PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Drione is a low odor dust which is white and works as a desiccant on insects. Once on them, Drione cuts away at their exoskeleton and then robs them of vital moisture. This unique formulation will last over a year in treated voids. Drione is very safe to use and works mostly by dehydrating insects and not chemically like other pesticides.
KILLS: Ants, Bedbugs, Beetles, Bees, Booklice, Boxelder Bugs, Cadelles, Centipedes, Cheese Mites, Chocolate Moths, Cigarette Beetles, Clover Mites, Cluster Flies, Cockroaches, Confused Flour Beetles, Crickets, Dark Mealworms, Dermestids, Drugstore Beetles, Earwigs, Elm Leaf Beetles, Firebrats, Flat Grain Beetles, Fleas, Grain Mites, Grain Weevils, Granary Weevil, Ground Beetles, Indian Meal Moths, Lice, Mealworms, Millipedes, Pillbugs, Red Flour Beetles, Rice Weevils, Sawtoothed Grain Beetles, Scorpions, Silverfish, Sowbugs, Spiders, Termites, Ticks, Trogodermas and Yellow Mealworms.
RATE OF APPLICATION: Short “releases” are all that’s needed directed into cracks and crevices where target pests are living or hiding.
$25.00 (8 oz can) (451276) (3+ Cans $20.00 ea.)
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If you have a lot of holes to treat or need to be filling wall voids and other points of entry with a dust, check our XEMPT DUST. Its better suited for long term control when treating out of way places and hidden voids.
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Laura says
Can this be used around outlets and vents without having to remove the covers?
Tech Support says
Not suggested. It comes out aggressively and will make a mess once the space gets filled. If you cannot remove the covers but are seeing a small gap, the Multipurpose would be your next best option. If you order, you can request a straw injector and so we’d be sure to send one so you could make it work the FS MP.
Multipurpose is water based, won’t stain and is odorless making it a good option for walls and ceilings. In this case, if you had any drip down it would be easy to remove.
Multipurpose Aerosol: