We just got your concentrate maxxthor and some fs mp and were wondering how long will they last on the shelf?
Great question!
The following short video (less than 60 seconds) gives you the quick summary of what to expect.

So first, as our video points out, it depends on the formulation and second, where you store it.
Pesticides should be kept at “room temperature” with temps in the 50-80 degree range to keep them stable. This insures the products aren’t “freezing” or getting too hot. And of course, out of direct sunlight!
The most stable will be solids like wettable powders, dusts or granules like our MAXXTHOR SG. They’ll remain stable for 6 or more years on the shelf.
Next are the emulsifiable concentrates like the MAXXTHOR EC you just got. They’re oil based so they tend to be very stable and their components work together allowing them to be consistent for 4-5 years.
Next are the soluble concentrates. They’re water based and good up to 3-4 years.
Aerosols will have the shortest life because they were formulated to “get out” of the can. This causes can’s to loose pressure and struggle to empty so in general, try to use them up within 3 years of your purchase date.
And here’s a “pro tip”: All liquids tend to “separate” when sitting for just a week or two. For this reason its a good idea to “shake” them up for 5-10 seconds prior to adding them to your spray tank.
Hope this helps!
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