PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Odorless concentrate well suited for use in and around the home for a wide range of insect pests. Using a combination of two actives, Bithor will get pests active and in turn, get them to move over treated surfaces.
WHERE TO USE IT: Inside the home Bithor can be applied to carpeting, box springs, baseboards, cabinets and furniture where pests like bedbugs, roaches and carpet beetles are active.
Out in the yard its well suited for many pests including boring beetles, mosquitoes and Springtails. You can even use misting equipment to apply it. Mix 1.5 oz per gallon of water and plan on getting 5,000-10,000 sq/ft of yard covered per gallon of mixed solution when applied via fogging or misting machines (gas or electric).
RATE OF APPLICATION: .89 oz per gallon of water per 1,000 sq/ft for maintenance; if you have active insects use the full rate of 1.78 oz per gallon. For the average home outside, plan on using 2-4 gallons applied from the gutters down to the base of the foundation AND to be retreating weekly if pests remain a week after you treat.
For inside the home, follow the 1 gallon per 1,000 sq/ft recommendation BUT be prepared to treat if pests come back.
SAFETY CONCERNS? Watch this short video detailing just how safe Bithor is for use inside and around the home.

WHEN USED IN OUR MINI MISTER: Add .5 oz per 16 oz tank and fill with water. This mixture will cover up to 250 sq/ft so you’ll get about 25 sq/ft covered per minute (an area that’s 5′ by 5′).

SUGGESTED ADDITIVES (for outside treatments): SPREAD-X BOOST
TARGET PESTS: Ants (including Carpenter Ants), Armyworms, Bedbugs, Bees (except Carpenter Bees), Biting Flies, Blue or Green Bottle Fly, Boxelder Bug, Centipedes, Chiggers, Chinch Bug, Clover Mites, Cluster Flies, Cockroaches, Crickets, Cutworms, Dichondra Flea Beetle, Earwigs, Elm Leaf Beetle, Firebrats, Fleas, Flesh Flies, Flies, Gnats, Grasshoppers, Ground Beetle, Hornets, Housefly, Japanese Beetle, Lady Beetles, Midges, Millipedes, Mole Crickets, Mosquitoes, Moths, Pillbugs, Scorpions, Silverfish, Sod Webworms, Sowbugs, Spider Mites, Spiders, Springtails, Stable Flies, Ticks, Wasps and Yellow Jackets.
Bithor is great for use both inside and outside the home and can be fogged for flying pests like MOSQUITOES.
Watch this “short video” (less than 60 seconds) which details why its such a great product and why fogging is the “best” way to treat for most any pest.

The short story here is Bithor is the best all around product for maintaining a pest free yard so if you’re looking for one spray that does it all, this is as good as it gets. But if you have a problem, you’ll be best advised to follow the specific product recommendations found in their respective article.
$105.00 32 oz (455159)
Order online and save 5%
$350.00 128 oz (455157)
Order online and save 5%
Supporting Video

Karen says
I have 2 cats. Is this dangerous to put around the inside of house with my cats?
Tech Support says
Absolutely not. All of our products have been approved for use in the home by the EPA and the only way they can get this labeling is if they can prove such use will not pose a hazard to people, pets or the environment.
Just follow the safety guidelines we have posted, mostly keeping them out of the areas you treat and allowing the treatment to dry, and after that you can go back to regular day to day activity.
Pet Safe:
Technical Support
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here:
David says
Can this product be used on a fabric couch? Is there risk even after product dries when sitting or laying on the couch after application?
Tech Support says
100% yes this can be used on couches and other furniture. Did you watch our video above detailing how safe it is? We state clearly there will be no hazard presented to people, pets, etc. since the product is so diluted.
We also recommend using it with our Mini Mister since this will get you the lightest application needed without over applying it. Sure any pump sprayer can be used too but the mister is ideally suited for the task.
Mini Mister:
We’re about to do a video showing it misting couches using the Bithor actually but if you go to that page and watch the video, you’ll see how it works and why its so well suited for the job.
Technical Support
Paul DiLucchio says
Does this work as a repellent against “love bugs”? If so, how should I apply it?
Tech Support says
If you review our Lovebug article, you will see how to mix and apply it. Basically when first sprayed, it will kill and repel lovebugs from the area. Eventually the repellency wears off but the second active remains working in a stealthy mode so any more that come around will die too.
More information on our products for this pest can be found on our site where you can also order. Alternatively you can call to place an order at 800-877-7290, extension 1:
Technical Support
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here:
Naveen says
I have rice weevil bugs on my bed ,can I use it on my bed
Tech Support says
Generally speaking, you don’t want to spray your blankets or sheets. These should be removed and washed. But Bithor is labeled for use on mattresses, bed frames and carpeting so all the remaining areas of the bed and floor in the room can be sprayed. Commonly used for bed bugs, its safe enough for use in these sensitive areas.
Technical Support
Daniel Klein says
Can I use the for a yellow Jacket bee problem? I thought they weren’t coming back to the same nest, but I’m guessing it can be a different bee species. I was going to use this in a pressure washer that has a container for soap. Thoughts? This bee issue is at the peak of my roof line.
Tech Support says
It should work great. I’d saturate the area for 15-30 seconds in the morning and then again that evening and repeat the next day. Two days, 4 treatments should do it.
Technical Support
Evan says
Hi! I just ordered this Bithor in hopes it will kill and deter the wolf spiders and whatever it is they’re preying on. We’ve seen about 6 in the house (closet, bathroom, living room) and mostly the garage within the last two weeks. I also bought Viper Cypermethrin to use outside, or should I use one over the other for inside and outside? This is our first spring/summer in this house and we live in NC and about 50 feet from a heavy wooded area. The house is on a large foundation with a big crawl space probably but I haven’t investigated it.
Thanks for your knowledge and help!
Tech Support says
Start with the Bithor inside. Treat all baseboards, around doors and other routes of entry. Let it sit two days and then use the Cypermethrin outside around windows, doors, soffits and other routes of entry to repel and keep perimeter pests from invading.
Technical Support
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here:
Nancy Carver says
I’m glad to have the opportunity to review the Bugspray products and customer service. We have only been using their products for about 2-3 weeks, BUT, we are very impressed. Customer service is good, quick and helpful. The Maxxthor EC and granules are definitely helping to eliminate our clover mites. Also, the Bithor and the FS-MP spray. We have had clover mites ever since we moved into our new home in 2016. We have a pest company currently, and had another one. We decided we need to become more pro-active and do something ourselves to help KILL THE CLOVER MITES. I believe with my whole heart, this company and their products is going to be the help we NEED! Thank you, Nancy Carver
Michele Aldan says
I have this demon biting no-see-ums or pirate bugs in my home. They are in my bathroom, my room, and my kitchen. They are driving me crazy and my family thinks I’m going crazy. This demon biting bugs are only biting me and no one else. I’m desperate, pls tell me that this product will kill them all. I’m going crazy in my own home…
Thank you kindly
Tech Support says
If you review our noseeum article, you will find the section for treating inside a structure must be done using a “space spray”, not a liquid. So the Bithor above will only be best for use out in the yard with one of our fogging machines. For inside, go with one of our aerosol options seen here:
Flying Insects Inside:
Doc says
Having a Dust Mite problem at my mom’s place. She cleans n cleans to try to get on top of these Lil pain in butts. ALGERIA
Tech Support says
Since these are microscopic and live off moisture, cleaning with a vacuum won’t help as they can’t get caught in the filter. And water? It allows them to multiply.
You’re only defense against them is to use the products above on any fabric like rugs, floor mats, furniture and mattresses.
The Bithor is ideal for all areas if you are using our Mini Mister to apply it.
Mini Mister:
The Bithor is above for ordering.
All this is detailed in our article here:
Dust Mites:
Technical Support
Courtney G says
I have a 300 sq foot enclosed patio garden. Something nasty is biting me out there and I think it might be Chiggers. Will this work? And what sort of sprayer would you recommend to go with it? Thank you!
Tech Support says
Bithor would be a great option for any pest out in that environment. Odorless, fast working and able to control anything that flies or crawls, you could simply spray it using any standard pump sprayer or you could opt to fog it for larger areas, say 1/4-1/2 acre which is smart if you have flying pests like mosquitoes, noseeums, thrips, etc.
Eliminator Pump Sprayer:
Bugspray Fogger:
Lamarr says
So I got what I think are European hornets flying in and out this spot on my roof that I cant really reach with anything and I have no bee suits or ladders to get close.They are attracted to the back yard light though, which is how I discovered them. In lieu of getting an exterminator to charge me who knows what, will this stuff work, and is there a good way to apply that would make them come in contact with it?
Tech Support says
You have a few options.
First, if enough of them are focused around the light, you could opt to saturate that area every night right at dark. As they come there and touch the product, it will take its toll on the nest (assuming the ones from the roof are going there) and eventually kill them all.
Second option is to spray the area on the roof. This would be more direct and no doubt work no matter where they’re foraging and the preferred way to proceed.
To reach it, once again, you have at least two options.
First is to test your garden hose. If you have enough pressure to spray it that high, then using one of our hose end sprayers will allow you to directly treat it.
Second option is to consider our Trombone sprayer which can reach 35+ feet up.
6 Gallon Hose End Sprayer:
Larry says
Is bithor sc a good product to suppress love bugs? I live in central Florida and we just finished a heavy love bug season. If the product is effective to kill lovebugs and their eggs, when is the best time to spray and will it kill the eggs if sprayed in the yard and on bushes after the lovebugs are gone?
Tech Support says
Lovebugs are active both spring and fall. In the fall following their mass gathering, eggs will hatch and attempt to move into their dormant pupae stage till next spring. Now would be a great time to intercept this development which takes a few months to attain. Eggs and pupae cannot be killed but the larvae stage are vulnerable and smart to eradicate now. This in turn will make the spring population less dense and easier to maintain/reduce even more.
Bottom line is that treating when they active and for a couple of months following their peak activity is the best “time” to spray. So late summer and fall and then again in the spring. Early summer through most all summer not nearly as important.
Technical Support
Ayda says
I have drugstore beetles all around the house. Does this product work for that? Also is it safe to use inside the house?
Tech Support says
Bithor is a great product for randomly appearing pests like drugstore beetles. Ideally, finding their source and eliminating this will help. But in most all cases, there will already be eggs and larvae developing somewhere in the home because foraging adults do nothing but mate and lay eggs. These locations can be difficult to identify, even for the seasoned professional. To guard against ongoing issues, a thorough treatment of the home with Bithor will really help. More on this can be seen here:
Drugstore Beetles:
At this point if you’re seeing them “all around the house”, then sure, get the Bithor applied to baseboards, under appliances, on carpeting and mattes where you see them. Its labeled for this use, odorless and will handle this pest easily.
Technical Support
Nancy Rollins says
Great product!
Michael Taylor says
Can Bithor be use on indoor plants for spider mites or mealy bugs?
Tech Support says
Bithor is labeled for use in the home on carpeting, baseboards, etc. as well as for use outside. When I treat my inside plants, I take them outside to a shady area (the sun kills all chemicals) and spray them down, let them dry for 10-15 minutes and bring them back inside. Bithor has no odor, won’t hurt the plants and is well suited this need actually.
Technical Support
Nancy C. says
We have been using this product for 3 years now. We get it from Bug Spray. This product when combined with other products they carry, works, to eliminate the population of clover mites in our yard, and in our southern window tracks. Thank you!
Sheila says
Does this product work on gypsy moths?
Tech Support says
Bithor will work on most any pest. In this case, it even says gypsy moths on the label so for sure, its a good option for use in the yard, on trees, shrubs, etc.
Eric R. says
Amazing! This product works amazing on carpenter ants! I tried it side by side with an aerosol ant killer from a big box store and the Bithor SC worked a thousand times better than the aerosol junk. Bithor SC works amazing and is worth every penny! I was skeptical at first but decided to give it a try since the off the retail shelf products weren’t working very well. I will never purchase an off the shelf product again and if other pests arise I will contact first! I highly recommend to anyone who is having pest problems!
Miley says
How quickly does it kill? I watched little black bugs go over my treatment and they just kept going. Watched for about 10 min. Not sure if I used wrong amount or if it’s supposed to take more time.
Tech Support says
Great question! And we’re glad you asked. Why? Because in general, people have such misconceptions about how pesticides work and when it comes to the time needed to actually kill an insect that travels over a treatment? The answer to this question is usually a real eye opener. So here is what you can expect about “most” insecticides and how fast they will “kill” a target insect after the insect travels over a treated area.
So when doing your initial application, if you spray an insect directly with Bithor (or most any product we sell), the saturated insect will die within 5-10 minutes, maybe longer if the insect is something “tough” like a cricket, roach or bedbug.
But once the treatment dries? Things really change. You see, water is the carrier of insecticides and once the water is gone/evaporated and only chemical is left, well, it doesn’t do a great job of penetrating the target pest so the process for it be absorbed can take days.
For some insecticides – specifically repellent products like Maxxthor – insects will usually avoid where its been sprayed since they will detect its presence and try not to walk over it. This is why using the Maxxthor outside on the homes exterior is a great option for keeping insects out.
But there is a rare new “breed” of actives that are non-repelling like one of the actives in Bithor. These new actives are very “stealthy” and as such, do not repel insects since they’re not detectable. So as insects move over the treatment, they will in turn pick up a lethal dose and eventually die. But this will take days.
The good news is this is very much intentional. By taking awhile to do its job, the active can be “shared” to others and in turn, affect many more than just the one that moved over it. So even though the water is long gone (the part of the spray we call the “messenger” because water “delivers” the active), Bithor will then use the actual insect as the messenger! It does this by clinging to the insects exoskeleton and then when the affected insect returns home to its nest, the active is “smeared” into areas where other insects are likely to be hiding. This means your treatment can effectively kill many more insects and not just the ones that move over it.
Bithor is even more special in that it combines two actives. The “first” active is what allows Bithor to kill quickly making it more like a traditional insecticide so that when you spray it, anything you hit will be dead in a short while. That active tends to break down and dissipate within a few days but then that’s when the longer lasting “stealthy” active takes over and since its not detectable, this second active can have a huge impact on local pests by working its way into their nests.
So, in summary, what you saw is pretty much what you should expect. And moving forward, its important to not interfere with the insects you see walking over the treatment. Let them pick up some of the active and for sure, let them bring it back to their nests. This will allow the Bithor to do its job and ultimately end your insect problem.
Technical Support
David Treadway says
That was my question, we have carpenter ants and they go all the way across the yard into the woods, so the ones sprayed will return and infect the others? I’ve tried several things but not bithor sc yet, look forward to the results
Tech Support says
If you check our Carpenter Ant article, you’ll see the better option would be Prothor. Its completely undetectable thus insuring the ants will readily move through it, bring some back to their nests and in turn, affect their community.
Bithor could do this BUT has an added active that kills quickly so its more suited for indoor applications.
Follow this link to get the Prothor:
Tech Support
Qeelin says
May I know after I mix the spray, how long do I need to finish it? If I use it a week after, is it still ok?
Tech Support says
In general with all of our products, you should mix up only what you intend on spraying that day. The whole design of our concentrates is that they are at full strength for 1-2 days when mixed and very “pure”. But since they are void of stabilizers and other nasty components that can contaminate things, the mixture will not be stable and start to break down and get weak after 3-4 days. For this reason its best to use up what you mix and if you have any left over, use it up outside by spraying around windows, doors, on the foundation, etc.
Tech Support
Laura says
How do I treat clover mites that are coming in via kitchen drain/garbage disposal?
Tech Support says
For down the drain insects, our Lemon Air is what you need. Mix 2 oz per gallon of water and use 1/2-1 gallon of mixed solution every few nights, just before you retire, so it will sit in the drain overnight.
Lemon Air Down the Drain Insecticide:
Just remember though that if you don’t treat the homes exterior, around the foundation and points of entry like our article explains, you’ll keep getting them inside. So sure, treating the drains are important. But they’re definitely outside the home and entering so you need to get them in those places too as detailed in our article here:
Clover MItes:
Scott Kehoe says
Will this work with the propane insect fogger?
Tech Support says
It can. You can either add it to the solution you’re using to make it extra strong, 1 oz to a gallon. Or you can get our refined oil and make your own solution.
Our oil can be bought here:
Deodorized Oil:
Technical Support
Ilma says
*correcting my last comment, the new couple springtails I’ve seen yesterday and today were about 4 mm long. Not 8. I got a tape measure and used it on the last one and it’s not 8mm. The ones I’m usted to seeing are about 1-2mm, these new ones are double that size
Leah A says
Will this work on Cricket Spiders/Camel Spiders? I am seeing them in the horse barn, in the basement and around the outside of the house ?
Tech Support says
Absolutely the best for this pest. As detailed in our article, spray the outside now before more get inside the home.
Its safe enough to be used inside too if need like your basement but a good treatment now around windows, doors, on the foundation and surrounding ground alongside the home like mulch and flower beds is key. Also under any low lying decks or porches and behind shutters since they love dark, shady areas.
In the barn, the walls inside, the exterior siding and inside. Just keep any horses or other animals away from the wet treatment; once it dries it will pose no hazard to them.
As for the basement, maybe some of our traps and bait will be needed or the dust for behind any walls that are finished. Details in our article here:
Camelback Crickets:
Technical Support
Michelle Steele says
I live in Maryland and I have cave crickets and I just can’t anymore. I have a large concrete patio and concrete front porch, both have plants that have mulch and large river stones used around both the concrete substrates. I find cave crickets on my chimney, under my deck on the porch and patios. They are often in my laundry room, rec room and sub level gym. I have started finding them upstairs in our bedrooms and I’m close to burning the joint down. How does this work and what is the most effective application. Its November and it’s been rather mild Temps so far. Should this be put down now or wait until spring at this point?
Tech Support says
So if you read through our Cave Cricket article, you’ll learn you need to spray this at least around the homes exterior meaning the foundation and the ground coming out at least 3-4 feet. 5-10 feet out is even better since they will live underneath the kind of materials you listed.
But in our article, you’ll see we also talk about treating any crawl space with Delta Dust. This is important if you have such a space.
Deltamethrin Dust:
And for inside living areas like living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms – essentially any room if not all of them, baseboard spraying with the Bithor will help big time as will setting out some of our traps:
Cricket Traps:
All this covered here:
Cave Crickets:
Technical Support
Emma says
Used this once for carpet beetle larvae and saw some come out and die. Pest control sprayed a second time and only a few are coming out now, some are dead. Will I have to do a third time? This is effective in killing them right? Thanks!
Tech Support says
As our online article details, the liquid sprays will kill adults and larvae BUT NOT any pupae. And since Pupae will be hatching as they are ready, you should expect to spray at least 3 times. So if you sprayed Dec 1st, you would want to spray in 2 weeks on Dec 15th and then again in a month, so Jan 15th.
In most cases, 3 treatments spread out over a month will get you handled BUT if there are late developing pupae that don’t fully get ready for another few months? You could very well have another “surge” of hatching adults and/or larvae. So for me, its important to spray at least 4 times to be sure.
Homes here in southern regions where its good and humid tend to have developing stages that happen quickly and consistently. Mid to northern tier states have areas where it can take 2-4 months for stages to all hatch out due to dry air and lower moisture levels in the home so there is no fixed amount anyone can know of ahead of time. Simply put, too many variables.
Technical Support
Jim says
Quick shipping and delivery. Used the Bithor in their 2 gallon pump up garden sprayer to give 32 deer mounts a good wet shower. Moths had taken residence on 4 of them. Mixing 1 ounce of Bithor with a gallon of water. It took two mixed gallons to wet down the 32 mounts. And did not discolor any of the mounts or the wooden plack’s that some were on. I would use again, but hopefully I won’t have to. Will be ordering some of their multi purpose spray to spray them every couple of months!
Richard B. says
As ordered and delivered!
Susan C. says
This spray is amazing! It solved our moth problem with our taxidermy bear!!
Janelle Marcotte says
We have zillions of Mayflies. Will Bithor kill them. They are a big problem for us in the spring
Tech Support says
So if they’re on the house, use the Maxxthor which is the first product in our Mayfly article.
But if you have them flying around the yard? Then get the Bithor for use in our fogger.
More on this can be read about in our Mayfly article here:
Technical Support
Gergory M. says
I’ve been plagued with swarms of bark lice which started in a dead elm tree which stood around for a few months a few years back.
I removed the elm and this is when they were discovered, droves by the tens of thousands under the bark which peeled right off the hard wood of the tree during removal.
After the tree was gone, they moved to another weak tree, a maple, I removed that tree and then found them on my house exterior and on the roof shingles. A few were getting inside near and through window sills.
I used an insecticide with permethrin, named after a type of snake, for about three years and they would just always get knocked back a little, but never knocked out completely.
I was just waiting for them to get fully inside the house and then into my books and eat the book bindings.
This was serious. It has been three or four years now, every summer, they were just all over the house exterior but then I used Bithor and WOW!!!!!
Mitchell May says
Great All Around Experience! I’ve been looking all over for Bithor, we used it in Arizona and couldn’t find another retailer on the east coast who sold it. The product mixes easy, safe for pets and children once dry and works both indoors and outdoors.
The website is easy to navigate, purchase process was simple, and the shipping was painless. I will for sure be using going forward for all my household pesticide needs.
Thank you very much!
Tech Support says
Great feedback; much appreciated 🙂
And for me, Bithor is the best given its flexible label, ease of use and great results. Using it in and around the home can keep most any pest under control and out of the home.
Let us know if you encounter any other issue and I’m sure we’ll be able to assist.
Technical Support
Mogan Vanderbugh says
Worked wonderful! We purchased Bithor to take care of some European Hornets and the spray cleared up our issue perfectly! Their blogs have been very informational and the product works exactly as described!
Mandy B says
Product worked just how support said it would. We have no bugs much to my toddler’s dislike. My other daughter, on the other hand, is happy! This winter we bought an old house where the upstairs wasn’t used. This Spring we have had so many larder larva worms in the carpets upstairs, which is unfortunately where our bedrooms are. Barf! Luckily this and the Bithor worked like magic, and I haven’t seen a larva worm since! Top notch customer service, support and product. I highly recommend!
Alex P. says
Great product! I wish we knew about this earlier and didn’t waste money on the consumer grade big box store sprays. This stuff has been the only thing that has worked and glad I ran into the video on YouTube.
Bobby says
This product did the job. I was having issues with Lovebugs invading my yard. I researched many products and bought this one. The mixing instructions were a little confusing at first but I googled some much easier instructions. A day after I sprayed the product, those lovebugs were nowhere to be found. I would definitely recommend using this product, especially if you have a Lovebug problem.
Lynn U. says
Excellent product! This bug spray is a liquid that is very concentrated. Mx it with water in the proportion recommended. A little goes a long way. We sprayed our property with one application and truly eliminated flying insects and creepy crawly bugs. We will do this every quarter. Much cheaper than hiring insect/bug spaying company to spray the property monthly/quarterly/semi-annually. No fumes. No smell. Simple and easy to use. Thank you for a great product!
LennNeedsHelp says
Will bithor work for German cockroaches if combining with bait and boric acid?
Tech Support says
Bithor is very effective for roaches BUT we generally suggest the Roach Spray Kit to start. So for inside the home, get the completely non repelling kit to start and use it for all baseboards, behind appliances, etc. Of course any cabinets you are willing to empty, spray too. So spray everything low and then if you have any cabinets up high you want to treat, use our Gel bait kit. These are both covered in our roach control article, for inside treatments, here:
The kits can be seen here:
Now if you have them outside? Like large roaches, what some people call Palmetto bugs? Bithor is excellent. Using it outside will control most any pest including roaches for sure. This is explained in our large roach control seen here:
Be sure to spray high, like up onto the gutters, as the large roaches thrive in those areas.
And if you check both articles, you’ll see we recommend the Spray Kit for inside, at least to start, and then after the first month you can start using the Bithor inside too. Oh, and no boric acid. If you want to dust outlets, under light switch covers, around air vent ducts, etc., than go with the Xempt Dust. It relies on a dehydrating process to work and so it will both control your target pest immediately and keep them out and off all treated areas. Conversely, boric acid will only work if insects ingest it and since it doesn’t taste good, they tend to not want to eat it unless its in a properly designed bait with a strong attractant.
Tech Support
Alex says
Does this work for bed bugs ?
Tech Support says
Bithor is tops for Bed Bugs for a few reasons. First, its odorless. Second, its water based so it won’t stain. Third, you can spray it on baseboards, carpets and even furniture. Bithor uses two actives; one that kills quickly and then the second one is very stealthy so targets like Bed Bugs will pick it up as they forage about. In a few days after treatments they’ll succumb to the active after affecting others in their nests and so the net effect will be a lot more will be killed other than just the ones that touch it.
Bithor can be sprayed with any standard pump sprayer but our Mini Mister is the best way to use it for sure.
Mini Mister:
Tech Support
Luis B. says