PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Electric fogging machine which can handle both water and oil based formulations. The machine converts liquid formulations to a fine mist. This mist is then directed over an air space where mosquitoes, gnats and other pests are active. The mist or fog will quickly kill flying pests. This unit has a dial which enables you to keep set the flow rate to low, medium or high. There is also an on/off switch and a quart holding tank (32 liquid ounces) for the solution you want to apply. Flow rate is about 3 oz per minute max and the particle size will range from 15-40 microns.
TARGET PESTS: Mosquitoes, gnats, noseeums and other biting insects which are drawn to people.
WHERE TO USE IT: Around the home and patio or deck areas. This is perfect for the condo or townhouse owner who doesn’t want to invest a lot in such a machine but still has a need for fogging. Remember, this is for small jobs only.
RATE OF APPLICATION: This machine is the smallest you can get which works well. It is designed for small jobs. It will treat 2500 sq/ft quite well but will begin to take too much time and work too hard if you have to cover areas up to 5000 sq/ft. If you have that much area to fog, get one of our other models available as you will need it. It can handle both water and oil based chemicals.
ALTERNATIVE FOGGERS: BG 2300 BG 2600 FM 5330 110v FM 6309 110v FM 6309 240v FM 6208 110v FM6208 240v FM 7401 ULV FM 7807 w/16″ EXT 110v FM 7807 w/16″ EXT 240v FM 7807 w/38″ EXT 110v FM 7807 w/38″ EXT 240v GOLDEN EAGLE THERMAL FOGGER HURRICANE DYNA FOG 110v SOLO BACK PACK FOGGER
$300.00 (283254)
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