PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: This concentrate has an odor since its oil based but it works on all insects, is highly concentrated and can be sprayed safely throughout the yard on turf and plants. Use a hose end sprayer to apply it over turf with the best sprayer being a 20 GALLON HOSE END. Pictured to the left is the 32 oz size which can treat 1-2 acres.
USE DIRECTIONS: The exact amount of Bifen needed will vary depending you target pests but the range is anywhere from 1 oz to to 4 oz per 10,000 sq/ft of turf.
So if you wanted to use it at the 1 oz per 1,000 sq/ft rate, add 2.5 oz of Bifen XTS (and 2.5 oz of Boost) to the hose end sprayer and fill with water. Hook the sprayer to your garden hose and use the entire amount to treat 5,000 sq/ft of turf.
When treating “tough” pests or for the initial cleanup, add 1 oz of BOOST to the sprayer per 1,000 sq/ft and equal amounts of Boost for every 1,000 sq/ft.
Basically Boost enables the Bifen to better “coat” treated areas and target pests. This will enhance the performance of the treatment resulting in faster kills, better coverage and overall, better results.
$85.00 32 oz (753985)(N/A TO NEW YORK)
Order online and save 5%
$240.00 128 oz (756242)(N/A TO NEW YORK)
Order online and save 5%
Order online and save 5%
RECOMMENDED ADDITIVE: SPREADER STICKER – add 2.5 oz with every 4 oz of Bifen added to hose end sprayer
$6.00 (451035) 8 oz
Order online and save 5%
$10.00 (451039) 16 oz
Order online and save 5%
$15.00 (451040) 32 oz
Order online and save 5%
$50.00 (451037) gallon
Order online and save 5%
Supporting Video
Esther K. Seipel says
I want to spray around our house and in particular the yard surrounding the house. The millipedes we have here in Nebraska come in the fall and we don’t see them again for another year but the time they spend with us (possibly a month) is about more than we can handle. We are currently using Tempo SC Ultra and have limited success. About 2-months prior to the millipedes we have an infestation of little black bugs that pop when they are picked up to dispose of them. Seems the day the little black “pop” bug disappears, the millipedes move in. What do you have along the line of spray that we could use? I don’t care for the granules and would rather it be a liquid added to water.
Please let me know what you think. Thank you very much!
admin says
Go with the Bifen XTS listed above. Its fast acting and plenty strong to handle millipedes. Add 4 oz to our 20 Gallon Hose End Sprayer, fill the sprayer and then use your garden hose to water in the tankful. It will take around 20 gallons of water to pump out this much product but the 4 oz will be enough to treat 5,000 sq/ft.
Here’s a link to the 20 gallon sprayer:
Hose End:
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U-Spray Bugspray
Maurina Brown says
I seem to have a problem with chiggers. I want to treat my whole Yard. Cost is an issue, unfortunately. Please tell me exactly what I need to buy. I also would like to buy a repellant. Thank you very much!
admin says
If you review our chigger control article posted here:
you’ll learn everything you need to know about chiggers in great detail.
No doubt the Bifen XTS above is the least costly option and its highly effective on a wide range of insects including chiggers.
Use it at the rate of 2 oz per 10,000 sq/ft in our 20 gallon hose end sprayer and be sure to add 2 oz of spreader sticker to the tank mix. Treat every 4 weeks during the season; every 2 weeks if the problem is bad.
Spreader Sticker:
Hose End:
Lastly, to keep chiggers off your skin and clothing, apply permethrin aerosol to your cloths and some deet lotion or deet spray to you skin.
Deet 20% Lotion:
Deet 100%:
Permethrin Aerosol:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Julia Bailey says
Seeing results. Springtails were taking over my basement. I had an exterminator and tried countless other products that didn’t even phase them. After two treatments of BIFEN I’m seeing dead bugs. I wish there was a fog type product to would take of them quicker because these bugs can hop and move to higher ground.
armina says
I built a pine log cabin in the woods a few years ago. The flying carpenter “bugs” are drilling holes all over it. A small pile of wood dust follows the drilling. What do you recommend?
admin says
If you read our carpenter bee control article, you’ll learn exactly what you need to do. Basically you’ll learn you must apply Drione Dust to every hole using a hand duster. After a day you need to seal the hole using a 1/2″ cork. Lastly, spray Cypermethrin on all exposed wood to prevent new holes from being drilled.
Centro 14 oz:
The entire article can be found here:
Wood Bees:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Zina Townley says
Chiggers be gone!
Beth S. says
Excellent for chiggers! We had a terrible infestation of chiggers which has been completely taken care of by this product. I used 8 oz for 20 gallons of product through hose sprayer. It has made them disappear…yay!
Debra Fleming says
I have only used the Bifen XTS once, but I like the fact the I can purchase a much stronger solution than we can buy at the regular stores. I was using Bifen since August but the solution was much weaker and I had to use more per 1 1/2 gallon sprayer. After using the XTS this week even though it costs more to purchase, it is actually cheaper because a smaller amount goes a long way and is more effective.
I think this is the worst problem I have ever had to try and get rid of. Roaches, fleas, ticks, and chiggers seem easy compared to these tiny biting flies. I am going to take your suggestion and buy the mist fogger to spray outside the house. I think it will be easier and much more effective as I can cover a larger area with less work.
Thanks to Jonathan very much for all of his help and responding to my emails in a timely manner on the identification of these flies. He provided much needed help and also thanks for all the good information you have made available via the website. I only wish I had found the website when this started back in August 2016. It would have saved me hundreds of dollars and some hope as I was about to give up.
Srey says
Is thie Bts Xts safe around kids? We have a chigger problem in our back yard but we also want our kids to be able to play outside. Thanks.
Tech Support says
All of our products are designed and created to make our environments safe both inside and outside the home. Remember, they were created to get rid of potentially dangerous pests. For this reason when they are used properly, they will not introduce any significant compound that could jeopardize your families well being. That being said, the concentrates should be handled like any other concentrate such as bleach or ammonia. Be sure to store the concentrates where kids and pets won’t have access. And when spraying, keep the kids and pets away until the treated areas have had sufficient time to dry.
Now once dry (usually in 1 hour or less), everyone can go back to their “normal” lifestyle as if nothing was done.
More information on this topic can be found here:
Child Safety Concerns:
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U-Spray Bugspray
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here:
Dolores Reed says
It has only been a couple of weeks but I already see a difference in the red ants, mosquitoes, chiggers and other pests that were destroying our outside time. Hopefully this trend will continue when the humidity returns to Florida.
Ilaha S Mehraliyeva says
Hi! Will it help us with cicadas?
Tech Support says
It will definitely kill off and repel cicadas as detailed in our article here:
Cicada Control:
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Sheree H. says
Great product! Works as described. Very effective!
Erica says
Wicked good stuff…worth every penny! Bagworms on my previous Arborvitae! One 15′ tree had been eaten down to a Halloween decoration and I was petrified, as I have about 60 of them…if they’ll eat one they’ll eat them all! I had to act fast and thank goodness for this stuff and the fast shipping! I sprinted down the driveway and nearly tackled the delivery driver with my sprayer in-hand, ready to go. The tree in question may survive and got a solid application. Took a while but the others all got a preventive treatment as well. As of the next day there was no movement on the tree, and I feel SO much better knowing the others are protected!
Yes it’s a little pricey…but replacing mature trees is WAY more expensive. You cant put a price on ! sanity ;)-
Thank You for the quick shipping!
Minchi Peng says
Works Great!!
Mia says
I have a springtail problem at my home. I have treated with bifen granules and Cyonara RTS. I’m planning to begin another treatment with either Bifen XTS or concentrated Cyonara 9.7% with end hose spray. Which product do you recommend with the end hose spray?
Tech Support says
Either will do. If you suspect they might be nesting under siding, the XTS would be the better option as it tends to “penetrate” cracks and crevices better compared to the Cyonara. But both are very effective and you can’t go wrong with either concentrate.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Mia says
Thank you for the response.
I forgot to mention. I live in Vancouver, Washington and it is about to be the rain season here. There are times we would get rain for multiple weeks. What is your suggestion treating the springtails during this time? I have been spraying the Cyonara RTS and has gone through the first quartz and they are still coming inside my house. I will get the Bifen XTS to penetrate them through the cracks and crevices.
Tech Support says
Sounds like you might have some kind of misconception about the outside treatments. Just to be clear, the Cyonara and/or XTS applied outside (along with the granules) is being applied to stop them from reproducing and “growing” alongside your home. And this should be done whether its raining or not as they will be active 8-10 months every year in your region. Do this for 1-2 years and eventually you’ll knock them out. But if you don’t continually treat, some will migrate onto the homes siding, from there into wall voids and eventually into living spaces like you see now. But this takes years, not days.
The point is your outside treatments will not have any immediate impact on the ones you see inside so don’t think you should see any change inside based on what you use outside. Eventually it will matter but not for 1-2 years. For now, the outside treating is only killing them there so you effectively stop them from getting onto the home.
As for the inside living areas; if you don’t want to see any there you’ll need to use either the Phantom or Cykick detailed in our article and if they’re coming up from the sinks, the Survivors too. This will provide immediate relief but if you have new ones appearing every 1-2 days, be prepared to spray every 1-2 days until you don’t see anymore.
Now if eventually the ones in the walls and outside siding will “run out” and you will no longer have new ones entering (assuming you keep spraying outside). That’s when you’ll finally be springtail free. But this will take at least 1 year if not more time. All this is carefully explained in our article if you haven’t yet read it.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Mel says
@Tech Support:
Can confirm that springtail problems can take a long time to eradicate. We started treating June 2016, and just recently in summer of 2018 we finally got it under control. We used Bifen granules, Bifen XTS and phantom for indoors every 3-4 months.
Mel says
Can’t say enough good things about Bifen XTS, and I always order from Uspray since finding them online 4 years ago. I recently had to gear up for the annual Asian Lady Beetle invasion. They arrive on the first warm day (60F or better) AFTER the first frost, and take advantage of any additional warm days thereafter. I treated outdoors with a high-concentration ratio and some Spreader Sticker after the first frost, thinking the next warm day was coming later that week, but it didn’t. Instead, it was 2 weeks and a ton of rain later but the Bifen XTS still did a fantastic job at killing on arrival. It also took care of those nasty Brown Stink Bugs. Bodies everywhere.
If you have an issue with Lady Beetles (or most any common pest for that matter) Bifen will work wonders. Don’t bother with the “pros.” A pest control service salesman come to my door this summer. I let him go into his spiel, then said we handle our own pest control. He then asked what we’re using, rattling off common store bought brands. I said we use a rotation of Bifen, Cy-kick, Phantom and Dforce. He said “oh, so you guys know what you’re doing then,” and quickly wrapped things up and left. That’s all he needed to hear knowing there was no point in trying to get us to sign a contract.
Veronica Vallejo says
This product is excellent. It killed the springtails that were coming into my toilets and bathtubs from outside. The product took a few uses to be completely effective, but overall I am very pleased with the results. Great product!
Walter Estever Gonzalez says
Does Bifen XTS works against Cockroaches?? I have a lot of Cockroaches at home and i’m planning to mix it with NyGuard. Is that a good idea or what would you recommend?? Thanks you.
Tech Support says
That would be a really bad idea. Bifen is not good for roaches. True, it can kill them but its repellent and this causes many issues since roaches and most any pest can identify where you sprayed and simply avoid the treatment. So yeah, you’ll kill some, but the ones that remain will survive, avoiding where you sprayed and just make more roaches. In turn, it will get harder and harder to control them.
The best spray for in the home is our Roach Kit featured in our roach control article here:
Roach Control:
The kits can be seen here:
Orthene Gentrol Kit:
Sheree Harrington says
Extra protection. Can be used in combination with Cyonara. For added protection.
Sheree H says
Good product. I use in combination with Cyonara RTS and it provides some protection from pests.