PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: These are aerosol products which are used by turning them “on” and then leaving the room being treated while the aerosol can totally release. The “release” will usually take 1-2 minutes and then the treated room should be left unoccupied for at least 4 hours following the treatment.
Either can will treat up to 6,000 cubic feet. That’s an area 30 long by 25 feet wide by 8 feet high.
COMPARISON: The Pro Control Fogger uses a .535% Pyrethrin as its main active ingredient and is labeled for use in commercial establishments like restaurants. It provides no residual.
The Indoor Fogger uses a .4% Permethrin and a .05% Pyrethrin combination so in fact it will provide a good 2 weeks of residual.
From a cost point of view, the Indoor Fogger is the better value because it costs less, will cover just as much of an area, work on the same insect pests and provide a lasting residual.
For food preparation treatments like commercial restaurants and food processing plants, the Pro Control with pyrethrin is the best option since its labeled for use in these sensitive areas.
TARGET PESTS: Ants, Cockroaches, Confused Flour Beetles, Crickets, Earwigs, Fleas, Houseflies, Gnats, Hornets, Mosquitos, Pill Bugs, Roaches, Silverfish, Spiders, Wasps, Yellowjackets, Rice Weevils, Saw-toothed Grain Beetles, Small Flying Moths and Ticks.
WHERE TO USE IT: For Use in Rooms, Apartments, Homes, Attics, Basements, Campers, Boats, Household Storage Areas, Garages, Pet Sleeping Areas, Cabins. One can Treats up to 6,000 Cubic Feet.
$8.00 (6 oz can) (451265) (6+ Cans $6.00 ea)
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$10.00 (6 oz can) (451264) (6+ Cans $8.00 ea)
Order online and save 5%
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