So for small flying pests like No See Ums, Phorid Flies, Fungus Gnats and Fruit Flies, you need to take away their “air space” by using one of our SPACE SPRAYS.
This short video (less than a minute long) gives a brief overview of why space spraying is so easy and so effective using one of our two products listed below.:
As shown in the video, we used to recommend MULTIPURPOSE INSECT KILLER but have found FLYING INSECT KILLER to be both stronger and more efficient. Cans are a lot larger too so for space spraying, use this option.
It will take care of any adults flying around the room you treat. Used like hair spray, it only takes 5-10 seconds of spray in any room and if there are flies around, they’ll succumb to the treatment and die quickly.
Expect to treat 2-3 times a day and focus on rooms with activity. In most situations, it will take 2-3 weeks to break the local cycle and eliminate the source whether you know where that is or not.
For a more permanent solution, install AEROSOL MACHINES in any room with activity. One machine will cover up to 400 sq/ft and requires two double “AA” batteries to keep them running. Set them on shelves or mount them on walls at least 5-6 feet up. The machines will release a subtle 1 second treatment every 15 minutes thus insuring you have an active amount of pyrethrin in the air all the time.
Each machine will need a CLEAR ZONE REFILL which should last 30 days. Having this released on an automated basis will readily kill flies once treatments begin. Like using the Flying Insect Killer, expect activity to be ongoing for 2 weeks but after that, the life cycle of nesting flies should end so after a month, the problem should be gone. But in the future if they come back, you’ll only need to get refills since the machines are expected to last 5-10 years.
Ultimately, taking away the reproduction site of the fly is the best solution. By removing where they can lay eggs you can in theory eliminate them altogether. And the best product for this is a combination of two products. First, take away their food with NO SURVIVOR ENZ A BAC.
To treat, simply pour it down the drain pipes and Enz-A-Bac will safely remove the nest sights these flies need for egg laying. USE THIS ONE A WEEK!
The following “short video” (less than 60 seconds) gives a quick summary of what using this once a week will do.
Apply about 2-3 oz per drain per once a week. Do the application late at night, before you retire, when you know the drain will sit for several hours with no one running water. This way the active in the Enz-A-Bac can have it’s best impact by cutting through the slime and organic matter which naturally builds up.
This product smells like lemons but is strong enough to control a range of drain living insects like flies, drain flies, crickets, roaches, mites, springtails and more.
The following “short video” (less than 60 seconds) shows just how easy it is to use Lemon Air as needed throughout the week.
Add 4 oz per gallon of water and pour 1/2 gallon down any sink drain in the home you want to keep pest free. The lemon scent will also purge all malodor while controlling the nasty pests invading.
Expect to treat twice a week for 2 weeks during the initial clean out. Once the flies are gone, use Lemon Fresh once a month to keep them away for good.
For the “worm like” larvae commonly seen crawling around shower stalls, tiles and grout work, wipe down the area with the Lemon Fresh as needed. Keeping some in a simple “spray bottle” can be handy too.
If you have small flies active around plants, set out SMALL FLY TRAPS in their pots and around other areas where you have seen activity. These traps are easy to set out and their yellow color naturally draws flies to their surface. The glue will remain active for up to 90 days but replace sooner if they get full.
Another trap which works great for small flies is the SPARROWHAWK. Install one in any room which has a problem and it will quickly start catching flying adults. In fact this trap will catch a wide range of flying pests including but not limited to fruit flies, gnats, flies, ladybugs, mosquitoes, biting midges, thrips, noseeums, gnats, wasps and spiders. And you can set it well hidden behind an appliance or other furniture but target flies will still find it.
Give us a call if you need further help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. On Saturday, 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time).
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