PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Powdered material added to your spray tank to “purge” it from all insecticides, herbicides, etc. It safely removes pesticide residues from your spray equipment and effectively cleans and removes residues left by hard-to-remove products that are extremely active at low rates. The formulation has passed extensive corrosive testing to ensure that it is non-corrosive to humans and is safe to use on all internal and external areas of spraying systems.
WHERE TO USE IT: Pump sprayers and larger power spraying systems.
RATE OF APPLICATION: 1 teaspoon per gallon of water; 2 lbs per 100 gallons of water. Be sure to pump some through the sprayer so it purges all the hoses, fittings, valves, etc. Let sit for 15-30 minutes and spray it all out. Next, spray 1/2 gallon of clean water through the 1 gallon tank to ensure its completely purged.
$25.00 (773195)
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