PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Fungicide using Chlorothalonil as the active ingredient which is good for just about any type of fungus. It is easy to work with and has several rates of application. The most important thing to do when applying it is to get proper coverage using the right amount. The second most important thing to do is be sure and followup with at least one more application. It is not uncommon to need and treat several times throughout the year depending on seasonal weather conditions. This is a unique formulation which goes into the sprayers as a tiny granule about the size of a poppy seed. However, once it gets wet, it breaks up and goes right into solution with water and mixes easily. This makes for less visible residue, a more consistent spray being applied and ultimately better results.
WHERE TO USE IT: Gardens, turf, shrubs, trees, etc. Anywhere around the home where you have plants susceptible to fungus.
RATE OF APPLICATION: This will vary on the form you choose to get.
5 lb WATER DISPERSIBLE GRANULE 82.5%. This is enough to cover 22,000 sq/ft (curative) to 44,000 sq/ft (preventive). The easiest sprayer to use is the Hose End sprayer we feature in our article but you can also use several listed in our family of sprayers to do the application. The mixture is 4 ounces of granules per gallon of water per 1000 sq/ft of grass at the curative rate; 2 ounces of powder per gallon of water per 1000 sq/ft of grass at the preventive rate.
$120.00 (953386) 5 lb’s
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