PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Oil based lure which is strong scented using food stuff which squirrels, flying squirrels and roof rats love.
WHERE TO USE IT: Mostly inside where you need to lure target animals close to traps. Nite Flyer is designed for use in attics where you have nuisance animals active where accessibility is limited. By applying some Nite Flyer to the area you are then able to make a “trail” of scent from the area to where you have made trap sets. This product can be used outside but will only last a short time if it is applied where rain or sunlight can break it down.
RATE OF APPLICATION: Generally 1-2 drops every 1-2 feet will be enough to attract the attention of any small animal foraging for food.
$12.00 1 oz Jar (825315) (3+ $10.00 ea)
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