I live in New England. When is the best time to use Drione Dust for carpenter bees?
The short answer is anytime. The reason is that open carpenter bee holes are highly likely to be harboring developing stages of carpenter bees and the only way to stop these stages is to make sure the nest is dusted. As our CARPENTER BEE ARTICLE explains, Demise will last a year or more when applied to a nest. This means once you dust, you’ll have protection in place so if eggs were to hatch late in the year or the following spring, you’ll be protected.
Furthermore, carpenter bee holes will be recycled from year to year so if you want to insure new bees don’t move into these holes, dusting them is by far the best overall protection you can employ.
Be sure to use a good HAND DUSTER when making the application and after it sits for 1-2 days following the treatment, be sure to cap the hole with a 1/2″ CORK.
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