PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Dry powder, much like baby or talc powder, which uses deltamethrin for an active ingredient. Ideal for use in attics, wall voids and crawl spaces, Delta Dust is good for use in the lawn and garden too. Undisturbed treatments can last 8-12 months and will work on a wide range of pests. Its easy to use, non-staining, odorless, and will not clump or absorb moisture. It is safe to use around ornamental plants and grass as well as baseboards and spot treating carpeting and furniture too.
- Odorless formulation
- Long lasting residual (up to 12 months)
- Ideal for wall voids, attics and crawl spaces
- 1 lb jar can treat 500-2000 sq/ft
- Fast working; kills target pests in 1-2 hours
- Active: Synthetic pyrethroid, Deltamethrin
Ideal for a wide range of pests applied to cracks, crevices, attics, crawl spaces. Use 1 lb per 1,000 sq/ft for attics and crawl spaces; 500-1000 sq/ft per 1 lb when used outside.
The following short video (less than 60 seconds) shows how to use this under light switch covers, electric outlet covers and air vent covers.
The following short video (less than 60 seconds) shows how to use this under a home’s siding which is generally needed for vinyl, aluminum, stucco or wood shakes.
Works on a wide range of pests including ants, bedbugs, bees, cadelles, carpenter ants, carpet beetles, centipedes, cockroaches, confused flour beetles, cheese mites, cigarette beetles, dark meal worms, drugstore beetles, fleas, grain mites (other mites too), granary weevils, lesser grain borers, merchant grain beetles, millipedes, red flour beetles, rice weevils, rusty grain beetles, spider beetles, ants, box elder bugs, cockroaches, crickets, firebrats, scorpions, silverfish, slugs, sowbugs, spiders, termites, ticks, wasps and more!
$25.00 1 lb (452825)(3 + $23.00 ea)
Order online and save 5%
$60.00 3 lb (452826)
Order online and save 5%
Supporting Video
Stephen Carson says
I need to apply dust to my patio. Specifically the limestone tops of counters and sitting walls (about 400 square ft). Does powder spray like a mist that will provide coverage or can I somehow ‘spread it’?
Thank you!
admin says
This dust will come out like baby powder when used in a good applicator. In this case, I would recommend the Centrobulb 14 oz to get the desired results. You can see it listed here:
Centro 14 oz:
This duster will help “puff” the dust so it comes out thin and fine making it well suited for surface applications.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Fillmore Corpus says
I just purchased Niban FG, Coquer EC for the cave cricket problem I have. I also purchased Drione Dust two years ago for a carpenter bee problem (which I am glad I bought the drione dust, problem solved). My basic question(s) are: Can I also use the drione dust for the cave crickets? Is the Drione Dust as effective as the Deltamethrin Dust? Do you recommend purchasing the Deltamethrin Dust?
admin says
Drione is typically more effective compared to Delta Dust. But there are exceptions and in general, it will depend on where you want to treat when making a decision.
So for damp crawl spaces, the Delta Dust would be the way to go. It holds up well to moisture and will keep its insecticidal properties longer compared to Drione for such environments.
But to keep crickets out of living areas by treating wall voids, cracks and crevices, the Drione would be the better option. Its highly repellent to insects and they’ll avoid where its been applied. But since Drione doesn’t do well in moist areas, its generally not the best option for a crawl space. Especially if the crawl is damp or prone to taking in water.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Allan says
Will the Insects killed with dust be harmful to pets that may eat them?
Jonathan says
No. This is true for a few reasons.
First, the dust as is, in the container, has only enough active to affect insects. So in order for it to impact people or pets, we’d have to ingest quite a bit. Since it tastes bad, this is hard to accomplish. Basically our saliva would render any amount on an insect useless once it got wet. That’s not to say you should be eating dusted insects but rather to explain the impact would be a non event except for the bad taste.
Second, the impact it has on insects will in turn cause them to move about a lot. This will cause most of the dust to fall away so the amount left when they die is usually very small and hard to measure. In fact most will die with no indication it was a dust that did them in.
Lastly, any amount left would be insignificant meaning it won’t be enough to affect mammals like pets or people. The reality is that the insect itself is probably more of a potential problem since they typically carry a wide range of bacteria, germs and other toxins.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Cathy says
For the last several years, I’ve had a problem with wasp diggers. They are digging holes everywhere and my lawn looks terrible. Will this kill St Augustine grass?
Thank you
Tech Support says
In general, digger wasp holes will not kill grass. If anything, they can help your grass and plants because their holes will allow water and other nutrients to “percolate” down into the ground. This will help most plants by getting water and food to their roots.
That being said, most people do not feel comfortable with too many in the yard because if you conflict with them, they can sting. And some of the species can be quite aggressive. So if you have “too many” holes and would like to reduce them, get some of the products in our Digger Wasp article and start treating. The dust is the generally the “fastest” way to go and true, treating one nest at a time might seem tedious. But its highly effective and fast acting so you can get control of any problem with little effort.
Digger Wasps:
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Krista Rogers says
Only had to spray once about 6 times into the hole and have not seen them since. Thanks for the product and the easy instructions!!
Peggy Smith says
I am renting a cottage which has a crawl space (all dirt) that I can not get to at all.
I have a recurring problem with crickets and other insects coming up and into my living space.
The good news is that I can get to the spaces to possibly spray and or put some powder down in through the thin space with the proper tools/equipment.
There is a small boiler room where I do notice the insects like to crawl up and into that heated area.
What can I use to get into the crawl space via thin openings between the floor and the crawl space? I will be buying silicone sealer and wire to block of the spaces once treated.
Thank you.
Tech Support says
The dust above would be ideally suited for this space. Once applied properly, insects will not able able to use the space for 1-2 years. That being said, you’ll need at least one good access point to get the dust applied. And you’ll need to use our Dustin Mizer to make the application or our Rental Duster. The effective “range” of the Dustin Mizer is less than the electric duster but if the space is 20 feet or less wide, it might work assuming you have a mid way entry point to get it applied.
Dustin Mizer:
Duster Rental:
As for using “silicone sealer” after you treat? We advise against this. Keeping access to the space would be very smart so that in the future, you can use the point of entry to see what’s going on in the space. Also remember that insects don’t initially come from such spaces. Firs they migrate into them by gaining access from outside which means you’ll need to treat the perimeter of the home as well if you want to establish long term control over any perimeter invading pests.
More on how to do this can be read about on our site in most any article but our Camelback Cricket article details this well.
Camelback Crickets:
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U-Spray Bugspray
PS: Are you signed up for our informative twice a month Pest Report Newsletter? More info here:
C.L. says
Great stuff! This product got rid of an infestation of cave crickets at a bargain price. Much cheaper than an exterminator!
susan nguyen says
Hi, I have a springtail infestation. Just wondering if this dust works for those little guys also.
Tech Support says
It does. But if you review our article, you’ll learn that you should start with the aerosol inside first and the liquid treatments outside around the home too. Give that a good 2-3 months of ongoing treatments to see if you’ll need to dust up under siding, in wall voids, etc.
The section about how to dust is here:
Dusting for Springtails under house siding:
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Tenman says
I have bees in a large pot with ivy. These bees look like honey bees with black and yellow stripes on their lower abdomen. When I water the area, I tend to get 5 to 10 flying out, but they are not aggressive as I am usually not more than 3 or 4 feet away and at most I may have had one briefly fly around me then go back toward the nest and not make an effort to sting. I have blurry photos if that would help. I am concerned as I have read that they tend to spread out a lot over time. Any idea what they are, and would putting a large amount of the deltamethrin around the area that they seem to come from get rid of them? Thanks.
Tech Support says
Deltamethrin dust would not be a good choice no matter what type of bee you have active. Using the dust would must make them mad and most likely not solve the problem either. In most cases, the nest would continue on and may even relocate. And things could get dicey for your plant too since the dust could affect the plant in a negative way.
Moving forward, our best suggestion is to get a 1 oz bottle of Cypermethrin, add it to 1/2 gallon of water and water it into the plant one evening after dark. If you get disperse the water uniformly, the chemical should reach all areas they’re using and overnight, kill the nest. The residual will be strong for 4-6 weeks too so any hatching larvae should die off too.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
Jeanine Chambers says
After reading the article on this site about springtail control l, I purchased this and have puffed into siding where I’ve seen springtail babies coming out and in my bathroom in the cracks also around perimeter of my back yard to the house. I believe it is effective. And it lasts long.
Jeff Kelly says
I’m looking for a really good insecticide for my crawl space. Something that will kill spiders, cockroaches, ants, giant crickets, earwigs, etc. I would prefer a dust so it will get in all the cracks and crevices.
Tech Support says
Well the Deltamethrin Dust above is ideal for that need. Apply it with our Dustin Mizer.
Dustin Mizer:
Jane Doe says
I used this product in combination with exterior granules and liquids, as well as an interior liquid to combat a springtail issue. Saw diminished populations concentrated in bathroom wet wall after dusting through any opening I could without breaking the walls (behind escutcheons and electrical wall plates). The best results came after dusting under the exterior siding. I only dusted along the bottom perimeter of my vinyl siding and wherever there was a seam/overlap in the siding. I also did my best to get into the corner trim and other nooks and crannies where I could stick the duster end into. After doing this, I saw greatly diminished quantity of springtails inside my house (but this is also combined with using outdoor granules and liquids and interior liquid sprays – the dust alone won’t solve the problem). I used almost a full container of dust for my 1200sf house and 500 sf detached garage.
Claire says
We have a weevil problem and think they may be coming out of the attic which is more of a crawl space. They may also be in the ductwork? House is a ranch style; what size product do you suggest.
Thank You.
Tech Support says
So the amount of product you need is based on square footage of the space. Plan on applying 1 lb for every 800 sq/ft of surface area and plan on using our Dustin Mizer to make the application.
Dustin Mizer: