I was thinking about covering the rails of my deck with a composite. Will this deter carpenter bees?
I’m not aware of any kind of exterior siding or decking designed to deter carpenter bees. No doubt they are attracted to a wide range of wood so in general, most any home can become a target for their nests. And I’ve noted they don’t seem to like nesting in plastic wood. So I can say with certainty that any decking or railing made with recycled plastic will be ignored by carpenter bees but I can’t say the same about composite decking.
Basically composite is made of both wood and plastic. And since I’ve seen carpenter bees nest in composite, it doesn’t seem that all such decking will stop them. My guess is it depends on the wood used in the mix, the % of wood involved, the bonding agent, etc. But composites vary so much from company to company, there isn’t any standard to measure for consistency so its not possible to know for sure.
In summary, I wouldn’t install composite with the main goal being to repel carpenter bees. Especially since its so easy to stop them by spraying with Cypermethrin 1-2 in the spring. Cost wise the Cypermethrin is a lot less compared to a new composite deck and even if you did install composite, I would say to spray it with Cypermethrin anyway to prevent insect issues from developing. This would be extra important if you were to cover wood like you mentioned in your question. Basically covering wood with anything is a bad idea because underneath the outer shell the wood will decay and smell good to so many insects. And because there will be a natural void created, it will become the perfect nest location for many more pests besides just carpenter bees.
Cypermethrin: https://bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/liquid/viper-cypermethrin
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U-Spray Bugspray
JoAnn says
Thank you for helpful information on Carpenter Bees. We have them! We are now in the process of getting estimates to repair/replace our wrap around Victorian style porch. It’s 40 plus years old. Cost is a factor. PT lumber with annual Cypermethrin spraying maybe the way to go.
Tech Support says
Actually, using PT wood is quite costly and if you’re able to get 30+ years when using regular lumber, I suggest you use it again. I say this because I have been able to keep my decks insect free by treating with Cypermethrin 2-3 times a season which is a lot less costly compared to using PT lumber. Usually one treatment in the spring, one mid summer and one in the fall will keep it bug free.
Cypermethrin: https://bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/liquid/viper-cypermethrin
And when I paint the deck, I add some NBS Paint Additive which lasts about a year so for the year following the paint job, I don’t even have to spray once. Again, way less costly compared to using PT lumber.
NBS Repellent: https://bugspray.com/exempt/additive/nbs-paint-additive-16-oz
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