PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The Bait Cartridge has the active ingredient. In general, they need to be added to your bait station once active termites have been detected but you can install them anytime. That said, they have a limited life and its recommended to change them every 6 months so in general, they’re best to employ after activity is found.
This bait features a unique design implementing burlap bags. The bags are very alluring the termites and this insures ongoing ingesting. The active ingredient is then brought back to the colony where its shared. Once in their digestive systems, termites will not be able to molt leading to their demise.
Keep in mind termites do not molt at the same time so its important to keep “feeding” them after activity is discovered. This is also why its normal to see termites visit for many months because this is by design. The slow progression insures they don’t become skittish and abandon the station because they “sense” its killing them.
Once active termites are found, keep inspecting them once a month to see how its wearing down and weathering between the moisture and termites. Replace in 60-90 days if active termites consume the contents (which can happen in just a few weeks too) otherwise it will remain active for up to 6 months.
WHERE TO USE IT: In our Termite Bait Stations.
RATE OF APPLICATION: 1 each station. They will last up to 6 months or less if termites eat it all.
$20.00 (157795)(3+ at $18.00 ea)
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