Can you you tell me how long can I keep the chemical in my sprayer? I mixed up a whole gallon but didn’t need it all. Will it still be good in a couple of weeks when I need to spray again?
We get this question a lot and unfortunately, the tank mixture WILL NOT LAST MORE THAN 1-2 DAYS BEFORE IT STARTS BREAKING DOWN.
The following short video summarizes why.

So whether you’re applying BITHOR or even MAXXTHOR, all these products are very refined and lack the needed stabilizers to preserve the active ingredient ONCE ITS MIXED WITH WATER.
So moving forward, we recommend you only mix 1/2 to 3/4’s of a gallon and use it all that same day. This insures you’ll have the right amount of active applied so your treatment will work best.
Now what if it’s the first time you’ll be spraying your home and you’re not sure how much you’ll need?
A good idea is to practice. Using nothing but water in the sprayer, walk around doing a complete treatment. This way you get to experience how to use the sprayer AND how much spray will be needed without waste.
But if you have some left over, the best way to use it is to go outside and spray your homes foundation. Using any mixed insecticide according to the label is always the best way to dispose of it.
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