I live in the Florida Keys and we are always combating mosquitoes and noseeums. Over the past 15 years I have tried everything under the sun. At the time I contacted Chad at I had two “Pro” series Mosquito Magnets running 24 hours a day. They caught a bunch of bugs but we still were getting eaten alive. In the summer months it was impossible to sit in our back yard even after spraying yourself down with Deet.
I purchased a Solo Backpack Mist blower, Exciter, Permethrin, and Nylar. After the first fogging we could not believe the results. For the first time ever there were no bugs, none! These products are nothing short of amazing! For the first time ever we can enjoy our beautiful outdoors without welts and scratching. Our dogs also had rashes on their stomach from bites and that is completely gone. These people and their products have been a life changer for us. We now spend all of our time outdoors instead of hunkering down behind a screen.
Above all the customer service at is off the charts. It is great having a “coach” you can turn to with any questions you might have. They are incredible!
Thanks for giving us our life back!
Howard, Florida Keys
Mist Blower:
6 % Pyrethrin:
Permethrin SFR:
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