PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Low odor aerosol that contains both an adulticide and IGR. This ensures it will work fast to provide relief from current pest activity but will also prevent future infestations with the included IGR. Applications can be made most anywhere in the home too.
TARGET PESTS: German Cockroaches, Drain Flies, Fruit Flies, Stored Product Pests, Ants (Excluding Fire Ants, Pharaoh Ants, and Harvester Ants), Carpenter Ants, and Spiders (Excluding
Black Widow and Brown Recluse Spiders).
WHERE TO USE IT: In the home over carpeting, floors, furniture, down sinks, in cabinets and other spaces where insect pests are active.
RATE OF APPLICATION: Can be used as a spot spray or crack and crevice using the included straw injecting tube.
$30.00 (18 oz) (451194) (3+ $25.00 ea)
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Freda Sims says
Great product. I have only seen one bug. I need to improve my spraying skills.