PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Device which hooks in line with the gas supply for the Sound Canon. It can be used to turn the Bird Cannon on and off. The off and on can only happen once in any one day and once configured, it will repeat at that time continuously. An example of a typical setting would be to have it start sounding at 8:00 in the morning and continue till 8:00 in the evening. At that point it would turn off and not start again until the following morning at 8:00.
*** Remember, this device is essentially a control switch that keeps the canon operating when the switch is “on” and when the switch moves to “off”, the canon won’t sound. Its mostly used for when you’d like to have the canon only operate during the day but remain quiet when its dark. Of course you can also configure it for nocturnal animals like deer and wild boar. For this setup, you’d have it set to be quiet during the day but sound all night. ***
HOW IT WORKS: To install the timer, you’ll need to first decide where to cut the gas line. This should be either closer to the tank, midway between the two or closer to the canon depending on where you’d like the timer positioned. Make the cut where you want the timer to be mounted or hung. The timer is light enough to be placed in line and does not need support. It comes with clamps for affixing the gas inlet and outlet hose securely. It also needs a single double “AA” battery (expected battery life it about 1 year).
$150.00 (747709)
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