I just got a delivery of pine straw from my landscaper and it was infested with itch mites 🙁 he said to spray it down but so far nothings worked. these things are tough. I know you have some of the best sprays but i don’t have any yet. my friend uses your products and said your outside spray should do the job. he didn’t know if i should get the prothor or maxxthor?
So for sure pine straw, wood chips, ground bark – even rocks or that new “rubber” wood chips mulch – all can harbor pests. We’ve seen everything from ANTS to YELLOW JACKETS to ITCH MITES get delivered to peoples drive ways 🙂
This short video summarizes the problem and how you can go from a pest free yard to an infested landscape with one truck load of wood chips!

In all cases, the MAXXTHOR EC is the way to go. Use .5 oz per gallon of water per 1,000 sq/ft of area. And use a good HOSE END SPRAYER to make the application.
Maxxthor is super strong and will knock them all out before they have a chance to establish nests in the yard. Just be sure to get the treatment done within 1-2 days of getting the mulch.
And the Yellow Topped Sprayer is best for applying Maxxthor over the yard.