We live in Big Bear CA and for the past 2 years we have been having problems with ground squirrels. There’s tunnels everywhere. They are digging our plants and eating the roots of our rose bushes etc. We need your advice as to what’s better – we should be expecting snow in the next month or so but we want to catch and kill them because they are digging everywhere now..
If you read through our GROUND SQUIRREL CONTROL article, you’ll learn we have several devices which can be deployed to help manage this problem. No doubt live trapping is usually the most effective and once trapped, you can relocate or destroy the animals as desired.
Live Trap: https://bugspray.com/traps/cage/live-trap-5-x-5-x-18
Live Trapping Explained: https://bugspray.com/article/groundsquirrel#ground-squirrel-control-live-traps
Now if you feel you can safely handle and deploy kill traps, they will no doubt prove a lot more efficient and faster for this problem. The key is making sure you make good trap sets as explained here:
Which ever way you decide to go, we can help by answering any questions you may have on using either type of trap. For now, I suggest you read through our article and watch some of our video’s so you can better understand what’s involved. And then if you have any questions, give us a call toll free at 1-800-877-7290 and I’m sure we’ll be able to help further.
Ground Squirrels: https://bugspray.com/article/groundsquirrel
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