PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Odorless material which is applied to the soil around plants, trees and shrubs which works as a systemic. This formulation is designed for use on any tree and shrub including many fruit bearing species.
WHERE TO USE IT: Inside or outside the home for shrubs and trees including several fruit and nut species. Now for large trees, use our more concentrated option PROTHOR which is 15 times more concentrated.
RATE OF APPLICATION: Mixtures vary depending on the size of the tree canopy. See the label for specific rates for your tree or call for help in calculating. Since the the “fruit and vegetable .235%” packaging is no longer available, using this at the rate of 1 teaspoon per gallon of water will yield a finished spray that will be the same as the vegetable garden strength suited for use on such plants. This form can be sprayed as a foliage or soil drench.
TARGET PESTS: Adelgids, Aphids, Japanese beetles, Lace bugs, Leaf beetles (including elm and viburnum leaf beetles), Leafhoppers (including glassy- winged sharpshooter), Mealybugs, Psyllids, Sawfly Larvae, Thrips (suppression) and Whiteflies to name just a few.
$30.00 32 oz (1.47%)(455261)(FREE STANDARD SHIPPING)
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