I have a big problem with jadera bugs invading my yard. I think they’re coming from a neighbors tree but we keep finding them in the grass. My kids will be playing and then they get bright red stains on them like blood but its these bugs. How do I stop them?

Jadera bugs are also known as golden rain tree bug, red shouldered bug, soapberry bug and commonly mistaken for box elder bugs. Found in California, Texas, Florida and a few other southern most states, jadera bugs will be active from spring to fall and can amass in great numbers when food is available.
Jadera bugs will target plants like ficus and goldentree seeds but can eat most any fruit or seed. If food is limited, they’ll target the leaves and stems of preferred host plants. Here they’ll amass in great numbers but as fruit or seed fall to the ground, they’ll migrate to the fallen harvest.
In the yard, they can feed on grass or turf so an active population can get established if not controlled. Spraying the turf with PROTHOR can keep them at bay. Prothor is commonly used as a turf systemic and when sprayed on trees and grass, it will kill all activity as well as protect the treated plant for 3-6 months. Its odorless, easy to apply and very safe for use in the yard where people and pets are active.
Add 2.5 oz of Prothor to our HOSE END SPRAYER and then fill the sprayer to the 5 gallon line with water. Hook it to your garden hose and spray the entire amount over 5,000 sq/ft of turf or tree canopy. You can also soil drench infected trees but in general, spraying the foliage will clear them out with one application.
Any hose end sprayer can be used as long as you get 2.5 oz per 5,000 sq/ft of grass. This one is very is effective and easy to use.
Jadera bugs can become a problem on the home if left untreated so be sure to spray the siding if you see them congregating around lights, under soffits, etc. At first there will be 2-3 but this can quickly become 50-100. Prothor applied to these areas will keep most any bug in check so they can’t start forming nests.
If they’re already on the home and getting into living spaces, spray all entry points with FS MP AEROSOL. This aerosol is both fast working AND highly repellent to Jadera bugs so they’ll avoid entry points where its applied.
Focus treatments around windows, doors, vents and just outside windows. Treat that area by opening the window, leaning out and treating the siding.
FS MP is the best way to keep them from entering; treatments will last for 3-4 weeks and its great for spot treating in between liquid applications. Be sure to treat outside light fixtures, decking, etc. where they might be nesting.
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