I have 16 50 foot plus Oak Trees infested with White Flies. What will be the best product to use and system to kill them? Bithor or Prothor? It is really bad they are all over. Location is Pompano Beach Florida. Thanks.
Once tall trees like an oak get infested with white flies, it’s best to go with a “one – two” punch of products to knock them out for good.
The first “punch” is to spray as much of the tree as you can with nothing but BITHOR. Forget the BOOST since it’s the middle of the summer and the temps are so warm. In warm conditions there is a risk of damaging the plant, especially when its stressed due to pests. Even without Boost, you’ll get fine results with nothing but Bithor.
Bithor: https://bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/liquid/bithor_sc
Right after the Bithor is applied, ground drench any tree you want to protect using it as a systemic. This treatment will take a good 1-2 months to kick in and show results but once it gets distributed throughout the tree, you’ll see a huge improvement and won’t have to spray anymore. And starting next year, if you apply Bithor to any tree you want to protect every February, you won’t have the problem return that year.
More info here: https://bugspray.com/article/whiteflies
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