PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Long lasting general use wettable powder that mixes with water and will control a wide range of insect pests including but not limited to ants, aphids, bees, boxelder bugs, carpenter ants, chiggers, cockroaches, fleas, flies, mites, mosquitoes, silverfish, spiders, ticks, wasps and more.
PREVENTIVE APPLICATIONS: To help prevent infestation of buildings, apply to a band of soil and vegetation 6-10 ft. wide around and adjacent to the building. Also, treat the building foundation to a height of 2-3 ft. where pests are active and may find entrance. Apply as a coarse spray treatment to thoroughly and uniformly wet the foundation and/or band area, using 1-5 gals. of treatment solution applied to 800-1600 sq. ft.
MIXTURES: 1-2 water soluble baggies per gallon of water; each jar can make 24-49 gallons. You get 49 water soluble baggies per jar. Drop the baggie in the water and within 1 minute it will completely dissolve and you’ll be ready to spray
$75.00 (459142) 1 lb
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Debby Selecman says
Thanks for the help and I will soon be ordering as we have billions of fire ants. We have over a hundred mounds in our fields. The horses and cats and dogs are not happy and I have been bitten at least 20 times. Once by 10 before I could get them off so I am glad for your site because all of the garden centers and hardware stores have said nothing would kill them. So again thank you.