i’ve got a bad infestation of saffron bugs. they’re eating my tomatoes. I can’t find much information on this pest so i’m hoping you can recommend something to spray on them that will save my veggies!!
Saffron bugs are actually LEAF FOOTED BUGS and the nymphs are commonly found in gardens. They like to puncture and suck on the juices of tomatoes and other garden vegetables.
Saffron bugs will feed toward the end of summer and into fall and eventually seek to overwinter on homes and structures. They typically live a few years and will return to the same yards where born.
To treat your garden, get some of our MULTIPURPOSE INSECT KILLER. This concentrate is organic so it doesn’t provide any lasting residual. But it will kill them immediately.
Mix 5 oz per gallon of water and expect a gallon to treat up to 400 sq/ft of garden plants including all vegetables.
Plan on “one day to harvest” meaning do not pick or consume the vegetables for at least one day following your treatment.
Also, to avoid burning your plants, treat in the evening as the sun is setting.
Use as needed; generally 2 treatments spaced 1 week apart will eliminate an active infestation.
Also, spray the ground around the infected plants since saffron bugs will burrow in the ground around infected plants.