well.
Netting Clips:
When all of the above are not providing good enough control, the only option left is to trap the birds. There are several traps designed today which work for just about any nuisance bird you may encounter. Trapping birds is easy. First, you need to establish a feeding location. This is done by placing a known seed or food they like to eat at a specific place. Use some cracked corn or wild seed mix depending on the local species and their preferred food. Be sure to keep the supply available by replacing it daily if needed. The goal here is to get the target birds feeding where you will be able to set a trap. Try to use a location that will make the birds comfortable. Such areas include a flat roof, a large vacant lot or asphalt area, wide open fields, or elevated platforms. Although you can use a small backyard, be sure to keep children, pets and people away so the birds will become secure and feed naturally. Once you have a feeding location established, pick a trap which is designed for your application.
For just sparrows, the BI LEVEL 2 DOOR SPARROW TRAP is small, easy to deploy and extremely effective at catching annoying sparrows. Once you know where they’re landing, set this trap out with a good amount of MIXED SEED and you’ll find them entering within a day or two. Sparrows will enter the first door and once inside will look up (they do this instinctively) and will then see the second door. Once they enter the second door, they’ll find your food offering and begin to feed without stress. This behavior will typically pique the interest of other sparrows who will then want to enter to gain access to the food.
Bi Level Sparrow Trap:
Mixed Seed:
STARLING/SPARROW FUNNEL TRAP This unique trap is designed to work on at least two types of birds. It has a couple of features which makes it very adaptable and effective. Ideal for either Starlings or Sparrows, this trap has two holding areas. The trap measures 10″ tall, 16″ wide and 24″ long. The first compartment has two “funnel” doorways. It takes up about 1/2 of the trap. The second compartment has one funnel doorway but this entrance is in the middle of the trap and can only be accessed if birds have first entered the first compartment. Click the link above to learn how to best use this trap. This trap measures 10″T x 16″W x 24″L.
Starling Sparrow Trap:
LT82428P PIGEON TRAP” Our LT82428P Pigeon trap has two door entrances per side and uses a one way funnel design instead of the more traditional swing type door. This trap is light, features a large access door and though only 8 inches tall, can handle 20 or more birds. Excellent choice for most applications and a popular seller that works well. This trap measures 8″T x 24″W x 28″L.
Small Pigeon Trap:
LT82484 PIGEON TRAP This is our largest trap overall yet it is surprisingly light and easy to manage. It comes in three hinged sections which fold open creating a trap which has 12 entrances. There are 6 doors per outside section which allow for pigeons to enter. From there they can enter the main or center holding area of the trap. Though large, this trap is designed to hold about 25 birds per section. Since it has two sets of doors through which pigeons need to enter to get to the middle section, once trapped birds are less likely to escape. It uses the new funnel type one way door system like the LT82428P. This trap measures 8″T x 24″W x 84″L.
Large Pigeon Trap:
For large starling or sparrow problems commonly found on farms, around food processing plants or other large open areas, the WALK IN SPARROW STARLING LIVE TRAP should be considered. This trap is huge measuring 5 feet long by 5 feet wide by 6 feet tall. It works by “funneling” in foraging starlings and sparrows who enter through the top “v” design. Once inside they can’t escape. This trap uses 14 panels which hinge together for easy construction and will last a life time. Maintenance is easy to; simply enter the walk in door to remove trapped birds. For use in open fields, roof tops, parking lots, barns and basically anywhere nuisance starlings or sparrows need to be removed.
5’x5’x6′ Starling Sparrow Trap:
Nuisance birds can be a problem around homes and other buildings. There are several repellents available which can help to keep them away. Although you may be able to chase the birds away with one product, most cases require using a combination of products to get the best results. The level of repellent you need to use will vary from species of bird to how extreme of an infestation you have. Ultimately, you may have no choice but to trap unwanted birds.
Give us a call if you need further help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. On Saturday, 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time).
Email questions here:
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yvette says
Tech Support says
@yvette: Did you look through the items we have listed above? For small confined areas, the Jumping Spider is effective. If you deploy a few of them in the area, it will keep any bird away. But since you mentioned the rain as being a concern, this might not be the best solution.
So if the area is exposed and more “open”, go with the Bird Expeller. It’s water proof and will sound using a bird call that’s designed to scare off prey birds like pigeons. Either of these options would do the job:
Attack Spider:
Bird Expeller:
Hector says
I’m the manager of a warehouse and I have a problem with starlings and they are multiplying..
i need a quicker solution than a trap and bait.
What can i do?
We handle food product. A recent account of sugar powder atracted the birds.
What do you recommend?
Tech Support says
@Hector: The Ultra Sound Unit listed above would be perfect for your application. It handles several species of birds and with multiple speakers, you can target very specific areas. See it on line here:
Here is a link to this item in our cart. Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep this valuable web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Starling Repeller:
penny says
My neighbor feeds birds to the point that my husband is getting hit by birds when he goes in our back yard. They see movement and fly through our yard and are quite frightening. There are doves, sterlings, robins, and many more other types. The neighbors are uncooperative and won’t stop feeding so many birds. These are small yards–senior manufactured home park. We can’t complain to the management because we have to live next door to these people and they can make life very miserable if crossed. We need to access our backyard, so what is next? There is probably 100 or more birds as any given time.
Tech Support says
@penny: No doubt our Ultra Sound 4 Speaker Unit would be ideal for your situation. You can set it out discreetly making it hidden if you don’t want the neighbors seeing it, and yet still point the sound of all speakers to form a barrier between your yard and where the birds are mostly congregating. I would set the speakers at various heights, all pointed in the same general direction. I wouldn’t direct the sound where the birds are feeding but instead at an air space between the two yards. This would most likely be parallel to the property line.
In doing so, you’d have an invisible barrier in place through which the birds will not want to fly. They’ll learn to avoid the area if you keep the unit running all the time and yes, they’ll still go to the neighbors yard to eat bird seed but they will mostly avoid your yard so you can start going outside again. And since the sound being emitted can’t be heard by people and won’t hurt wildlife, your neighbors will have nothing to complain about and no reason to be mad at you. Here it is in our cart:
Ultrasound 4S:
whisperingsage says
I have a small farm. I have large automatic gravity feed dispensers for chickens, rabbits and dogs. The Starlings have discovered it this year and now I have 200. My farm has become a Starling farm without the benefit of harvesting them. I like the ultrasound concept, but it will bother the animals that are supposed to be there too.
It is getting time to start planting and I dread these bird eating all my seed.
For some reason the cats don’t go after them and I don’t understand why – I would have been a mouse farm years ago when my old cats reached about age 18 and couldn’t do their job anymore. New cats solved this. Jackrabbits and cotton tails and chipmunks and pack rats all have been resolved with the cats.
I can shoot a whole box of 16 gauge at them (as they return every 5 minutes) and only hit one. This dumb gun has a narrow spread. They have become wary of the small bird trap and can get out the “one way” funnel. What I think I need is several one way doors that close behind, and I can install them on a large trap They do squeeze into the top of the chicken door to eat their food. So that is my idea. Do you have any one way doors that are starling sized?
Tech Support says
At this point we’ve not seen any “one way door” traps that work well for starlings which is why you don’t see them offered on the market. They typically do not like pushing through and in fact will get in and out a lot easier when the trap has a door they will use. But the funnel traps definitely work and is a proven design. And though you mention they’ve been getting out of one that you’re using; there is either something wrong with the funnel or you don’t have set right. Here’s what I mean.
Starlings are strong, persistent, smart and relentless. But you can use these traits against them. For starters, you need to establish a remote “feeding” location where you’ll do your task and take them down. What I mean is to set up a place where you start setting out food just for them. Basically you’ll be training them to go elsewhere, kind of like how they’ve been trained to go to your gravity feed dispensers, and in the process you’ll be making them easier to catch because you can customize this location to fit your needs and comfort level.
To get them to come to this new location, you’ll need to offer them free food. If the spot is close to where they’re feeding now, they should find your offering quickly and start feeding within a few days. And once you’ve got them going somewhere else to feed, you’ll then introduce several Funnel Traps close to the food. 2-4 will usually manage 250-500 birds fine. Food will initially set out with no traps and then the traps will be left alongside the feed. Next, you’ll have 50% of the feed inside the trap and the other 50% outside the trap and over the course of a week start putting more and more of the feed in the trap and less and less outside the trap. So over a 2 week period of time you’ll move from seed out in the open to seed only available in the trap. During the process some of the birds will no doubt be entering the trap. That’s fine.
Now when you get to the point where there is no seed out in the open, you’ll be forcing them to enter the trap to get food. This should start to catch some. But if they’re escaping like you say they are, all you need to do is to “tighten” the funnel by squeezing the prongs toward one another. This will make it harder and harder for them to enter but by now they know it’s worth their effort so they’ll keep at it. And by design all the funnel traps we sell come with the prongs “open” more than is needed so they almost always need adjustments to make them tighter.
Usually you’ll catch the bigger birds first (which are also the smarter ones) but that’s fine and the best way to go. Now as you tighten the funnel, more and more of the smaller birds will be trapped too. Keep doing this and within 1-2 weeks you should have them all trapped. I think you’ll be surprised at just how small of a funnel they can enter – and escape! Which is exactly why you must slowly “close the gap” over time using several traps if you wish to achieve success. Give this strategy a go; I’ve used it to catch starlings, sparrows, pigeons and even crows.
Funnel Trap:
Joyce says
I have an indoor riding arena and the birds continually rip the insulation in the celing and nest inside the insulation. They also destroy the insulation. I can’t afford to do anything drastic. What can I do?
Tech Support says
If the ceiling is largely unfinished (which it sounds like if the birds have access to the insulation), then placing either Bird Netting or Screening over the exposed insulation should stop them immediately. This would be the least costly option that would solve the problem.
Now since you didn’t tell me the size of the area, worth mentioning is the Bird Repeller Ultra Sound device. It can be hung from the ceiling and can over a huge area.
Sound Repeller:
Fernando Marino says
I have some statues and monuments in the garden and I have a problem with birds because they land on it and make their feces on there. I always have to clean and the monument have 4 meters high so it’s not easy. I would like to know if you have some kind of in color paint I can use to send them away.
Thank you
Best Regards
Tech Support says
No kind of paint that will help but we do have a spray. Basically it works by odor and birds don’t like it. Basically what you would do is first clean the statue and then spray it down with this product known as Pest Rid. It won’t hurt the birds or even insects but it does repel both insects and animals where it’s applied.
Here is a link to this item in our cart. Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep this valuable web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Pest Rid:
Cathy says
The blackbirds are nesting in the trees in our backyard. We have a fishpond on our back patio and some rocks are so covered with feces that you can’t see the top of the rocks. The driveway is so covered that I worry about my son playing basketball because the ball bounces in it and they are touching the ball. We live in a neighborhood with large back yards. What do you suggest for getting rid of these birds?
Tech Support says
No doubt you should install some Ultra Sound Devices. The most powerful one is the 4 Speaker Unit. You might be able to get complete coverage by strategically locating the speakers throughout the property.
USD 4 Speaker Bird Repeller:
Now if you don’t think you can get complete coverage with just one unit or if the 4 Speaker system is too big for your needs, get one or more of the Ultra Sound Single units and install them in the tree, on the house and basically anywhere you need them projecting their sound at the birds. These devices can be powered with AC plug in bricks and run continuously which is best where possible. And there are quantity discounts available here:
USD Bird Gard:
Heather says
I have 2 large crepe myrtles and birds (sparrows I think) are roosting at dusk and dawn. Dawn is 5:30 AM for the birds and the trees are right outside our bedroom window. It’s driving us NUTS! We tried spraying them with the hose and putting fake owls and pie pans in the trees with no luck. Appreciate any suggestions. The trees are over 20 ft so it would be hard to cover them with netting.
Tech Support says
I suggest setting out one or two Ultra Sound Units. These are water proof and can be set to run all the time. The exact configuration to use will depend on how close to one another these two trees are. I had one tree with a similar problem and I set the unit just under it, pointed upwards, and it chased the birds away instantly and they never came back. After a week of running it I merely removed the unit and since that time (2 years ago) haven’t had to use it again.
Now since you state you have two trees, I don’t know if they’re close enough to get complete coverage from one of these units alone (you might need two) but it might be strong enough to work. You can read up more on it’s coverage here:
USD Bird Gard:
Now if you attempt to cover both trees with one unit and find it not working, change it up by pointing it at the one tree, from underneath it shooting straight up, and I’m sure you’ll get it to work fine. If this happens it would be a good indicator the trees are too far apart to get adequate coverage with just one unit.
You see, shooting the sound upward from underneath the tree enables the sound to penetrate through and through. But if you send the sound sideways and the tree has a lot of leaves, the leaves can effectively “block” the sound enough to make it weak and ineffective. And since these units aren’t too strong much past 30-40 feet to begin with, once you get leaves blocking the sound waves I’m thinking they might loose enough power to not work shooting sideways which means you’ll need two units set to point upwards for maximum power.
Heather says
Thanks so much for your reply. I thought the ultra sound devices had to be directly in line with the birds so I didn’t think it would work. But I will give it a try. The trees are right next to each other and have formed on big canopy so hopefully one will work.
michael says
We have a dock and the geese seem to love it there. We aren’t out there often enough to shoot the darn things. We have tried the angry eye and shiny tins but the geese don’t care. We’re trying to find something not crazy expensive thats pretty self sustaining. Because it’s a dock we can’t put down any of the gels or liquids. Do you think the water sprayer would work on the geese? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Tech Support says
Go with one of the Ultra Sound devices we have. One is for large areas and comes with 4 speakers so you can configure it to cover a larger area. Details can be seen here:
Goose Buster:
But if you have a small dock that’s say 900 sq/ft or less, the Bird Gard can be set to run continuously and it will repel geese too.
USD Bird Gard:
Bob Brock says
We have a 120×240 = 28800. sq.ft arena with insulation. We want a quote on Bird netting and clips to handle this area. F.O.B. Waitsburg Wa. 99361
Tech Support says
We should be able to help but I’m not comfortable quoting without asking a few questions first. Can you give us a call toll free at 1-800-877-7290 and ask for Chad or Miles? We’re open Mon-Sat so you can reach us most every day of the week. This way we can go over some details to make sure we have everything covered.
kelly huinker says
I have six foot high cheyenne privets that go for about twenty feet long. Hundreds of sparrows are living in them and the feces is getting worse and worse. I have a dog and am not only concerned about the smell but also her tracking it into the house. What can I do?
Tech Support says
In general, people and pets should avoid dense concentration of fecal matter. And this pertains to all kinds of fecal matter – not just human waste.
And since we know there are all kinds of natural hazards contained inside bird excrement, your concern is very much valid. The droppings which are accumulating under the privets can contain all kinds of hazards and these toxins can travel through the air or by direct touch.
They can travel by contact when people or pets walk over the bacteria and then carry it inside the home via shoes or a pet’s paw. And once inside the home, these toxins can lodge on carpeting and furniture presenting a hazard to anyone that comes in contact with these surfaces.
Additionally, these toxins can travel through the air. The rule to follow here is if you can “smell” the droppings, you can most definitely be inhaling something bad. And based on your message, it sounds like the concentration of these droppings has already reached a “bad” level so you need to act for sure.
At this time I would suggest one of the Ultra Sound devices we have listed in our article. Based on the area involved, I recommend the 4 Speaker Model. This would allow you the flexibility to “cover” a large area as is needed. This way if the birds are reluctant to leave and somehow find safe pockets where they can effectively avoid the sound, you’ll be able to make quick adjustments of the speaker alignment to keep the birds moving. My guess is after 1-2 adjustments, you should be able to get the sound directed in such a way that this device will be able to chase away any offending bird for good. You can read more on this unit here:
And here’s a direct link to the device in our cart:
Lindsey says
Hi. I live in a second story apartment and I have a big window in my living room. There is a tree that is directly outside the window and there is this one red bird that is constantly jumping from a branch of the tree to a ledge of the window; back and forth for periods of time throughout the day. I try to scare it away but it always comes back. My neighbors have the same problem as well with the same bird. It’s very annoying and I’m not sure how to fix the problem. Please help!
Tech Support says
This is a common problem many people report. Especially during the winter and spring. In most cases it involves a window on the home but it could be the window of a car or even an exterior mirror of any car or truck.
Basically what’s happening is the bird is seeing it’s own reflection and is drawn to the reflection expecting to either encounter a mate or a foe. Either way, the end result can be noisy and annoying to anyone in the home. And if the bird is active on a motor vehicle, the activity will usually lead to bird droppings and in some cases, even damage.
To stop this behavior, you have a few options. The first is to employ a simple repellent. The most effective is the Attack Spider. This device can be affixed to the window’s exterior using a Suction Cup or hanging it from a hook placed on the structures siding.
Once in place, this motorized spider will “attack” any bird that lands on the window’s ledge or pecks at the window. In most cases, just hanging the spider out will chase away any bird immediately and they usually will not return as long as the spider remains in place. After the bird is gone, you can usually just remove the spider and keep it for future use should the problem arise again.
Attack Spider:
Another visual repellent that can work well is Irritape. Simple drape a few sections around the window by stapling or tacking it to the window’s ledge or the structure’s siding. This will usually repel birds too.
Lastly, if you want to keep the birds off the ledge and out of the tree altogether, get a Bird Gard and set it up on the window ledge or alongside it. The goal here would be to “blanket” the window area with the ultra sound. Birds don’t like this sound and will avoid the area where they can hear it. Undetectable by humans, ultra sound is a discreet yet effective bird repellent.
Bird Gard:
Hope this helps and be sure to send a link to your neighbor too!
Stephanie says
Hi there! My parents have a problem of a bird(s) landing on their door handle at the front door of their home. My dad even took off the handle until we had family coming to visit…lol. Any suggestions?
Thanks for your help!
Tech Support says
This actually happens more than you might think so we’ve had some experience with this type of problem. And there are several options you can emply which will stop the unwanted behavior.
The simplest, least costly option is to hang some Irritape on the handle. This seems to chase off any bird and both easy to install and maintain.
The second option is to have some fun with the problem and install an Attack Spider. No doubt this will spark a lot of conversation to anyone visiting! That being said, it actually works well and will immediately stop all unwanted birds landing anywhere close to the handle.
Attack Spider:
Lastly, the most discreet approach is to install a Bird Gard. This can be set off to one side of the door, out of the way, and in most cases hard to see. These units send out an ultra sound which is not detectable by people but extremely unsettling to any birds that come within 25 feet of it’s range.
Bird Gard:
Any one of these resolutions will prove effective.
Stephanie says
Thanks for getting back with me so quickly!!! Great ideas, too. I will talk to them to see what they want to do 🙂
melba bennett says
I have birds pulling the threads from my patio chairs..probably using for nesting. I have a fake owl on my table but it doesn’t help. These probably are sparrows or small birds nesting in my cyprus or other trees close to the house. I just gave the damaged chairs away and now have newer, less expensive chairs which are stackable…but still don’t want to start having problems. I’m using a walker and have care givers 5 days a week for 4 hours…so I’m limited in getting supplies, climbing, etc.
Thanks for listening!
Tech Support says
Regardless of your health condition, you can treat this problem several ways.
The simplest would be to install an Ultra Sound device pointed at the area you want to protect. Whenever you leave the area, you can turn it on. The sound it emits will keep all birds away. When you want to use the area, simply turn it off if you’re able to hear the sound and find it annoying. Most adults won’t hear it but since it doesn’t cause any harm to people or animals, it’s just a personal preference whether you keep it on or off when in the area.
Bird Gard:
Another option would be to set up some Irritape on the chairs. This product could be installed with simple hangers that enable you to place it out and take it in at your leisure. Irritape is easy to use and true, it won’t make the landscape any “prettier” but it will keep unwanted birds away.
Lastly, if the chairs are stacked in one area, you could set an Attack Spider on them to guard the chairs. This device is very easy to install, can be turned on and off easily and will keep birds away for good as well.
Attack Spider:
Jim says
I have a sci fi themed show car with a wrap on the hood that cost me quite a bit of money.. Its not a multi thousand dollar show car but still.. My problem is if I park it in the front of my driveway, there is a cable tv wire that runs right over the top of the car… Then it turns into target practice….I know the doves love it… So do the many other birds… The excrement will ruin my wrap… How can I keep the birds off that wire?
Tech Support says
You’ve got a few options.
The first would be to tie some Irritape on the cable. Birds don’t like it and if you place small sections every 2-3 feet on the section of the cable thats over your car, they should stay off that part of the cable.
The second option would be to wipe some 4-The-Birds gel over the cable. Birds will not land on this stuff and applications should last a good 3-6 months. You’ll have to be able to reach the cable to treat it but this solution would probably work better compared to the Irritape.
The third option would be the use of Ultra Sound. A Bird Gard set up on the ground pointed up and at the section of the cable you want to keep bird free would do a fine job. This unit is weather proof so its okay to keep out in the open. And if you can position it within 50 feet of the wire, it should have plenty of power to keep birds away.
Bird Gard:
Linda says
I enjoy feeding all types of birds and actually enjoy feeding woodpeckers on my deck rail from suet feeders. My other bird feeders are out away from the house, so the bulk of birds that I have coming directly to the deck are mostly woodpeckers. However, Starlings have decided that they like the suet too! And what a mess they are making on the deck – not to mention the raucous noise level they’re creating. I’ve tried suet feeders that are only supposed to be accessible to woodpeckers alone, but the Starlings have figured out how to get the suet out of them by perching on the deck rail and making flying leaps to the feeders. Would the Spikes that I’ve seen on your website work to deter the Starlings? I don’t think they’d affect the woodpeckers as they usually don’t land anywhere but on the suet feeders. I really don’t want to deter any birds other than the Starlings.
Tech Support says
If you watch the local birds, you’ll notice some will figure out ways to get the food suet feeders hold. Starlings can be particularly persistent and adaptable but in fact you’ve discovered they do have limits. In fact they need that flat perch the railing is no doubt providing so if you can take it away from them, you’ll force them to forage elsewhere and on turn, cut down on their annoying activity.
And the best option to help you accomplish this goal is to set out the bird spikes. Start by applying some where they’re currently landing and then if they try to launch from somewhere else, use some more. Be sure to strategically make your placements to where they want to be as these spots are usually specific and limited so if you cover them all, you’ll get good results.
Ultimately, reducing the local numbers is another good way to go and the Starling Trap can really help. It’s easy to deploy and can be worked to just catch starlings so you won’t impact any “good” birds.
Here are links to these items in our cart. Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep this valuable web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Bird Spikes:
Starling Trap:
Tech Support says
There are two units that can do the job. The first is a small unit that can be deployed on the ground pointed at nest locations. Within the protected range of each unit, birds will move away and stay away. Use enough of these to “blanket” the areas you’d like to protect and keep bird free. They can be powered on all the time or by their built in motion detector.
Bird Gard:
For large areas, the 4 speaker model might be better suited since it can cover a lot more space using the individual speakers set up to point where you want to chase away birds.
Ultrason 4S:
Please let us know if you need further assistance.
Customer Care
U-Spray Bugspray
Liz says
We have sparrows that insist on resting on the engine of our vehicles, leaving lots of “crap” behind. What kind of deterrent is there for this, if any?
Tech Support says
The simplest and most effective repellent listed above would be the Ultra Sound device. Simply set it up on the ground point toward the car, turn it on and keep it running using the included power supply so it’s always on. This will keep away all birds whenever the unit is on and “sounding off”.
Now you could opt to mount the unit so 10-15 feet away from the cars and then have it pointing toward the area you need to protect.
Alternatively you could choose to simply lay it on the ground when you want to use it and then pick it up and remove it from the area when not needed. Obviously if you permanently mount it, you won’t have to fuss about moving it around. At that point you’ll only have to worry about turning it off/on or just leave it running all the time.
This unit uses very little power (less than $1.00 a month) so the cost of having it continuously is negligible.
However, we have seen cases where after 2-3 weeks of use, the local birds may learn to stay away for good and if this happens, there is no need to keep the unit deployed continuously so a temporary configuration can do the job too.
Bird Gard:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Lance says
I have a swim platform (float) that I cannot keep the gulls off of. I have tried tape but the wind does not always blow so I have found that to be ineffective. I also tried a plastic owl and that didn’t work. I do not have outside electricity so I don’t think any type of ultra sonic device can be used.
Tech Support says
Can you tell me the size of the platform? The dimensions in feet would be ideal. Also, is located close to shore and are there many homes or other nearby residents close to where you keep it? Lastly, can you forward pictures so we can see it from a couple of angles? Provide this info and we should be able to better advise.
Customer Care
U-Spray Bugspray
Toll Free: 1-800-877-7290