Your article on stinkbugs was very helpful. I wasn’t sure what critters I had infesting my house but after seeing the video, i know now! This is the first year I have ever had them in my house and I never saw them outside. Last fall I had to exterminate under the siding for yellow jackets. Could this have been what stirred up the stinkbugs? I kill at least 1 or 2 each day. Everyone in this area is infested with them and I’d like to do some treatments. What kind of bugspray do you have for inside?
If you read through our STINKBUG article, you’ll see we’ve got 2-3 stinkbug sprays that work well. For now, go with either the DFORCE or PHANTOM. I prefer the Phantom because it’s odorless and works better in the long run. Dforce is best for when you have large populations visible and need quick control. based on what you’re seeing right now, it doesn’t sound like you need the Dforce.
I also suggest setting out a STINKBUG LIGHT TRAP. Place one in any room where you see activity and it will help remove stinkbugs as they emerge and this will cut down on the amount of spraying you’ll have to do.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Stink Bugs: