PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The Bird Intimidator is a professional grade avian deterrent which uses motion and bright flashing reflective surfaces to bother the eyes and senses of birds.

This deterrent is lightweight and needs very little air current to create a dynamic visual effect that frightens birds. Dimensions of the are 14″L x 4″ Wide. Comes with a 17″ mounting arm and anodized bolt for outside use.
WHERE TO USE IT: On the side of the home, tree, fence, deck, porch, dock or in the yard.
RATE OF APPLICATION: Space placements every Place 30-40 ft so at least two per side of the home.
$40.00 (748896) (3+ $33.00 ea) (Free Standard Shipping)
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Gary Zirelli says
I have a water mat in the lake at my home. The water mat is approx. 30ft from my boat dock. The ducks swim up to the water mat, poop and leave, they do not come onto the dock. Do you think the bird spinning repeller will work if I mount it to the corner of the boat dock. Thanks for the feed back..Gary
Tech Support says
If you send a picture, we’d be able to recommend a good placement but my instinct is it will need to be right where the floating mat attaches to the dock. Also, if the mat is too large, it won’t be enough. You may need to place them just above the mat, maybe mount some 2×4’s coming off the dock to reach out and get it closer to where they’re going, so the impact of the repeller is strong enough.
Technical Support
Kathy says
I purchased one of these, actually four of these, because I had a problem with the woodpecker’s on the upper part of my wooden house. It’s fantastic! Corrected the problem immediately definitely would purchase again and recommend anyone that has a woodpecker a problem to try it!
Vickie says
This item works great in keeping woodpeckers away from pecking on our house. Needs to be where the sunshine hits it. Highly recommend. Customer Service is top notch!