PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Drione is a low odor dust which is white and works as a dessicant on insects. Once on them, Drione cuts away at their exoskeleton and then robs them of vital moisture. This unique formulation will last over a year in treated voids. Drione is very safe to use and works mostly by dehydrating insects and not chemically like other pesticides.
TARGET PESTS: Ants, cockroaches, bedbugs, silverfish, fleas, lice, bees and wasps.
RATE OF APPLICATION: 1 lb covers 800 sq/ft; 100+ carpenter bee nests. When treating cracks and crevices along the home exterior, expect to use 1-2 lbs for the average 2000 sq/ft home.
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Frank Cabral says
I have paper wasps nesting under my (Spanish) tile roof shingles and have sprayed with pyrethrins. But they continue to return each year, in quite large numbers. Would the Drione dust be a better solution?
admin says
Definitely. But it should be combined with a spray thats a lot stronger than Pyrethrin. Known as Cypermethrin, you can read more about it in our Wasp Article. And when you apply Drione and Cypermethrin, you’ll be able to stop all wasps (and pretty much any other insect too) that might want to nest on your home.
Now in our article we talk about using the Drione first for all the cracks and crevices commonly found on houses. These locations are common around rain gutters, roof overhangs, siding, facia boards, soffits, etc. So if yo have any cracks and/or crevices, get them dusted with the Drione first. This way any wasps nesting in these areas will be controlled. You see, wasps will commonly use these spaces during the winter and then in the spring and summer when they come out, they’ll make nests just outside their winter hibernation hot spots. This would explain why they seem to come back more and more every year; the wasps using your home during the winter are merely making nests there in the spring and summer since they love the location so much.
Wasp Dust Treating:
Now after you dust, spraying the siding with Cypermethrin every 1-2 months starting in the spring will stop new nests from forming. It’s highly repellent to wasps and treatments will last so they can’t nest over any area you spray.
This is discussed in our Wasp article here:
Wasp Liquid Spray:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Robin says
Would using this dust around our porch prevent wasps from nesting in our azalea bushes that surround the porch?
admin says
Possibly. If you read our Wasp Control article, you’ll learn that when trying to control wasps around a home, it will usually involve a few different products and not just one “magic bullet”.
So for the structure, dusting with Drione is definitely the best way to treat any crack, crevice or void.
Next, spraying flat surfaces like the homes siding, under overhangs and overhangs as well as any other surface where they like to land with either Cypermethrin or NBS Repellent will be a big help. Cypermethrin is no doubt the stronger option as it will both kill and repel. And treatments will last a good 3-4 weeks so you don’t need to spray too often.
NBS is the “organic” option. Derived from essential plant oils, NBS does a good job of repelling insects but it won’t kill anything. It too can be used on plants like your azalea’s if you have a problem with wasps flying around these plants. NBS will last 2-4 weeks when sprayed; add it to your paint or stain for the home and you’ll get 6-12 months of repellent action.
In summary, I would suggest you use the Drione and one of the sprays. This will insure you have in place a good defense against unwanted wasp activity.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
NBS Repellent:
Wasp Control:
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Care
PS: Please show your support for our business by purchasing the items we recommend from the links provided. Remember, this is the only way we can stay around and be here to answer your questions and keep our web site up and running. Thanks for your business!
Grace Mynatt says
Goodbye to Wasps! With every spring’s warm weather I have had wasps entering my home through an unused fireplace. Even closing the flu completely did not stop them. The Drione Dust has done the job. As soon as they begin to visit, we use the extended wand to spray the dust into the spaces between the clapboards and around the chimney bricks. It solves the problem immediately!
Chris McNeil says
Purchased 1 lb. container of Drione Dust to apply in carpenter bee holes. It’s the end of winter and the perfect time to take care of this chore. The application went well and I can only hope that the product does what it claims to do, and I hope I used enough product as it seems a bit “moist” (not a true dust, but it is a desiccant after all). I shook the container and loaded the duster. Worked great.
Mel Davenport says
I’ve had a serious problem with Red Wasps and I cannot access the nest. I purchased a pound of Drione and a CRUSADER DUSTER applicator. From a ladder, I worked around the outside of the house (early in the morning), pumping shots of the dust into gaps and crevices around and under the edge of the roof shingles. That was four days ago. It has warmed into the ’80’s, and I’d say the wasps have been reduced 90%. I’ve also used the dust on some existing carpenter Bee tunnels and feel sure it will repel them. This seems to be a good product.
Sherry Treadway says
I have never written a review before, but this product warrants one. I live on the water and have had a horrific wasp and carpenter bee infestation at my home for years. Expensive pest control services never got rid of our problem. We were not able to even step outside onto our deck without being attacked. I was very skeptical about the claims made regarding Drione Dust, but I was so desperate, I was willing to try anything. I applied the dust in the evening and was completely blown away by the results. The next day, my son and I were able to enjoy our first beautiful afternoon on our deck for the first time in years! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Our home is as if the wasps and bees never even existed. We are now able to work outside in the yard ! and make beautiful memories outside without being attacked. You MUST buy this product if you are looking for a pest solution. You WILL NOT be sorry! It was quick and easy to apply with the Dustin Mizer.
Chris McNeil says
I just wanted to drop you a note of thanks. After watching your videos and purchasing a few necessities I successfully dusted and plugged 19 carpenter bee holes BEFORE Springtime. However, while trimming the yard yesterday there was a single fence post that I had not dealt with due to its proximity to the house itself, which was also next to a gutter downspout – mistake on my part. While trimming the yard, both an adult and baby carpenter bee flew by and entered 2 separate holes on the far side of this post.
I couldn’t find an appropriate rubber hose to extend my reach around the downspout and into the back of the post but I did find the next best thing – I used a flexible-tipped soda straw, which I split at the end and wrapped the end around the duster port. I taped it in place and this worked like a charm. I grabbed a handheld mirror and found 3 holes, which I proceeded to dust. I then went about cutting the grass expecting to come back and cork these holes. After corking the holes an hour later, it occurred to me that what I was hearing was a bee buzzing inside the post. This bee then came out yet another hole I had failed the find the first time (near the bottom of the post) but this bee quickly bit the dust (no pun intended) and took a nose dive to the ground. Using the mirror again, I found 3 additional holes that I had not dusted yet so I dusted these and corked ’em.
My original supply of 25 corks is now exhausted (I will be purchasing more) but I wanted to thank you for your wonderful video series for how to rid oneself of carpenter bees. It definitely helped me with my problem.
Thank You!!!!
Chris A. McNeil
Robin Vasichek says
This stuff works well. I use it for many non listed bugs and it stops them all.
Bridget Lippard says
Can I give this product 100 stars? Unbelievable product! My husband and I are painting a 105 year old farm house in rural TN. We had and infestation of wasps hundreds if not thousands spent hundreds of dollars on wasp spray and homemade recipes nothing worked. We both have been stung, my husband spent the afternoon in the ER due to a severe allergic reaction by being stung. Found a review online by someone who said this is the best product ever and he said I have no ownership in this company. So for under a 100.00 I ordered it and with in a few days we are WASP FREE!!! After several months trying to paint our home within a week we are almost finished. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Since we live out in the country we always have pest control issues and U-Spray will be my go to site.
Joyce Miltenberger says
Wish us Luck! After dealing with wasps to the extent that I refuse to stay over night at the cabin, I think we may have found the answer. We’ll give the cabin a good shot of this stuff this weekend. Hopefully this will be the answer. The folks at this site have been very helpful and encouraging. I will review again next month.
Joyce Miltenberger says
Finally! The wasps are gone! Have a great cabin on a river. The wasps were driving us crazy. Sometimes 15 at a time in the cabin. Tried everything. Found this Drione dust and had it powdered into every crevice of the log cabin on the outside. It’s been a week and we’ve found one dead wasp and she was probably wintering in the cabin. Now we will follow up with Cypermethrin spray on the outside logs tonight to discourage wasps and other bugs from entering. This stuff is great. If you’ve about given up, buy this. You won’t be disappointed. The Drione is also great for carpenter bees. RIP!
Christoppher Mills says
I have soffits made of Ponderosa pine with a light stain. Over a period of years, carpenter bees have cut dozens of holes in the soffits, creating a rather large infestation. I used a long extension ladder to reach the holes and blew Drione into them with a 6″ Crusader duster. The bees got very agitated (though none attacked me), buzzed inside their holes for about an hour, then died. I sealed the holes first with the recommended corks, then later replaced the corks with plugs I made from pine dowel. Time will tell if the hatching larvae will also succumb to the Drione, but I am very pleased so far.
Tom Grove says
I live in Colorado. We have wasps, migrating miller moths, lots of spiders and mosquitoes. The most problematic are the wasps. We have an elevated deck with a walk-out basement patio beneath. We use the upper deck extensively. The deck is dried-in underneath so the lower patio is usable when it rains. The only access to the between-deck space is the spacing gaps of the deck boards. The wasps build nests on the underside of the deck in the dried-in space. I am contemplating spraying the space through the deck cracks with Onslaught, letting it dry and then dusting with Drione (or your new dust product). I also intend to spray the outside and inside of our screened-in porch with the Onslaught where we also have wasps, along with the most problems with the miller moths and spiders. Your thoughts?
Thanks for the help. Tom
Tech Support says
Don’t use the Onslaught for the gaps, cracks and crevices. All these areas should be first dusted with Drione. After that, let it sit for one day and if by chance you see activity the following day, dust any such areas again. By the 3rd day, using the Onslaught as a surface spray would be fine. But the bottom line is that the Drione will be many times more effective in these areas because it will penetrate everywhere. This is something no liquid can do since its a liquid and more importantly, since it has no volatility.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Todd says
Got the Drione for wasps behind siding. I received my order very promptly right on time. I had a huge wasp nest that was behind siding so I could not see or spray it. I used the dust as directed and within four days I had no more wasps. I sprayed at the openings they came in and out of and it worked like a charm. I would recommend this company, their service, and their products highly!
Xiaozheng says
Powerful stuff! Ordered for my dad to deal with wasps nesting inside of vinyl siding of his townhome. It worked very well. The powder is not as fine as I imagined, but still powdery. It is definitely powerful. The tool is very nicely designed and easy to operate.
Michael Koditek says
Works as advertised. I had an in-ground wasp nest that was unresponsive to multiple cans of the spray foam. I went after it with the Drione dust and there was significantly reduced activity the next day. Now, at a week out, I haven’t seen any movement near the nest in many days. I ordered the 12″ puffer and it works OK, but not as easily as the duster shown in the videos on YouTube. The dust I got seems thicker (I expected it to be like baby powder) so you definitely have to shake the duster from time to time to get it blowing again.
Ginger says
We used 6 cans of foam wasp spray and almost a gallon on liquid Bayer inside/outside spray on bees where bees were nesting up under our siding. They were coming into the house by the dozens. The Bayer spray usually works wonderful but we couldn’t get it under the siding. I found information on this website about Drione and watched a video which was very helpful. I ordered the product and the day it came we applied it in the evening as directed. IT WORKED!
We had a few bees inside for a few days but now nothing. The activity of going in and out of the nest stopped the day after we treated the area. If you have a bee/wasp problem in your siding this is the product to use. I was a little skeptical about the duster since it appeared to have been used. However, it worked great and got the product to the areas hidden from view. The application was easy but
I recommend wearing a mask, gloves, glasses and long sleeves as directed. I’m glad I’ve got a pound of the Drione. I’m ready for them!
Ronald Simpson says
I read the directions for administering the drione dust to a yellow jacket nest in the ground. The nest was under a shrub and not easily accessible. I could not see the entrance to their tunnel, so I sprayed the whole area where I had seen them landing, none was sprayed directly into the tunnel. I did not use much so I assumed that I would need to reapply. The next day I saw no yellow jackets flying around. And now, a week later, still no yellow jackets so I have filled in the tunnel with dirt. I am ready for the next encounter!
Sy C. says
It’s a little early, but I think that the product is working.
Karen R. says
Recently had an infestation of carpenter bees. None of exterminators in WI knew how to treat them aside treating them like any other wasp’s nest. After research and purchase of kit plus extra product that will take me through next year I feel much more informed and empowered to take care of problem myself. Even used dust to kill a couple of yellow jacket nests that were forming in corners of my aluminum siding. Product killed them immediately and adults returning would not enter nest area.
The only issue I had was plugging holes with corks. I found that waiting 48 hours after treating then using ‘plastic wood’ and plugging the hole with a finger was much quicker. After the plastic wood hardened the area could be stained quickly.
I mixed up a small spray bottle of cypermethrin and sprayed the area of the deck that was affected. More than one adult returned, got flummoxed and flew away.
I would say the product performed as advertised. It is a process. Just know that.
Charles Cockrum says
Worked as advertised! Dust eliminated a yellow jacket nest at night exactly as shown in video. Much cheaper than hiring an exterminator.
Terri R. says
Initially I paid a pest control company to come out to my house to resolve my fly problem. The guy walked around, shook his head said he couldn’t see any obvious entry points or source of the flies, sprayed his special insecticide and left. So after that, I simply had dead flies in the house instead of live flies. Did the company really think that was an appropriate solution? I could have gotten the same result with a $5 bottle of Raid. I spoke with two more pest guys and same result – nothing helpful at all. Then, I contacted I received an immediate and informative response about cluster flies, where they were living, how they were getting in and what to do to get rid of them. I bought Drione and treated the attic by the chimney where I suspected they were coming in. The flies in the attic went nuts, swarmed into our living room and promptly died. Three weeks later, and I am only finding 2-4 dead flies at the end of the week. Drione really did the trick. Thanks!
Steven says
Drione Dust Pesticide is “Death-on-a-Cracker” for Scorpions also!!! Had a significant infestation of these stinging pests around a house and especially in the attached garage that I purchased in the North GA mountains a few years ago. I was advised to use the Drione Dust along the base of the walls in the garage and in crevices around the house. I also used “Demon” mixed in a spray applicator to hose around the base of my house to create a chemical barrier. This combination GREATLY reduced their population in just a few weeks.
Maria DeJesus says
I never head of sand wasps! Nevertheless, it was great to find a company ( that not only had similar situations to mine (I live in Colorado and we had a very dry winter), but they also responded to my questions online. So far, I have been able to reduce by probably 80% the sand wasps population in my backyard-beach. Weather has not been very cooperative with rain in the afternoons, night and morning. But I am very happy with the product and hoping next season I wont have such a large sand wasps population.
Rene Quinones says
My second order for a relatives home. My first order had to deal with Carpenter ants. It took a week but it did knock down the ants, no re-infestation. This time it is for small black ants on new construction. I can blow the dust into cracks and stop the ants in their tracks.
Diana says
First time user of dust insecticide (drione). Watched the you tube video and purchased the duster and dust. It worked extremely well and completely killed the yellow jacket nest. Easy to use. Very happy with it and will use it s an insect repellent now too.
“B” Killer says
Eliminated infestation of Yellow Jackets with 1 to 2 applications. I used it on two hives with excellent results. However, the material may have absorbed moisture, it’s not a free pouring powder but was partially “caked” when I first opened the package. But the dust applicator did work well enough to dust both hives I applied it to, well enough to blow it into the hives. Fast acting too, but definitely apply at night to avoid stings.
Brenda Wadkins says
This stuff worked like a charm after trying everything! This is the best!!
Birgit says
Love this stuff!!!!! The dust works like a charm on wasps and everything else I have tried it on. Would never be without it. Worth every cent!!!!!!!!!!
Georgi K. says
It works!
David Clark says
Drione worked great. Dusted the carpenter bee holes and it drove them out and killed them fairly quickly.
Jacob says
Decimates ground wasp infestations!
Exactly as advertised, this product used with the crusader duster, took out 100+ solitary ground wasp (sand wasp) nests in the common area of our cluster which had made the mailbox inaccessible during the day.
The first night it took about 2 hours as I was getting the hang of the duster and there were so many holes. You could hear angry wasps down their holes, the few that made it out were blind (as advertised), wandered around aimlessly, and didn’t get far. I was worried about having to get so close but seeing the knockdown I was comfortable in a few minutes.
A few nights later, I dusted the surviving nests, which took about 30 minutes. Still keeping an eye on it but there are no wasps during the day anymore and it is safe to get the mail!
Follow the instructions and YouTube video and this product is deadly against ground wasps. No need to drench the ground with chemicals. Highly recommended!